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Институт лазерных и плазменных технологий
Стратегическая цель Института ЛаПлаз – стать ведущей научной школой и ядром развития инноваций по лазерным, плазменным, радиационным и ускорительным технологиям, с уникальными образовательными программами, востребованными на российском и мировом рынке образовательных услуг.
Руководитель научной группы "Плазменные и лазерные технологии новых материалов для ядерной и термоядерной энергетики"
Руководитель научной группы -Международный центр ядерных компетенций (МЦЯДКОМ)
Руководитель научной группы -Международный центр ядерных компетенций (МЦЯДКОМ)
Юрий Микаэлович
122 results
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Теперь показываю 1 - 10 из 122
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступElastic backscattering as a method for the measurement of the integral lithium content in thin films on fusion-relevant substrates(2019) Mayer, M.; Krat, S.; Vasina, Y.; Prishvitsyn, A.; Gasparyan, Y.; Pisarev, A.; Крат, Степан Андреевич; Пришвицын, Александр Сергеевич; Гаспарян, Юрий Микаэлович; Писарев, Александр Александрович© 2019 Elsevier B.V.Different ion beam analysis techniques for the study of thin lithium-containing layers on top of fusion relevant materials are discussed and compared to each other. Elastic backscattering analysis (EBS) with protons is determined to be one of the most promising techniques and allows measurements of Li layers with thicknesses from ∼100 nm up to ∼600 μm, as shown by SIMNRA simulations. The best sensitivity for thin films (∼100 nm) can be achieved using 4 MeV protons with 170° scattering detection angle for layers on Mo and W substrates, and 2 MeV for C substrates. Experimentally EBS measurements were successfully tested for Li films with thicknesses from ∼50 nm up to ∼400 nm after air exposure. The Li films become strongly inhomogeneous and require averaging over multiple measurements in nearby areas. This necessitates averaging over multiple nearby measurement points, and limits the overall precision of the measurement.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступPost-mortem analyses of gap facing surfaces of tungsten tiles of T-10 ring limiter(2021) Arkhipov, I.; Grashin, S.; Zibrov, M.; Pisarev, A.; Babich, Y.; Berdnikova, M.; Gasparyan, Y.; Gutorov, K.; Efimov, V.; Isaenkova, M.; Krat, S.; Krymskaya, O.; Kurnaev, V.; Stepanova, T.; Vovchenko, E.; Vizgalov, I.; Писарев, Александр Александрович; Бердникова, Мария Михайловна; Гаспарян, Юрий Микаэлович; Гуторов, Константин Михайлович; Ефимов, Виталий Сергеевич; Исаенкова, Маргарита Геннадьевна; Крат, Степан Андреевич; Крымская, Ольга Александровна; Степанова, Татьяна Владимировна; Вовченко, Евгений Дмитриевич© 2020 Elsevier B.V.Surfaces facing the gap between W tiles of the ring limiter of tokamak T-10 were analyzed after T-10 decommissioning using LIBS, SEM/EDA, XRD, TDS, and NRA techniques. Gaps with the width of 5 mm and 0.1 mm were nearly completely covered to their full depths of 22 and 15 mm, respectively, by a deposited film. The film was formed mainly by deposition of lithium that came from Li limiter and transformed in air to Li2CO3 and Li2O. Carbon was deposited from volatile hydrocarbons sputtered from the tokamak walls. Besides, carbon appeared due to chemical reaction with lithium in air. Chemical interactions of W with C, O, and Li led to formation W2C, WC, WO2, and Li2WO4. Carbides formed in W over the entire surface to the full depth of the gaps. Trapping of deuterium and helium in tiles was demonstrated. Possible influence of auto-oscillating discharges on ionization and ion trapping of C,D, and He in gaps is discussed.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступAnalytical approach for description of deuterium content in deuterium-beryllium co-deposited layers(2021) De, Temmerman, G.; Krat, S.; Gasparyan, Y.; Vasina, Y.; Prishvitcyn, A. S.; Pisarev, A.; Крат, Степан Андреевич; Гаспарян, Юрий Микаэлович; Пришвицын, Александр Сергеевич; Писарев, Александр Александрович© 2021 The Author(s)Available literature data for beryllium content in D-Be co-deposited layers was modeled using newly developed model. It was shown that the model adequately describes the experimental results. An empirical scaling for the available trap concentrations as a function of deuteron energy was introduced in order to improve the agreement between the experimental data and model predictions. The limited recombination rate describes the co-deposition better than the unlimited one. Assuming two types of traps in the film with detrapping energies of 0.8–0.9 and 1.2–1.3 eV and trap concentrations of 10 at. % and 1 at. %, respectively, and the deuterium implantation energy of 15.6 eV, the average relative deviation between experimental and predicted D/Be values of 1.9 was observed, which is better than the empirical D/Be scalings.