Климов, Николай Сергеевич

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Институт лазерных и плазменных технологий
Стратегическая цель Института ЛаПлаз – стать ведущей научной школой и ядром развития инноваций по лазерным, плазменным, радиационным и ускорительным технологиям, с уникальными образовательными программами, востребованными на российском и мировом рынке образовательных услуг.
Николай Сергеевич

Результаты поиска

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  • Публикация
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    Influence of plasma heat loads relevant to ITER transient events on deuterium retention in tungsten
    (2020) Poskakalov, A. G.; Gasparyan, Y. M.; Efimov, V. S.; Kovalenko, D. V.; Klimov, N. S.; Ogorodnikova, O. V.; Гаспарян, Юрий Микаэлович; Ефимов, Виталий Сергеевич; Климов, Николай Сергеевич; Огородникова, Ольга Вячеславовна
    Deuterium (D) retention in Tungsten (W) under plasma heat loads relevant to edge localized modes in ITER was experimentally investigated at the QSPA-T plasma gun facility. Samples were exposed to 1.0 ms D plasma pulses with different heat loads in the range of 0.4-3.7 MJm(-2) (heat flux factor P root t = 13.3-123 MJm(-2)s(-0.5)). A significant D retention was observed already after one pulse. Moreover, the D retention grew up continuously with increasing the power load, although the surface was melted at highest loads (above 1.4 MJ m(-2)). The D retention was higher than that in the case of stationary plasma irradiation at 600-700 K, indicating possible significant contribution of ELM's-like events to the total D retention. All stages of the experiments (irradiation, storage time and TDS) have been simulated using the TMAP 7 code.
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    Deuterium and helium retention in W with and without He-induced W ‘fuzz’ exposed to pulsed high-temperature deuterium plasma
    (2019) Tokitani, M.; Ogorodnikova, O. V.; Klimov, K. S.; Poskakalov, A. G.; Kaziev, A. V.; Kharkov, M. M.; Efimov, V. S.; Gasparyan, Y. M.; Volkov, N. V.; Alimov, V. K.; Огородникова, Ольга Вячеславовна; Климов, Николай Сергеевич; Казиев, Андрей Викторович; Харьков, Максим Михайлович; Ефимов, Виталий Сергеевич; Гаспарян, Юрий Микаэлович
    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. In the present work, helium (He) was incorporated into tungsten (W) samples by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) source above the threshold of He-induced W ‘fuzz’ formation on W surface. Then, W samples with and without nano-structured W ‘fuzz’ were exposed to pulsed heat loads using deuterium (D) plasma in quasi-stationary high-current plasma gun QSPA-T. The pulse duration was 1 ms and number of pulses was varied from one to thirty to simulate ITER transient events with surface heat load parameters relevant to edge-localized-mode (ELM) impacts. The irradiation was performed below and above the W melting threshold. The D and He retention in each irradiated sample was measured by a method of thermal desorption spectroscopy. We examined the impact of (i) ELMs-like events and (ii) formation of He-induced nano-structured ‘fuzz’ on the D retention in W. We found that the D retention was the highest for samples irradiated by plasma gun above the melting threshold after thirty pulses. Moreover, the D retention after 10 pulses of deuterium plasma gun exposure was higher than that after stationary low-energy plasma exposure at sample temperature of either 600 or 700 K indicating the dominate influence of ELM's-like events on the D retention compared to normal operation regime. The D retention in W samples with the presence of He-induced W ‘fuzz’ was slightly smaller than without that after one pulse of plasma gun exposure with heat load below the W melting temperature. The W ‘fuzz’ was not disappear in this loading conditions, only the length and thickness of nano-structured W fibres were reduced by factors of ∼4 and ∼2, respectively. The He concentration in W with W ‘fuzz’ was decreased by a factor of about 3 after one pulse of plasma gun exposure. The results obtained give possibility to assess the particle retention in divertor areas subjected to high thermal loads at different operation regimes.
  • Публикация
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    Surface Structure Modification and Deuterium Retention in Tungsten under Pulsed Plasma Loads
    (2019) Poskakalov, A. G.; Klimov, N. S.; Gasparyan, Y. M.; Ogorodnikova, O. V.; Efimov, V. S.; Климов, Николай Сергеевич; Гаспарян, Юрий Микаэлович; Огородникова, Ольга Вячеславовна; Ефимов, Виталий Сергеевич
