Publication: Raman spectroscopy for the development of a method for glial brain tumors diagnostics
Bikmukhametova, L. R.
Romanishkin, I. D.
Savelieva, T. A.
Orlov, A. V.
Loschenov, V. B.
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Reducing the frequency of relapses after surgical removal of glial tumors is a non-trivial task due to their infiltrative growth. The main way to solve this problem is fluorescent intraoperative navigation. However, in the absence of accumulation of a fluorescent marker in the tumor tissues, other diagnostic parameters are required to find the boundaries of such tumors. Raman spectroscopy has the advantages of optical spectroscopy such as speed and non-invasiveness. With an exhaustive database of reference spectra of those components that can be expressed in glial tumors, Raman scattering spectroscopy allows multivariate diagnosis of such tumors and their intraoperative demarcation.
Ключевые слова
Raman spectroscopy for the development of a method for glial brain tumors diagnostics / Bikmukhametova, LR [et al.] // INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE LASER OPTICS 2020 (ICLO 2020). - 2020