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступModeling of COMPASS tokamak divertor liquid metal experiments(2020) Horacek, J.; Dejarnac, R.; Cecrdle, J.; Tskhakaya, D.; Van, Oost, G.; Prishvitsin, A. S.; Gasparyan, Y.; Vasina, Y.; Пришвицын, Александр Сергеевич; Гаспарян, Юрий Микаэлович© 2020 The Author(s)Two small liquid metal targets based on the capillary porous structure were exposed to the divertor plasma of the tokamak COMPASS. The first target was wetted by pure lithium and the second one by a lithium-tin alloy, both releasing mainly lithium atoms (sputtering and evaporation) when exposed to plasma. Due to poorly conductive target material and steep surface inclination (implying the surface-perpendicular plasma heat flux 12–17 MW/m2) for 0.1–0.2 s, the LiSn target has reached 900 °C under ELMy H-mode. A model of heat conduction is developed and serves to evaluate the lithium sputtering and evaporation and, thus, the surface cooling by the released lithium and consequent radiative shielding. In these conditions, cooling of the surface by the latent heat of vapor did not exceed 1 MW/m2. About 1019 lithium atoms were evaporated (comparable to the COMPASS 1 m3 plasma deuterium content), local Li pressure exceeded the deuterium plasma pressure. Since the radiating Li vapor cloud spreads over a sphere much larger than the hot spot, its cooling effect is negligible (0.2 MW/m2). We also predict zero lithium prompt redeposition, consistent with our observation.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеLaser-Induced Desorption Spectroscopy with an Inductively Coupled Plasma Source—Examination of Technique Applicability for Detection of Retained Hydrogen(2024) Rykunov, G. I.; Kolodko, D. V.; Alieva, A. I.; Tumarkin, A. V.; Kaziev, A. V.; Gasparyan, Y. M.; Колодко, Добрыня Вячеславич; Тумаркин, Александр Владимирович; Казиев, Андрей Викторович; Гаспарян, Юрий Микаэлович
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеLaser Diagnostics of Content of Hydrogen Isotopes in the Globus-M2 Tokamak Wall(2024) Razdobarin, A. G.; Medvedev, O. S.; Bukreev, I. M.; Elets, D. I.; Grishaev, M. V.; Gasparyan, Y. M.; Медведев, Олег Сергеевич; Елец, Денис Игоревич; Гришаев, Максим Валерьевич; Гаспарян, Юрий Микаэлович
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеDimensional effects in analysis of laser-induced-desorption diagnostics data(2024) Stepanenko, A. A.; Gasparyan, Y. M.; Степаненко, Александр Александрович; Гаспарян, Юрий Микаэлович
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеAnnealing effect on deuterium retention in W-Cr-Y alloy(2024) Wang, Y.; Harutyunyan, Z.; Gasparyan, Y.; Ogorodnikova, O.; Sinelnikov, D.; Efimov, N.; Umerenkova, A.; Grishaev, M.; Арутюнян, Зорий Робертович; Гаспарян, Юрий Микаэлович; Огородникова, Ольга Вячеславовна; Синельников, Дмитрий Николаевич; Ефимов, Никита Евгеньевич; Умеренкова, Анастасия Сергеевна; Гришаев, Максим Валерьевич
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступAssessment of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy accuracy for determination of hydrogen accumulation in tungsten(2021) Tsygvintsev, I. P.; Marenkov, E. D.; Gasparyan, Y. M.; Stepanenko, A. A.; Маренков, Евгений Дмитриевич; Гаспарян, Юрий Микаэлович; Степаненко, Александр Александрович© 2021 The Author(s)Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is an in situ method of determining hydrogen (H) content in plasma-facing materials in tokamak fusion reactors. Observing radiation from the plasma plume produced by a powerful laser pulse during the target exposition characterizes the sample composition. This is typically accomplished using the Saha-Boltzmann (SB) plot technique under local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) conditions. Despite many experimental studies dedicated to applying LIBS to determine H isotope retention in fusion reactor materials, the current understanding of this method's intrinsic accuracy remains inadequate. In this report, we use numerical calculations to estimate the relative error of determining H content in a sample using LIBS. As an example. we consider LIBS to study a W sample loaded with H in a vacuum. Under typical LIBS pulse parameters (109 W/cm2 and 12 ns duration), the error can be quite large, approximately 70%. We demonstrate that the error tends to decrease as the laser pulse intensity increases. Various factors contributing to the relative error are examined and their dependence on the LIBS plasma parameters is discussed. The SB plot remains a straight line even when LTE conditions are violated, making it difficult to anticipate the experimental results’ error.