Publication: The NEVOD-EAS air-shower array
Кокоулин, Ростислав Павлович
Pasyuk, N. A.
Kokoulin, R. P.
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The Experimental complex NEVOD includes several different setups for studying various components of extensive air showers (EAS) in the energy range from 1010 to 1018eV. The NEVOD-EAS array for detection of the EAS electron–photon component began its data taking in 2018. It is a distributed system of scintillation detectors installed over an area of about 104 m2. A distinctive feature of this array is its cluster organization with different-altitude layout of the detecting elements. The main goal of the NEVOD-EAS array is to obtain an estimation of the primary particle energy for events measured by various detectors of the Experimental complex NEVOD. This paper describes the design, operation principles and data processing of the NEVOD-EAS array. The criteria for the event selection and the accuracy of the EAS parameters reconstruction obtained on the simulated events are discussed. The results of the preliminary analysis of experimental data obtained during a half-year operation are presented.
Ключевые слова
The NEVOD-EAS air-shower array / Amelchakov,M.B. [at al.] // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. - 2022. – V. 1026.- 10.1016/j.nima.2021.166184