Influence of plasma heat loads relevant to ITER transient events on deuterium retention in tungsten

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Институт лазерных и плазменных технологий
Стратегическая цель Института ЛаПлаз – стать ведущей научной школой и ядром развития инноваций по лазерным, плазменным, радиационным и ускорительным технологиям, с уникальными образовательными программами, востребованными на российском и мировом рынке образовательных услуг.
Выпуск журнала
Deuterium (D) retention in Tungsten (W) under plasma heat loads relevant to edge localized modes in ITER was experimentally investigated at the QSPA-T plasma gun facility. Samples were exposed to 1.0 ms D plasma pulses with different heat loads in the range of 0.4-3.7 MJm(-2) (heat flux factor P root t = 13.3-123 MJm(-2)s(-0.5)). A significant D retention was observed already after one pulse. Moreover, the D retention grew up continuously with increasing the power load, although the surface was melted at highest loads (above 1.4 MJ m(-2)). The D retention was higher than that in the case of stationary plasma irradiation at 600-700 K, indicating possible significant contribution of ELM's-like events to the total D retention. All stages of the experiments (irradiation, storage time and TDS) have been simulated using the TMAP 7 code.
Ключевые слова
Influence of plasma heat loads relevant to ITER transient events on deuterium retention in tungsten / Poskakalov, AG [et al.] // Physica Scripta. - 2020. - T171. - № 1. - 10.1088/1402-4896/ab60f9