Колодко, Добрыня Вячеславич

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Институт нанотехнологий в электронике, спинтронике и фотонике
Институт ИНТЭЛ занимается научной деятельностью и подготовкой специалистов в области исследования физических принципов, проектирования и разработки технологий создания компонентной базы электроники гражданского и специального назначения, а также построения современных приборов на её основе. ​Наша основная цель – это создание и развитие научно-образовательного центра мирового уровня в области наноструктурных материалов и устройств электроники, спинтроники, фотоники, а также создание эффективной инновационной среды в области СВЧ-электронной и радиационно-стойкой компонентной базы, источников ТГц излучения, ионно-кластерных технологий материалов.​
Добрыня Вячеславич

Результаты поиска

Теперь показываю 1 - 10 из 39
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    Laser-Induced Desorption Spectroscopy with an Inductively Coupled Plasma Source—Examination of Technique Applicability for Detection of Retained Hydrogen
    (2024) Rykunov, G. I.; Kolodko, D. V.; Alieva, A. I.; Tumarkin, A. V.; Kaziev, A. V.; Gasparyan, Y. M.; Колодко, Добрыня Вячеславич; Тумаркин, Александр Владимирович; Казиев, Андрей Викторович; Гаспарян, Юрий Микаэлович
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    On the reconstruction of LEIS spectra after distortion by an electrostatic energy analyzer
    (2024) Efimov, N.; Sinelnikov, D.; Kolodko, D.; Grishaev, M.; Nikitin, I.; Ефимов, Никита Евгеньевич; Синельников, Дмитрий Николаевич; Колодко, Добрыня Вячеславич; Гришаев, Максим Валерьевич; Никитин, Иван Андреевич
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    Preparation of Alumina Thin Films by Reactive Modulated Pulsed Power Magnetron Sputtering with Millisecond Pulses
    (2024) Tumarkin, A. V.; Kolodko, D. V.; Kharkov, M. M.; Stepanova, T. V.; Kaziev, A. V.; Samotaev, N. N.; Oblov, K. Yu.; Тумаркин, Александр Владимирович; Колодко, Добрыня Вячеславич; Харьков, Максим Михайлович; Степанова, Татьяна Владимировна; Казиев, Андрей Викторович; Самотаев, Николай Николаевич; Облов, Константин Юрьевич
    Thispaper aims to investigate the quality of thin alumina films deposited on glass samples using magnetron sputtering in the reactive modulated pulsed power mode (MPPMS) and evaluate the process productivity. The aluminum target was sputtered in Ar/O2 gas mixtures with different fractions of oxygen in the total gas flow, in the fixed pulsed voltage mode. The pulse-on duration was varied between 5 and 10 ms, while the pulse-off time was 100 or 200 ms. The dependences of mass deposition rate and discharge current on the oxygen flow were measured, and the specific deposition rate values were calculated. Prepared coatings had a thicknesses of 100ў??400 nm. Their quality was assessed by scratch testing and by measuring density, refractory index, and extinction coefficient for different power management strategies. The strong influence of pulse parameters on the coating properties was observed, resulting in a maximum density of 3.6 g/cm3 and a refractive index of 1.68 for deposition modes with higher duty cycle values. Therefore, adjusting the pulse-on and pulse-off periods in MPPMS can be used not only to optimize the deposition rate but also as a tool to tune the optical characteristics of the films. The performance of the studied deposition method was evaluated by comparing the specific growth rates of alumina coatings with the relevant data for other magnetron discharge modes. In MPPMS, a specific deposition rate of 200 nm/min/kW was obtained for highly transparent Al2O3, without using any dedicated feedback loop system for oxygen pressure stabilization, which makes MPPMS superior to short-pulse high-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) modes.
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    Diagnostics of ion fluxes in low-temperature laboratory and industrial plasmas
    (2019) Kolodko, D, V.; Ageychenkov, D. G.; Kaziev, A, V.; Leonova, K. A.; Kharkov, M. M.; Tumarkin, A. V.; Колодко, Добрыня Вячеславич; Агейченков, Дмитрий Григорьевич; Казиев, Андрей Викторович; Харьков, Максим Михайлович; Тумаркин, Александр Владимирович
    We studied the ion fluxes on metal surfaces in the inductively coupled plasma reactor as a test facility. The gas mixture of argon and nitrogen was used, with 0.44 Pa total pressure. The radiofrequency power was varied in a wide range (250-2000 W). The ion fluxes were sampled in situ using a specially designed electrostatic extractor and then analyzed with a custom-built magnetic sector mass-separator. The gas composition was independently monitored by the quadrupole analyzer. All measurements were accompanied by optical emission spectroscopy (OES). The correlations of measured optical and corpuscular data are discussed. The conversion function linking optical and corpuscular intensities for Ar/N-2 radiofrequency discharge was determined.
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    On the possibility of indirect measurement of the thin carbon films thickness using energy-dispersive analysis
    (2021) Sorokin, I. A.; Kolodko, D. V.; Сорокин, Иван Александрович; Колодко, Добрыня Вячеславич
