Publication: Characterization of millisecond-scale high-power impulse magnetron discharge in helium
Kaziev, A. V.
Kolodko, D. V.
Kharkov, M. M.
Rykunov, G. I.
Sergeev, N. S.
Tumarkin, A. V.
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© 2021 IEEEImpulse magnetron discharges with millisecond-scale pulses-extended duration modes of technological high-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS)-have promising applications in pulsed plasma facilities of different kinds due to high ionization degree (up to 90%), suitable duration, and scalable hardware design. Depending on operating conditions, at the same power level, two distinct diffuse regimes can be distinguished: the one with intense target sputtering-long HiPIMS (L-HiPIMS),-and the non-sputtering low-voltage one (non-sputtering magnetron discharge). The majority of existing studies of these discharge forms were made for argon working gas. For a number of prospective high-power pulsed plasma applications (e. g. pulsed plasma accelerators and thrusters), however, the option of using light gases is preferable. Here, the operation of a millisecond-scale impulse magnetron discharge (L-HiPIMS) in helium has been examined. The plasma parameters (electron density, electron temperature) were measured in a time-resolved fashion with a Langmuir probe. The electrical measurements were accompanied with optical emission spectroscopy. The use of the long pulsed modes enables achieving high plasma density and accelerating the ion flux with a peak energy of ~ 10 eV.
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Characterization of millisecond-scale high-power impulse magnetron discharge in helium / Kaziev, A.V. [et al.] // Proceedings - International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, ISDEIV. - 2020. - 2021-September. - P. 409-411. - 10.1109/ISDEIV46977.2021.9586985