Formation of nanoscale structures in thin films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering of binary metal targets in Ar+O2+N2 gas mixture

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Институт фундаментальных проблем социо-гуманитарных наук
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Институт лазерных и плазменных технологий
Стратегическая цель Института ЛаПлаз – стать ведущей научной школой и ядром развития инноваций по лазерным, плазменным, радиационным и ускорительным технологиям, с уникальными образовательными программами, востребованными на российском и мировом рынке образовательных услуг.
Выпуск журнала
© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Bi-metal targets of ZnSn and SiAl were sputtered in A+O2+N2 gas mixtures at various N2/O2 ratios, and the deposited films were investigated by AFM and XPS. No nitrogen was detected in the films even at the highest nitrogen partial pressure in the gas, and the films were oxides. The concentration of the doping metal component in the deposited film increases with the increase of nitrogen partial pressure in the working gas. These experimental observations were supported by numerical calculations of the sputter-deposition process using a SRIM/SIMTRA+RSD software. It was shown that added nitrogen promotes sputtering of doping metal components of the targets, and the concentration of oxygen remains high enough to substitute the less active nitrogen in the growing film. The films consisted of nanograins with the average diameter, which decreased from 18 nm to 3 nm with increase of nitrogen content in the working gas. This effect was explained by the mechanism of abnormal grain growth: the film consisted of grains of oxides of two metals with different concentrations. The doping metal forms very fine nanograins of oxides, which suppress the growth of oxides of the main metal. With increase of nitrogen in the working gas mixture, the sputtering rate of doping metals from the cathodes and their respective concentration in the growing films increases, so the average diameter of oxide grains forming the coating decreases.
Ключевые слова
Formation of nanoscale structures in thin films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering of binary metal targets in Ar+O2+N2 gas mixture / Bernt, D. [et al.] // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - 2019. - 1238. - № 1. - 10.1088/1742-6596/1238/1/012051