    © 2021 Elsevier B.V.The article describes theoretical feasibility of a technique for indirect measurement of the thin carbon films thickness using energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. The method is based on measuring the ratio of the characteristic radiation from the substrate material below the analyzed carbon film and from the material of the additional covering layer. The technique was compared with a well-known method based on measuring the characteristic substrate material radiation. The possibilities and limits of applicability of the energy dispersive spectroscopy for the thickness determination of thin carbon films were qualitatively determined by Monte Carlo numerical simulation method of characteristic x-ray spectra.
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    Modeling of cracking behavior of CrAlN coatings on silicon during micro- and nanoindentation
    (2024) Kharkov, M. M.; Tumarkin, A. V.; Prosolov, A. A.; Kabanov, G. A.; Kolodko, D. V.; Tarasov, B. A.; Irmagambetova, S. M.; Kaziev, A. V.; Харьков, Максим Михайлович; Тумаркин, Александр Владимирович; Кабанов, Глеб Алексеевич; Колодко, Добрыня Вячеславич; Тарасов, Борис Александрович; Ирмагамбетова, Сауле Муханбетовна; Казиев, Андрей Викторович
  • Публикация
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    Current-voltage characteristics of an impulse magnetron discharge in target material vapor
    (2020) Kaziev, A. V.; Leonova, K. A.; Kharkov, M. M.; Tumarkin, A. V.; Kolodko, D. V.; Khomyakov, A. Y.; Ageychenkov, D. G.; Казиев, Андрей Викторович; Харьков, Максим Михайлович; Тумаркин, Александр Владимирович; Колодко, Добрыня Вячеславич; Агейченков, Дмитрий Григорьевич
    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The magnetron discharge with hot (uncooled) target in an impulse mode has been experimentally investigated. The I-V characteristics have been measured depending on the magnetic field strength for three target materials: copper, chromium, and silicon. For melted copper and hot chromium targets, stable gasless (no argon) operation of the magnetron has been demonstrated with maximum impulse power densities about 2.5 kW/cm2 (averaged over the racetrack area). For silicon target, maximum impulse power density was 1.5 kW/cm2 at low argon pressure (0.1 Pa). The magnetic field dependences of discharge parameters have shown the associated changes in differential plasma impedance.
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    Deposition of Metal-Doped Diamond-Like Films Using a Hollow Cathode Discharge
    (2020) Sorokin, I. A.; Kolodko, D. V.; Krasnobaev, K. I.; Сорокин, Иван Александрович; Колодко, Добрыня Вячеславич
    © 2020, Pleiades Publishing, Inc.Abstract—A simple technique is presented for producing diamond-like films with copper impurity by sputtering the surface of a copper cathode with argon ions in a glow discharge with a hollow cathode with simultaneous chemical deposition diamond-like films on its surface. It was shown that a small (up to 1: 1000) admixture of propane at the pressure of the plasma forming gas of 40 Pa does not affect the plasma parameters, however, it allows you to vary the relative copper content in the diamond-like film.
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    Effects of Ar ion irradiation in an ICP discharge on the titanium surface topology
    (2020) Chernyh, N. A.; Kharkov, M. M.; Kaziev, A. V.; Danilyuk, D. V.; Kukushkina, M. S.; Tumarkin, A. V.; Kolodko, D. V.; Харьков, Максим Михайлович; Казиев, Андрей Викторович; Кукушкина, Маргарита Сергеевна; Тумаркин, Александр Владимирович; Колодко, Добрыня Вячеславич
    © 2020 Elsevier B.V.VT1-0 (Russian equivalent of Grade 2) titanium surfaces were modified under argon ion bombardment from the low-pressure inductively coupled plasma (ICP). The ion processing allowed us to prepare various types of structures on titanium with controlled characteristic dimensions at nano- and miscroscale (from tens of nm to 3 µm). The hillock, porous, conical, wall/cell structures as well as their combinations have been obtained. The topology type and the characteristic dimensions of surface features depend on the current density js, Ar ion energy Ei, irradiation fluence Φ (or processing time t), and the sample temperature T during the treatment. The microstructures appear on the surface provided the titanium sample is irradiated at temperatures below 900 °C. The sample temperature was determined by both the average current density (jsav from 0.2 to 20 mA/cm2) and the ion energy (Ei from 150 to 1500 eV). A certain fluence is required for uniform surface coverage with microstructures. We suppose that the titanium surface texturing is a result of a complex interplay of the following mechanisms: sputtering, re-sputtering (shadowing), crystal lattice transformation, accumulation and annihilation of defects, and hypothetically, argon retention.
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    Growth of Thin Graphite Films on a Dielectric Substrate using Heteroepitaxial Synthesis
    (2020) Sorokin, I. A.; Kolodko, D. V.; Luzanov, V. A.; Shustin, E. G.; Сорокин, Иван Александрович; Колодко, Добрыня Вячеславич
    A technique for growing thin graphite films on a dielectric substrate by annealing the Al2O3(0001)/Ni(111)/ta-C structure has been optimized. This technique is based on catalytic decomposition of hydrocarbons on the surface of a single-crystal catalyst metal film on a dielectric substrate and subsequent diffusion and crystallization of carbon between the metal film and the substrate. A thin graphite film with a low density of crystal-structure defects is obtained on the dielectric substrate after chemical etching of the metal film.