Мартыненко, Юрий Владимирович

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Стратегическая цель Института ЛаПлаз – стать ведущей научной школой и ядром развития инноваций по лазерным, плазменным, радиационным и ускорительным технологиям, с уникальными образовательными программами, востребованными на российском и мировом рынке образовательных услуг.
Юрий Владимирович

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    (НИЯУ МИФИ, 2015) Rogov, A. V.; Martynenko, Yu. V.; Kapustin, Yu. V.; Belova, N. E.; Мартыненко, Юрий Владимирович
    New low temperature method of homogeneous Mo nanocrystallite coating formation was developed. The coating was formed at magnetron Mo deposition on polished Mo polycrystalline substrate with simultaneous ion sputtering. Deposition and sputtering were performed in combined discharge of magnetron – hole cathode [1]. X-ray difractometry and SEM were used for coating structure investigation. A theoretical model was developed for coating formation by proposed method. At low excess of deposition rate over sputtering rate uncontrolled fast growth of some Mocrystallites is effectively suppressed, being fine dispersed coating is formed. Such coatings can be used as a radiation stable reflecting coatings for high temperature plasma diagnostic mirrors [2, 3]. The proposed method can be used also for other materials modification, semiconductors included.
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    Plasma Railgun with Capillary–Porous Electrodes
    (2021) Nagel', M. Y.; Martynenko, Y. V.; Мартыненко, Юрий Владимирович
    © 2021, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Abstract—: A scheme of a spacecraft thruster based on pulsed plasma railgun with capillary–porous electrodes is proposed. Electrodes of this kind are renewable and do not degrade while their lifetime is limited by the stored amount of the filler metal of the capillary–porous electrode. Operating regimes in which capillary–porous electrodes are efficient are found. In these regimes, the proposed railgun construction can yield the thrust of several newtons and specific impulse of several tens of km/s. Li, Sn, and Ga can be used as filler metals of capillary–porous electrodes with porous mats made from molybdenum or tungsten.
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    Effect of Irradiation with Low-Energy Helium Ions on the Spectral Reflectance of Single-Crystal Molybdenum Mirrors
    (2021) Rogov, A. V.; Kapustin, Y. V.; Martynenko, Y. V.; Мартыненко, Юрий Владимирович
    © 2021, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Abstract: A comparative study of the effect of irradiation with helium ions on the optical properties of single-crystal molybdenum mirrors with crystallographic orientations 〈110〉 and 〈111〉 is presented. The irradiation mode corresponds to the conditions in the built-in systems for plasma cleaning of the input mirrors from contamination in the optical diagnostics of the ITER international thermonuclear reactor using helium as a working gas. Such irradiation results in a variation in the specular reflection and diffuse scattering of the mirror that is virtually independent of the initial structure of the surface layer of the mirror and the duration of the irradiation process. The authors explain the changes of the optical characteristics of the mirror using the formation of nanosized bubbles in the surface skin layer. The Rayleigh scattering of incident radiation by the bubbles leads to a decrease in the intensity of specular reflection and an increase in the diffuse scattering. A model of the formation and growth of nanosized bubbles and their effect on optical properties is proposed. The results must be taken into account in the analysis of experimental data in the ITER optical diagnostics after removing of contaminants using helium, when choosing a working gas for plasma cleaning systems for mirrors, and also for the formation of a nanoporous structure in a thin surface layer of metals.
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    The Use of Plasma and Ion Beam Technologies for the Production of Coatings on Pacemaker Electrodes
    (2024) Obrezkov, O. I.; Bazylev, V. A.; Martynenko, Yu. V.; Martynenko, Y. V.; Мартыненко, Юрий Владимирович
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    Surface Erosion of Metals under the Effect of Plasma Flows Typical of Transient Processes in Tokamaks
    (2020) Martynenko, Y. V.; Мартыненко, Юрий Владимирович
    It is shown theoretically that under the effect of plasma flows typical of transient processes in tokamaks not only can Kelvin-Helmholtz instability develop and waves arise on a molten metal surface, pulsating bumps of different sizes also can occur. The formation of bumpy surfaces should be expected at ITER. The maximum possible bump size has been determined. If a bump occurs with a size larger than the maximal one it will be displaced by plasma "wind," forming streams that flow to the periphery of the region exposed to the plasma flow. These streams transfer the molten metal over the surface. The sizes of bumps whose tops can be blown by the plasma wind, thus causing droplet erosion, were also determined.
