Персона: Тищенко, Алексей Александрович
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Институт нанотехнологий в электронике, спинтронике и фотонике
Институт ИНТЭЛ занимается научной деятельностью и подготовкой специалистов в области исследования физических принципов, проектирования и разработки технологий создания компонентной базы электроники гражданского и специального назначения, а также построения современных приборов на её основе.
Наша основная цель – это создание и развитие научно-образовательного центра мирового уровня в области наноструктурных материалов и устройств электроники, спинтроники, фотоники, а также создание эффективной инновационной среды в области СВЧ-электронной и радиационно-стойкой компонентной базы, источников ТГц излучения, ионно-кластерных технологий материалов.
Алексей Александрович
40 results
Результаты поиска
Теперь показываю 1 - 10 из 40
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступIdentification of particles with Lorentz factor up to 10 4 with Transition Radiation Detectors based on micro-strip silicon detectors(2019) Alozy, J.; Campbell, M.; Cherry, M.; Dachs, F.; Belyaev, N.; Doronin, S.; Fillipov, K.; Krasnopevtsev, D.; Ponomarenko, D.; Pyatiizbyantseva, D.; Radomskii, R.; Romaniouk, A.; Savchenko, A. A.; Sergeeva, D. Y.; Shulga, E.; Smirnov, S.; Smirnov, Y.; Strikhanov, M.; Teterin, P.; Tishchenko, A.; Vorobev, K.; Доронин, Семен Александрович; Пятиизбянцева, Диана Николаевна; Романюк, Анатолий Самсонович; Савченко, Александр Алексеевич; Сергеева, Дарья Юрьевна; Смирнов, Сергей Юрьевич; Смирнов, Юрий Сергеевич; Стриханов, Михаил Николаевич; Тетерин, Пётр Евгеньевич; Тищенко, Алексей Александрович; Воробьёв, Константин Александрович© 2019 This work is dedicated to the study of a technique for hadron identification in the TeV momentum range, based on the simultaneous measurement of the energies and of the emission angles of the Transition Radiation (TR) X-rays with respect to the radiating particles. A detector setup has been built and tested with particles in a wide range of Lorentz factors (from about 10 3 to about 4×10 4 crossing different types of radiators. The measured double-differential (in energy and angle) spectra of the TR photons are in a reasonably good agreement with TR simulation predictions.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступControl and diagnostic systems for specialized synchrotron radiation source of 4th generation SSRS-4(2019) Liakin, D.; Blagov, A.; Senin, R.; Sitnikov, A.; Kulevoy, T.; Tishchenko, A.; Fedin, P.; Khabibullina, E.; Ziiatdinova, A.; Sergeeva, D. .; Ponomarenko, A.; Кулевой, Тимур Вячеславович; Тищенко, Алексей Александрович; Федин, Петр Алексеевич; Сергеева, Дарья Юрьевна© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The general layout for Specialized Synchrotron Radiation Source 4th generation SSRS 4 is under development by leading of National Research Center "Kurchatov institute". In the framework of a collaborative project with European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the applied research on determination of the configuration and key technical parameters for the control and beam diagnostic systems for 4th generation Specialized Synchrotron Radiation Source - SSRS- 4 is going on. The preliminary view of the proposed control and diagnostic system is presented and discussed. SSRS-4 inherits the experience of the scientific community including a great ESRF expertise in control system development (as founder of TANGO), robust diagnostics and long operational experience on ESRF's accelerator.