CORIUMSITY program code for the consequences analysis of a severe core melt accident

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Институт ядерной физики и технологий
Цель ИЯФиТ и стратегия развития - создание и развитие научно-образовательного центра мирового уровня в области ядерной физики и технологий, радиационного материаловедения, физики элементарных частиц, астрофизики и космофизики.
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© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.As part of the tasks to improve the nuclear safety of nuclear power plants, a new program code was developed. The CORIUMSITY program code developed, considered in this work, is intended to analyze the scenario in which an accident at a nuclear power plant is simulated with the melting of the core and the formation of the so-called "corium"- a mixture of nuclear and structural materials of the nuclear reactor core, formed as a result of thermal and mechanical impact during an accident. The CORIUMSITY program code, is intended to analyze several scenarios of different accidents, include an accident with reactor core melting. The functions of this code can help in solving many urgent nuclear safety problems. One of the main methods of operation of the CORIUMSITY code algorithms is the matrix exponential method, which consists in using a matrix function of a square matrix, in which as values are used indicators corresponding to nuclides from the CORIUMSITY code database. The program implements an iterative Euler method for solving the system of levels of nuclear fuel burnup. The CORIUMSITY code was verified with benchmark data to assess the accuracy of the calculation.
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CORIUMSITY program code for the consequences analysis of a severe core melt accident / Saldikov, I.S. [et al.] // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - 2020. - 1689. - № 1. - 10.1088/1742-6596/1689/1/012057