Персона: Колобашкина, Любовь Викторовна
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Любовь Викторовна
12 results
Результаты поиска
Теперь показываю 1 - 10 из 12
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеComparison of Biologically Inspired and Modeling Approaches for Predicting Possible Condition Change in Critical Occupational Workers(2024) Alyushin, M. V.; Kolobashkina, L. V.; Bitney,V. D.; Okhlopkov, A. V.; Алюшин, Михаил Васильевич; Колобашкина, Любовь Викторовна
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеAdaptive Behavioral Model of the Electricity Object Management Operator for Intelligent Current Personnel Condition Monitoring Systems(2020) Golov, P. V.; Nikishov, K. S.; Alyushin, M. V.; Kolobashkina, L. V.; Алюшин, Михаил Васильевич; Колобашкина, Любовь Викторовна© 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.The task of ensuring the reliability of the human factor (RHF) has been singled out as one of the components of state priorities in the field of safety ensuring of electric power facilities. The relevance of solving the problem of predicting a possible change in the operator functional state (OFS) for managing such objects is substantiated. The models used in practice are usually based on the analysis of bioparameters characterizing the current state of the human cardiovascular system, such as heart rate (HR), heart rate variability (HRV), blood pressure (BP), sometimes electrocardiogram parameters (ECG), skin-galvanic reaction (SGR), photoplethysmogram (PPG). Failure to take into account the effect of fatigue accumulation in such models leads to a decrease in the accuracy of OFS possible changes prediction. An iterative behavioral model of the operator is proposed that takes into account the effect of fatigue accumulation.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеAnalysis of the Possibility of the Neural Network Implementation of the Viola-Jones Algorithm(2020) Kolobashkina, L. V.; Alyushin, M. V.; Колобашкина, Любовь Викторовна; Алюшин, Михаил Васильевич© 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.The practice of using the Viola-Jones algorithm and its modifications to solve the problem of finding objects of interest (OI) in the image frame is analyzed. It is shown that the Viola-Jones algorithm is usually used in conjunction with other algorithms in order to solve a complex task-searching for OI, identifying and analyzing its characteristic features. The relevance of the unification of the applied computing means for solving the above complex problem is underlined. The main computational procedures of the Viola-Jones algorithm are considered: obtaining the integral form of the representation of the input image frame, processing the Haar features (HF), implementation of the cascade classifier. Presented and analyzed options for building a neural network (NN) for the implementation of these procedures. The possibility of expanding the functionality of the Viola-Jones algorithm in its implementation based on the NN is shown. The results of an experimental approbation approach are considered in solving the problem of isolating a person’s face with the subsequent isolation of the eye and pupil areas in order to assess their motor activity.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеAssessment of Heart Rate Variability Based on a Probabilistic Analysis of Wearable Biometric Device Data in Support Systems for Staffing Decisions(2020) Alyushin, M. V.; Alyushin, V. M.; Kolobashkina, L. V.; Parakhin, V. R.; Алюшин, Михаил Васильевич; Алюшин, Виктор Михайлович; Колобашкина, Любовь Викторовна; Парахин, Владислав Романович© 2020 IEEE.It is shown that the support system for personnel decisions can improve the reliability of the human factor, which is important for ensuring the trouble-free functioning of potentially dangerous facilities. Two main areas of application of support systems for personnel decisions have been identified-personnel selection for hiring and managing the reliability of the human factor directly in the process of professional activity in the workplace. Heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) are highlighted as the most informative parameters that allow you to objectively assess the current functional and psycho-emotional state of staff. The relevance of the use of wearable biometric devices in a production environment is substantiated. A technique for estimating HRV based on a probabilistic analysis of the data of such devices is proposed.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеAssessment of the current functional and psychoemotional state based on integrated data processing of wearable biometric devices(2020) Alyushin, M. V.; Kolobashkina, L. V.; Алюшин, Михаил Васильевич; Колобашкина, Любовь ВикторовнаThe study is devoted to the problem of ensuring constant monitoring of the current functional and psychoemotional state (FPES) of potentially hazardous objects (PHO) personnel in order to minimize the possibility of accidents and catastrophes of technological origin due to the human factor. It is emphasized that the most relevant at present is the creation of methodological and technical tools for continuous monitoring of the current FPES of PHO personnel directly in the process of its production activities. It is shown that the technical means used in practice for the implementation of preshift / post-shift control, as well as during scheduled periodic psychological tests and medical examinations, have fundamental limitations that do not allow them to be used to monitor the current FPES directly in the production process. The main drawback of the recently developing remote non-contact technologies that allow real-time registration of the main bio-parameters of personnel is restrictions on the ability to make active movements in PHO