Лещев, Сергей Валерьевич

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Институт фундаментальных проблем социо-гуманитарных наук
Институт фундаментальных проблем социо-гуманитарных наук (ИФП СГН) был создан в 2022 году для решения стратегических задач развития НИЯУ МИФИ. Основной целью создания ИФП СГН является повышение качества гуманитарного образования. В связи с этим, в число приоритетных задач Института входит: консолидация гуманитарных ресурсов НИЯУ МИФИ; курирование междисциплинарных исследований и проектов.
Сергей Валерьевич

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    Formation of nanoscale structures in thin films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering of binary metal targets in Ar+O2+N2 gas mixture
    (2019) Bernt, D.; Ponomarenko, V.; Leshchev, S.; Pisarev, A.; Лещев, Сергей Валерьевич; Писарев, Александр Александрович
    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Bi-metal targets of ZnSn and SiAl were sputtered in A+O2+N2 gas mixtures at various N2/O2 ratios, and the deposited films were investigated by AFM and XPS. No nitrogen was detected in the films even at the highest nitrogen partial pressure in the gas, and the films were oxides. The concentration of the doping metal component in the deposited film increases with the increase of nitrogen partial pressure in the working gas. These experimental observations were supported by numerical calculations of the sputter-deposition process using a SRIM/SIMTRA+RSD software. It was shown that added nitrogen promotes sputtering of doping metal components of the targets, and the concentration of oxygen remains high enough to substitute the less active nitrogen in the growing film. The films consisted of nanograins with the average diameter, which decreased from 18 nm to 3 nm with increase of nitrogen content in the working gas. This effect was explained by the mechanism of abnormal grain growth: the film consisted of grains of oxides of two metals with different concentrations. The doping metal forms very fine nanograins of oxides, which suppress the growth of oxides of the main metal. With increase of nitrogen in the working gas mixture, the sputtering rate of doping metals from the cathodes and their respective concentration in the growing films increases, so the average diameter of oxide grains forming the coating decreases.
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    Cross-modal Turing test and embodied cognition: Agency, computing
    (2021) Leshchev, S. V.; Лещев, Сергей Валерьевич
    © 2020 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.Deep learning paradigm allowed computer scientists to take a fresh look at the format of knowledge representation and assimilation. Studies of artificial analogs of neurons and synaptic connections of the brain have indicated many significant regularities in the opposition of cognitive "medium" and cognitive information. This understanding gave a new impetus to the previously developed concept of embodied cognition in various branches of artificial intelligence. "Embodiment" is usually understood as a combination of cognitive and substrate components. At the same time, there remain world-systemic connections that involve a broader context in the dynamics of correlation between the subject of cognition (cognitive agent, bounded rationality) and the environment. The concept of embodied cognition assumes a clash of the range of cognitive systems, built upon different infogenesis and infotectonics (for example, different computing platforms and degrees of agency). The cross-modal Turing test is supposed to be a universal communication interface that allows "message" and "medium" of embodied cognitive agent to test each other. The use of reciprocal, environments and systems will allow a sequential cross-modal Turing test for two competing modules. Such an approach may turn out to be decisive in cyber-physical systems, which are born at the junction of diverse technical-scientific engineering solutions, as well as in systems that require a high learning rate and model correction. In neural network practice, this approach can be effective in the field of transfer learning, in which a pre-trained fragment of the network can be correlated with fundamentally irrelevant (for a neural network) data.
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    Thermal stability of tantalum nitride based thin film resistors
    (2019) Shostachenko, S. A.; Zakharchenko, R. V.; Ryzhuk, R. V.; Leshchev, S. V.; Захарченко, Роман Викторович; Рыжук, Роман Валериевич; Лещев, Сергей Валерьевич
    © 2019 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Tantalum nitride thin films were deposited on Al2O3 substrates by the dc-magnetron sputtering technique. The nitrogen content in the argon/nitrogen flow varied from 5 to 50%. Structural properties were studied using X-ray diffraction. The ratio of Ar:N2 was 4:1; the ratio of Ta:N became 1:1. Sheet resistance depends on thickness and is in the range of 20 - 80 Ω/□ due to thickness 100 - 50 nm. The TaN films deposited at a nitrogen/argon ratio of 20% show the thermal stability of the resistance in the 25-400°C temperature range. Sheet resistance degradation was ∼ 5%. The TCR value was determined in the range of 25 - 300 C and was equal to - 21 ppm/K.