    © 2019, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Modification of the surface layer and deuterium accumulation in tungsten targets under plasma irradiation in a quasi-stationary plasma accelerator with an intrinsic magnetic field QSPA-T, which reproduces the conditions (plasma thermal load of 0.2-5 MJ/m2, pulse duration of 0.1-1.2 ms) typical of ELM events in ITER, are studied. Using a scanning electron microscope, structure modifications at the surface and in the bulk after deuterium plasma irradiation are analyzed. The observed changes in the near-surface layer are compared with the calculated data on the change in the internal structure of tungsten under intense thermal action obtained as a result of the numerical solution of the heat conduction problem. The total deuterium retention in the samples was measured using thermal desorption spectroscopy, and it was in the range of (3-4) × 1016 particles/cm2 for the samples melted during plasma exposure. These numbers exceed by an order of magnitude the values obtained for samples without traces of melting.
  • Публикация
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    (НИЯУ МИФИ, 2020) ПОСКАКАЛОВ, А. Г.; КЛИМОВ, Н. С.; ГАСПАРЯН, Ю. М.; КОВАЛЕНКО, Д. В.; ОГОРОДНИКОВА, О. В.; ЕФИМОВ, В. С.; Климов, Николай Сергеевич; Огородникова, Ольга Вячеславовна; Ефимов, Виталий Сергеевич; Гаспарян, Юрий Микаэлович
    В Международном термоядерном реакторе ИТЭР в качестве обращенного к плазме материала будет использоваться вольфрам (W), из которого будет изготовлено защитное покрытие диверторных пластин. Тепловые нагрузки на пластины дивертора в токамаке масштаба ИТЭР в стационарной стадии DT-разряда будут достигать ~10 МВт/м2, приводя к повышению температуры пластин в среднем до 1400 К; в срывах и ЭЛМах импульсные кратковременные нагрузки (~ 1 мс) на диверторные пластины будут достигать величины 0,6 – 3,5 ГВт/м2, что будет вызывать периодическое повышение температуры, сопоставимой с температурой плавления материала [1].
  • Публикация
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    Deuterium and helium retention and corresponding modifications of W under heat loads relevant to ITER transient plasma events: Part I. The power load below the tungsten melting temperature
    (2022) Kovalenko, D.; V, Ogorodnikova, O.; S, Klimov, N.; Gutorov, K.; V, Kaziev, A.; M, Kharkov, M.; S, Efimov, V.; M, Gasparyan, Y.; Poskakalov, A.; Огородникова, Ольга Вячеславовна; Климов, Николай Сергеевич; Гуторов, Константин Михайлович; Казиев, Андрей Викторович; Харьков, Максим Михайлович; Ефимов, Виталий Сергеевич; Гаспарян, Юрий Микаэлович
    © 2021 Elsevier B.V.In order to simulate ITER transient events with surface heat load parameters relevant to edge-localized-mode (ELM) impacts, tungsten samples were exposed to pulsed heat loads using pure deuterium (D) and with 10% helium (He) seeding plasmas in quasi-stationary high-current plasma gun QSPA-T. The pulse duration was 1 ms that is relevant to ELMs and number of pulses was varied from one to thirty. The power load was 0.7 MJ/m2 that is below the tungsten melting temperature (Tm). Two tungsten samples were used, namely, polycrystalline tungsten without (W) and with pre-existing He-induced W ‘fuzz’ (Wf). Similar to the steady state plasma, the presence of He in tungsten leads to a reduction of the D retention during transient events at temperature below Tm. We explained it as interruption of the D diffusion towards to the bulk of tungsten by (i) the strain field induced by He bubbles and (ii) the formation of interconnected He bubbles at high temperature which leads to an open porosity for accelerated D desorption, thus, decreasing the D influx into the tungsten bulk. But as the He retention in Wf decreases below 1019 He/m2, the effect of He on the D retention after the plasma gun irradiation disappears: the D retention in W and Wf is the same after 30 pulses of the exposure to pure D plasma. In both cases of pure D and He seeded D plasma gun exposures, the D retention is higher compared to the steady state plasma exposure at sample temperature above 600 K.
  • Публикация
    Открытый доступ
    (НИЯУ МИФИ, 2019) ПОСКАКАЛОВ, А. Г.; КЛИМОВ, Н. С.; ГАСПАРЯН, Ю. М.; ОГОРОДНИКОВА, О. В.; ЕФИМОВ, В. С.; ЗИБРОВ, М. С.; Огородникова, Ольга Вячеславовна; Гаспарян, Юрий Микаэлович; Климов, Николай Сергеевич; Ефимов, Виталий Сергеевич
    В Международном термоядерном реакторе ИТЭР в качестве обращенных к плазме материалов будут использоваться вольфрам (W) и бериллий (Be). Из вольфрама будет изготовлено защитное покрытие диверторных пластин, а из бериллия — поверхность первой стенки. Тепловые нагрузки на пластины дивертора в токамаке масштаба ИТЭР в стационарной стадии DT-разряда будут достигать ~10 МВт/м2, приводя к повышению температуры пластин в среднем до 1400 К; в срывах и ЭЛМах импульсные кратковременные нагрузки на диверторные пластины будут достигать величины 0,6 – 3,5 ГВт/м2, что будет вызывать периодическое повышение температуры материала до температуры, сопоставимой с температурой плавления материала.