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступFine structure of angular distribution of x-ray transition radiation from multilayered radiator in Geant4(2020) Cherry, M.; Dachs, F.; Fusco, P.; Gargano, F.; Savchenko, A. A.; Tishchenko, A. A.; Sergeeva, D. Y.; Belyaev, N.; Doronin, S.; Filippov, K.; Nechaeva, S.; Ponomarenko, D.; Romaniouk, A.; Smirnov, S.; Smirnov, Y.; Strikhanov, M. N.; Teterin, P.; Vorobev, K.; Савченко, Александр Алексеевич; Тищенко, Алексей Александрович; Сергеева, Дарья Юрьевна; Доронин, Семен Александрович; Романюк, Анатолий Самсонович; Смирнов, Сергей Юрьевич; Смирнов, Юрий Сергеевич; Стриханов, Михаил Николаевич; Тетерин, Пётр Евгеньевич; Воробьёв, Константин Александрович© 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab.The present version of the Transition Radiation (TR) simulation module implemented in the Geant4 toolkit describes very well experimental data for the TR energy distribution; however, it does not allow reproducing the details of angular distribution at small angles. In order to solve this problem, corrections to the existing x-ray TR module in Geant4 are proposed. With these corrections, the results of the simulations are in a good agreement with the angular TR distributions predicted by theory and obtained in the test beam measurements using a 480 um Si pixel detector and Mylar radiator.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступTHZ RADIATION BY FREE ELECTRONS FROM 2D PHOTONIC CRYSTALS AND METASURFACES(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2023) Tishchenko, A. A.; Sergeeva, D. Yu.; Garaev, D. I.; Гараев, Дамир Ильдарович; Сергеева, Дарья Юрьевна; Тищенко, Алексей АлександровичTerahertz radiation sources based on the radiation of electrons in external fi elds attracts the attention of researches due to the huge energy stored in relativistic electron beams. Even a little part of this energy, being radiated, makes it possible to produce powerful radiation in various parts of spectrum, including terahertz one, which is exploited in gyrotrons, magnetrons, orotrons etc. Besides its customary applications in powerful radiation sources and in non-destructive diagnostics of relativistic electron beams, the last decade SPR is intensively investigated for more exotic structures, like plasmonic crystals [1-3], graphene nanoscale gratings [4, 5], metasurfaces [6, 7]. These novel structures are widely investigated today due to their tunability, opportunity to tailor the properties of the surfaces, which results in developing novel modulators [8] and fi lters [9] — the key elements in applications of modern optics.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступACCELERATION OF A RELATIVISTIC ELECTRON IN A UNIPOLAR PULSE(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2023) Gavrilenko, D. V.; Potylitsyn, A. P.; Tishchenko, A. A.; Гавриленко, Дмитрий Владимирович; Потылицын, Александр Петрович; Тищенко, Алексей АлександровичUnipolar pulses of electromagnetic radiation — the waves with practically constant electric fi eld — were suggested by Bessonov in 1981 [1], and called “strange waves” even by the author.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступRADIATION FROM A METASURFACE AS AN INSTRUMENT FOR ELECTRON BUNCH DIAGNOSTICS(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2023) Tishchenko, A. A.; Sergeeva, D. Yu.; Тищенко, Алексей Александрович; Сергеева, Дарья ЮрьевнаRadiation from electron bunches is usually used for diagnostics of its transverse sizes in accelerators and colliders including FELs and synchrotron injectors [1,2]. However, the methods of diagnostics continue to improve. There are some ideas on single-short diagnostics, or non-destructive diagnostics, or using new types of targets, among which metamaterials and photonic crystals seem to be attractive. In this report we suggest using incoherent transition radiation from two-periodical targets in order to defi ne transversal sizes of the bunch. Usually the diagnostics is reduced to comparison the measured data to the theoretical one, which take in account the coherent eff ects [3,4]. The generally accepted approach to take into account coherence from electron bunches consists in multiplying the radiation intensity from one particle by the bunch form-factor, which takes into account its size, shape, and distribution of electrons. We show that in polarization radiation for a wide class of structures, such as photonic crystals and metasurfaces, this approach is incorrect [5,6].