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    Temperature influence on process of Ti/Al/Ni/Au contact formation to heterostructure AlGaN/GaN
    (2019) Shostachenko, S. A.; Porokhonko, Y. A.; Zakharchenko, R. V.; Leshchev, S. V.; Maslov, M. M.; Katin, K. P.; Захарченко, Роман Викторович; Лещев, Сергей Валерьевич; Маслов, Михаил Михайлович; Катин, Константин Петрович
    © 2019 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. This paper is dedicated to the experimental investigation of Ohmic contacts to the n+-doped region of the AlGaN/GaN transistor heterostructure based on Ti/Al/Ni/Au metallization. The Al-Ti-N system has been assessed on the basis of available thermodynamic descriptions for binary subsystems. The effect of annealing temperature on the specific resistance of Ohmic contact was studied.
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    From Artificial Intelligence to Dissipative Sociotechnical Rationality: Cyberphysical and Sociocultural Matrices of the Digital Age
    (2021) Leshchev, S. V.; Лещев, Сергей Валерьевич
    © 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.Artificial-intelligence and converging technologies currently setting global post-industrial (economic, cultural, social, and manufacturing) trends, such as the Internet of things, penetrating computing, physical-digital communication, smart medicine and smart education replacing step by step the traditional forms of communications, logistics, management, data logging, and automation.
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    Artificial Intelligence Limitations: Blockchain Trust and Communication Transparency
    (2022) Leshchev, S. V.; Лещев, Сергей Валерьевич
    © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.Natural and artificial systems and agents overcome communication limitations in different ways. It is necessary to develop scenarios for their interaction (for example, in hybrid environments and Industry 4.0), identifying the most risky strategic lines of mutual danger and discovering areas of transparent communication. In this vein, the problem of communication transparency can be understood as a problem of trust. The article discusses the concept of transparency (security, reliability) of communication in the social and technological spheres. This problem has been studied in the specific contexts of artificial intelligence and blockchain. It has been methodologically shown that the combination of these two technologies can significantly expand the capabilities of both. Artificial intelligence is generating more efficient and secure blockchain protocols as a network, as well as private implementations of blockchain solutions such as smart contracts. The probable ecological optimization of the blockchain by artificial intelligence due to the detection of ineffective algorithmic solutions or used software and hardware resources is also important. In turn, blockchain technology provides artificial intelligence with an environment for unfolding and building a transparent history (logging, precedency, patterns, templates). The network nature of the blockchain contributes, on the one hand, to the globality of solutions, the distribution of information, and, on the other hand, to the locality and privacy of owner interests.
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    Poster: Influence of the Direction of Movement of Earth-Moving and Construction Machines on the Stability of Remote Control Data Transmission via Mobile Communication Channels
    (2019) Golubeva, T.; Konshin, S.; Leshchev, S.; Mironova, N.; Tshukin, B.; Лещев, Сергей Валерьевич; Миронова, Наталия Борисовна; Щукин, Борис Алексеевич
    © 2019, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature. In the article authors give research results of the influence of the movement direction of earth-moving machines on the stability of the remote control data transmission through mobile communication channels. The authors carried out an extensive analysis of the state of research in this and related fields. If movement direction of earth-moving and construction machines changes with respect to the nearest radio transmitting tower of the mobile communication base station, theoretically an instability in data transmission of data over mobile communication channels will appear. To establish the admissibility of such instability, experiments were performed in real conditions, the results of which are presented in the article.