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    (НИЯУ МИФИ, 2015) Рогов, А. В.; Капустин, Ю. В.; Мартыненко, Ю. В.; Мартыненко, Юрий Владимирович
    Two types of structural defects of Mo coatings deposited on the polished Mo polycrystalline substrates were found. Firstly small (~0.1 μm) crystallites with different orientations and sizes are formed on different substrate grains. Secondly many large (~1 μm) inclusions appear on the coating surface. Preliminary buffer layer created in regime of ion sputtering with simultaneous magnetron deposition allows to eliminate the both kind of defects. А theoretical model of the phenomena was developed.
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    (НИЯУ МИФИ, 2023) Обрезков, О. И.; Базылев, В. А.; Мартыненко, Ю. В.; Нагель, М. Ю.; Мартыненко, Юрий Владимирович
    Electrochemical characteristics of cathodes of pacemakers with TiN, Pt and Ir coatings, as well as cathodes with TiN coating implanted with Pt and Ir ions were studied. The best results were obtained by cathodes with Pt and Ir coatings. Ion implantation improves TiN coating, and brings its characteristics closer to those of Pt and Ir coatings.
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    Structure Changes in Carbon Films Prepared by Electron-Beam-Assisted Deposition
    (2019) Korshunov, S. N.; Lebedev, A. M.; Svechnikov, N. Y.; Skorlupkin, I. D.; Martynenko, Y. V.; Мартыненко, Юрий Владимирович
    © 2019, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Abstract: Carbon films 50–180 nm thick on nickel substrates are fabricated by the ion sputtering of graphite and the deposition of heavy hydrocarbons from the gas phase with simultaneous electron irradiation. Irradiation results in the formation of bonds in carbon films due to the sp and sp3 hybridization of orbitals (sp and sp3 bonds), mainly, sp3 bonds. A fraction of these bonds does not change with growth in the electron energy; it increases three-fold with a reduction in the temperature and an increase in the electron current density. Electron irradiation enhances the film microhardness which exceeds 12 GPa. The films, prepared by heavy hydrocarbon deposition, contain CHn bonds and a small fraction of sp3 bonds. The maximum value of the microhardness of the hydrocarbon films is no more than 4.5 GPa. The analysis of the proposed model of the kinetics of forming different allotropic phases in a carbon film to be deposited shows that a temperature reduction changes the specific volume of an atom in the lattice, while under conditions of simultaneous electron irradiation, it appreciably increases the content of the phase with sp3 bonds. The effect of spi-bond breakage during electron-beam-assisted deposition weakly depends on the electron energy. The weak excitations of electrons of carbon atoms can also result in the formation of sp3 bonds and increases their concentration with growth in the electron current density.
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    Electrodynamic Plasma Thruster with Capillary-Porous Electrode
    (2021) Nagel', M. Y.; Martynenko, Y. V.; Мартыненко, Юрий Владимирович
    © 2021, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Abstract: A scheme of a spacecraft thruster based on a stationary electrodynamic plasma accelerator with capillary-porous electrodes is proposed. Such electrodes are renewable and nondegradable, and the service life is limited by the supply of filler metal. High-efficiency regimes of the capillary-porous electrodes are determined. In such regimes, the accelerator can give a thrust of greater than 10 N and a specific impulse of several tens of kilometers per second. Li, Sn, and Ga with porous molybdenum or tungsten mats can be used as filler metal for capillary-porous electrodes.