production facilities is highlighted. The relevance of using wearable biometric devices is substantiated, which allows continuous recording of such important bio-parameters of personnel as heart rate (HR), heart rate variability (HRV), blood pressure (BP). It is shown that the motor activity of the staff is the main destabilizing factor that reduces the accuracy of the measurement of the above bio-parameters obtained by processing photoplethysmograms. A technique has been developed for the integrated processing of signals recorded by wearable biometric devices. The essence of the technique is to highlight the main components of the recorded signals, due primarily to cardiac motility and human motor activity. A technique is proposed for assessing the current FPES based on a comparison of the ranges of heart rate changes and the level of human motor activity. For this purpose, it is proposed to use the so-called personalized qualification tables that take into account age categories and individual characteristics of the state of physical and mental health of PHO personnel.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеNeuro-network approach to the classification of psychological states of a control operator of a potentially dangerous object(2020) Alyushin, M. V.; Kolobashkina, L. V.; Алюшин, Михаил Васильевич; Колобашкина, Любовь ВикторовнаThe study is devoted to the problem of ensuring the trouble-free functioning of potentially dangerous objects (PDO) by increasing the reliability of the human factor (HF). It is shown that this problem belongs to the category of priority and critical areas of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation. It is emphasized that the task of effective management of the HF is complex, due to the specifics of the object of study - the operator of PDO management, which can be fully attributed to the category of complex systems. The relevance of using an adequate methodological apparatus for the analysis and reliable prediction of a possible change in the functional and psycho-emotional state (FPS) of the operator is substantiated. The advantages and disadvantages of the classical systemic and functional approaches are considered. The main advantages and prospects of using a neural network approach to solving the problems of monitoring FPS and predicting its possible change are analyzed. Areas of the most appropriate use of artificial neural networks have been identified. These include: processing the source audio and video data of the visible and infrared optical spectra; complex processing of a set of dynamic bio-parameters recorded by various remote non-contact technologies; classification of the current FPC and the forecast of its possible change taking into account the effect of fatigue accumulation. The heterogeneity of the recorded bio-parameters and other external factors that determine the current FPS of the operators is highlighted as one of the important problems that limit the ability to implement the neural network approach in practice. It is shown that the use of the uniform format for the representation of heterogeneous data considered in the work makes it possible to take into account bio-parameters that objectively characterize the state of the basic systems of the body, as well as parameters responsible for the conditions of professional activity and the psychological climate in the team. The main advantages of using this form of presentation are: increasing the reliability of estimates and forecasts of possible changes in the FPS of operators and the possibility of using the developed neural network methodological and technical tools. It is concluded that the neural network approach is promising for the creation of intelligent monitoring and forecasting systems for possible changes in the FPS of PDO control operators in order to ensure their reliable trouble-free operation.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеObtaining Reliable Biometric Information in the Analysis of Vibration Images of the Operator's Face to Ensure the Reliability of the Human Factor of Potentially Dangerous Objects(2020) Parakhin, V. R.; Alyushin, M. V.; Kolobashkina, L. V.; Dvoryankin, S. V.; Алюшин, Михаил Васильевич; Колобашкина, Любовь Викторовна; Дворянкин, Сергей Владимирович© 2020 IEEE.The technology for processing facial vibroimage is identified as one of the most promising for the development of remote non-contact monitoring systems for the functional and psycho-emotional state (FPS) of potentially dangerous objects (PDO) control operators. It is shown that temporary instability and spatial unevenness of the coverage of the face area in real production conditions are the main destabilizing factors that reduce the reliability of the of the operator's current bio-parameters measurement. An approach is proposed and substantiated that allows minimizing the influence of these factors. The approach takes into account the influence of the color temperature of an external light source and is based on independent compensation of destabilizing factors in various spectra of optical radiation.