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступTransition radiation measurements with a Si and a GaAs pixel sensor on a Timepix3 chip(2020) Dachs, F.; Alozy, J.; Bergmann, B. L.; van, Beuzekom, M.; Belyaev, N.; Doronin, S.; Filippov, K.; Ponomarenko, D.; Romaniouk, A.; Savchenko, A.; Sergeeva, D.; Shulga, E.; Smirnov, S.; Smirnov, Y.; Strikhanov, M.; Teterin, P.; Tishchenko, A. A.; Vorobev, K.; Доронин, Семен Александрович; Романюк, Анатолий Самсонович; Савченко, Александр Алексеевич; Сергеева, Дарья Юрьевна; Смирнов, Сергей Юрьевич; Смирнов, Юрий Сергеевич; Стриханов, Михаил Николаевич; Тетерин, Пётр Евгеньевич; Тищенко, Алексей Александрович; Воробьёв, Константин Александрович© 2019 Growing energies of particles at modern or planned particle accelerator experiments as well as cosmic ray experiments require particle identification at gamma-factors (γ) of up to ∼10 5 . At present there are no detectors capable of identifying charged particles with reliable efficiency in this range of γ. New developments in high granular pixel detectors allow one to perform simultaneous measurements of the energies and the emission angles of generated transition radiation (TR) X-rays and use the maximum available information to identify particles. First results of studies of TR energy-angular distributions using gallium arsenide (GaAs) sensors bonded to Timepix3 chips are presented. The results are compared with those obtained using a silicon (Si) sensor of the same thickness of 500 μm. The analysis techniques used for these experiments are discussed.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеDiffraction radiation from a charge as radiation from a superluminal source in a vacuum(2020) Potylitsyn, A. P.; Sergeeva, D. Y.; Strikhanov, M. N.; Tishchenko, A. A.; Потылицын, Александр Петрович; Сергеева, Дарья Юрьевна; Стриханов, Михаил Николаевич; Тищенко, Алексей АлександровичAn analysis of spectral-angular characteristics of diffraction radiation, both incoherent and coherent, has been performed. It is shown that radiation processes can be interpreted as Cherenkov radiation, which is produced by a region of dynamic polarization moving along a target edge with super-luminal velocity v(SL). Such radiation is generated if the condition v(SL) > c is fulfilled, which is the conventional 'threshold' Cherenkov condition.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеCoherent thomson backscattering: Prospects of compact X-Ray laser(2020) Tishchenko, A. A.; Feshchenko, A. M.; Тищенко, Алексей Александрович© 2020 OSA - The Optical Society. All rights reserved.We have constructed a theory for X-ray source based on Thomson inverse scattering from nano-modulated electron beams. In coherent mode form factor is proved to lead to a sharp increase in intensity, with factor 10 4
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступStudies of the spectral and angular distributions of transition radiation using a silicon pixel sensor on a Timepix3 chip(2020) Alozy, J.; Campbell, M.; Cherry, M.; Dachs, F.; Belyaev, N.; Doronin, S.; Filippov, K.; Krasnopevtsev, D.; Ponomarenko, D.; Romaniouk, A.; Savchenko, A. A.; Sergeeva, D. Y.; Shulga, E.; Smirnov, S.; Smirnov, Y.; Strikhanov, M.; Teterin, P.; Tishchenko, A. A.; Vorobev, K.; Доронин, Семен Александрович; Романюк, Анатолий Самсонович; Савченко, Александр Алексеевич; Сергеева, Дарья Юрьевна; Смирнов, Сергей Юрьевич; Смирнов, Юрий Сергеевич; Стриханов, Михаил Николаевич; Тетерин, Пётр Евгеньевич; Тищенко, Алексей Александрович; Воробьёв, Константин Александрович© 2020 Elsevier B.V.X-ray transition radiation detectors (TRDs) are used for particle identification in both high energy physics and astroparticle physics. In most of the detectors, emission of the X-ray transition radiation (TR) starts at Lorentz factors above γ∼500 and reaches saturation at γ∼2÷3⋅103. However, many experiments require particle identification up to γ∼105, which is very difficult to achieve with conventional detectors. Semiconductor pixel detectors offer a unique opportunity for precise simultaneous measurements of spectral and angular parameters of TR photons. Test beam studies of the energy and the angular distributions of TR photons emitted by electrons and muons of different momenta crossing several types of radiators were performed at the CERN SPS with a 480 μm thick silicon detector bonded to a Timepix3 chip. High resolution images of the energy−angle phase space of the TR produced by different radiators were obtained and compared with MC simulations. The characteristic interference patterns are in agreement with the theoretical models with an unprecedented level of details. The studies presented in this paper also show that simultaneous measurements of both the energy and the emission angles of the TR X-rays could be used to enhance the particle identification performances of TRDs.