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеMONITORING OF THE CURRENT STATUS OF STUDENTS AS A MEANS OF INCREASING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESS(2019) Alyushin, M. V.; Kolobashkina, L. V.; Алюшин, Михаил Васильевич; Колобашкина, Любовь ВикторовнаIntroduction. The increasing amount of knowledge, skills and competencies to be mastered inevitably lead to the need for more intensive classroom and independent studies. Providing favourable psychological background and ensuring active working condition of a student are the most important factors for increasing the effectiveness of the educational process (EEP). This fact has special relevance in the organisation of the educational process for students with physical disabilities, foreign students, as well as students, who receive education under individual educational trajectories. The aim of the present research was to analyse the possibilities and prospects for increasing the EEP through continuous monitoring and control of the current functional and psycho-emotional state (FPES) of students directly in the process of conducting training sessions. Methodology and research methods. The research was based on: a systematic approach to the accumulation, systematization and analysis of individual biometric information that allows a reliable assessment and forecast of changes in the current FPES of students; implementation of the principle of biofeedback (BF) and passive remote non-contact measurements of current human biological parameters that exclude any impact on it. Information technologies were used for digital signal processing in the optical and acoustic spectra of natural human radiation. Results and scientific novelty. The work substantiates an integrated approach to planning, organising and conducting training sessions, as well as control measures, which allow increasing the EEP by taking into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of students using modern digital information technologies to monitor their current FPES. It is shown that the system parameters characterising heart rate variability (HRV) can be used to assess the level of psycho-physiological adaptation of students to the learning process in general, as well as their responses to the complexity of training and control activities. Systemic parameters include the vegetative equilibrium index (VBI), the vegetative index of rhythm (VPR), the indicator of the adequacy of regulatory processes (PAID) and the stress index of regulatory systems (IN). The parameter IN is highlighted as the most informative. The possibility of using the results of the analysis of the change dynamics in the parameter IN for the evaluation of the current FPES of trainees is demonstrated. The possibility and expediency of using embedded monitoring systems has been experimentally confirmed. The bio-mouse and biometric chair are identified as universal means of monitoring the current FPES of students both in the educational institution and at home (in a hostel environment). Practical significance. The developed methodical and technical means are of interest to a wide range of educational workers, including such levels as primary, basic and secondary general education, secondary professional and higher education, as well as special professional training and retraining.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеHuman face thermal images library for laboratory studies of the algorithms efficiency for bioinformation processing(2019) Alyushin, M. V.; Alyushin, A. M.; Kolobashkina, L. V.; Алюшин, Михаил Васильевич; Алюшин, Александр Михайлович; Колобашкина, Любовь Викторовна© 2017 IEEE. Experimental confirmation of the effectiveness of new developed algorithms for processing the thermal image of a person's face is an actual task at present. The paper considers information aspects of the creation of a specialized thermal images library of a person's face. The developed library structure assumes the presence of both thermal and conventional images of a person's face. For the specified types of images, the library contains both static and dynamic images, which greatly extends its capabilities.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеTraining sessions with a given level of stress load(2019) Alyushin, M. V.; Kolobashkina, L. V.; Kosenkov, A. V.; Алюшин, Михаил Васильевич; Колобашкина, Любовь ВикторовнаThe study is devoted to the problem of improving the reliability of the human factor (RHF). The relevance of conducting training sessions with a given level of stress load as one of the most effective forms of training operators to manage potentially hazardous objects (PHO) for action in emergency and emergency situations is substantiated. The problem of reliable diagnosis of stress levels of PHO control operators in the process of conducting training sessions of various tension is highlighted as the most relevant. The importance of its solution was emphasized in organizing the most effective exercises on simulators with biological feedback (BFB). The significance of psychological (emotional), as well as hormonal and biochemical aspects of the stress reaction is analyzed. The important role of cognitive and emotional processes in predicting and managing human stress responses is substantiated. The relevance of using the term "mental tension" to highlight the psychological component from the range of stressful reactions of a person is emphasized. The analysis of the symptoms of stress at the emotional, cognitive, behavioral, social and psychosomatic levels is given. Aspects of a possible negative impact on the RHF are highlighted. The prospects of applying objective methods of recording and assessing the severity of physiological indicators that change in a state of emotional stress are shown. The limitations of the practical application of modern means of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and electroencephalography (EEG) are analyzed. The high information content of the integrated indicators of the cardiovascular system (CVS), such as: heart rate (HR); systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP); heart rate variability (HRV). It is concluded that the practical implementation of dynamic monitoring of CVS operation parameters is promising on the basis of modern non-contact, primarily optical technologies, with the aim of accessing the level of psychophysiological adaptation of a person to external conditions and reactions to emotionally saturated situations arising from the implementation of educational classes.