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Цель ИФИБ и стратегия развития – это подготовка высококвалифицированных кадров на базе передовых исследований и разработок новых перспективных методов и материалов в области инженерно-физической биомедицины. Занятие лидерских позиций в биомедицинских технологиях XXI века и внедрение их в образовательный процесс, что отвечает решению практикоориентированной задачи мирового уровня – диагностике и терапии на клеточном уровне социально-значимых заболеваний человека.
Руководитель научной группы "НАНО-ФОТОН"
Игорь Руфаилович
16 results
Результаты поиска
Теперь показываю 1 - 10 из 16
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступNumerical modeling of the spectral and spatial distribution of the electromagnetic modes in a tunable microcavity for investigation of the light-matter interaction(2019) Lednev, M. A.; Dovzhenko, D. S.; Rakovich, Yu. P.; Nabiev, I.; Набиев, Игорь Руфаилович© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The light-matter interaction between a molecule and confined electromagnetic field is of great interest because it allows tuning the energy states and the spectral properties of the coupled matter. This effect offers a great number of applications in many areas, such as nonlinear physics, biosensing and lasing. The most widely used approach to achieve light-matter coupling is to place an ensemble of molecules inside an optical cavity. In order to maximize the effects of interaction, it is necessary to model the spectral properties of the cavity in order to find the optimal parameters for the experiments. In this study, the model for the numerical calculation of the spectral and spatial properties of electromagnetic modes of a tunable microcavity was developed and a mode analysis has been performed. The cavity transmission spectra and the electromagnetic field distribution were investigated. The results showed a good agreement with the experimental data obtained earlier.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступВзаимодействие белков сыворотки и плазмы крови человека с полиэлектролитными микрокапсулами различной структуры(2024) Герасимович, Е. С.; Нифонтова, Г. О.; Крюкова, И. С.; Набиев, И.; Суханова, А.; Герасимович, Евгения Семёновна; Крюкова, Ирина Сергеевна; Набиев, Игорь РуфаиловичИсследование особенностей взаимодействия систем для адресной доставки лекарств с компонентами биологических жидкостей человека является одним из актуальных направлений в области разработки персонализированных стратегий терапии различных заболеваний человека. Инкапсуляция лекарственных средств в микроносители обеспечивает интактность лекарственных средств и их пролонгированное высвобождение в органе-мишени. Структура и свойства поверхности микроносителей определяют их общую биосовместимость и особенности их взаимодействий с биомолекулами. В представленной работе были получены микрочастицы структуры ядро/полиэлектролитная оболочка и полиэлектролитные микрокапсулы (микрочастицы с растворённым ядром), отличающиеся друг от друга степенью жесткости своей структуры, и проведен анализ их взаимодействий с белками сыворотки и плазмы крови человека. Полученные результаты показали наличие выраженных отличий в профиле белков, связывающихся с поверхностью полиэлектролитных микрочастиц и микрокапсул с различной степенью жесткости.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступМногослойные полимерные капсулы для адресной доставки противоопухолевых соединений(2024) Калениченко, Д. В.; Нифонтова, Г. О.; Крюкова, И. С.; Суханова, А.; Набиев, И.; Набиев, Игорь Руфаилович; Крюкова, Ирина Сергеевна; Калениченко, Дарья ВладимировнаРазработка систем контролируемой адресной доставки препаратов для персонализированной терапии рака является одной из важнейших задач современной медицины. Контролируемые доставка и высвобождение противоопухолевых препаратов обеспечивают снижение их токсичности для нормальных клеток организма человека и уменьшают побочные эффекты терапии рака. Многослойные полимерные капсулы (МПК) являются перспективными потенциальными кандидатами для разработки систем доставки на их основе. МПК получают с помощью послойной адсорбции противоположно заряженных полиэлектролитов на поверхности заряженного микросубстрата сферической формы. Данный метод позволяет получать МПК различной структуры, функционализировать их противоопухолевыми агентами и направляющими биомолекулами для их адресной доставки к опухоли. В представленной работе описаны основные этапы получения МПК, а также проанализированы факторы, влияющие на эффективность загрузки в МПК противоопухолевого препарата доксорубицина с помощью метода пассивной диффузии.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступГибридные системы на основе фотонных кристаллов из пористого кремния, жидких кристаллов и квантовых точек(2024) Крюкова, И. С.; Бобровский, А. Ю.; Мартынов, И. Л.; Самохвалов, П. С.; Набиев, И. Р.; Набиев, Игорь Руфаилович; Самохвалов, Павел Сергеевич; Мартынов, Игорь Леонидович; Крюкова, Ирина СергеевнаФотонные кристаллы из пористого кремния (ПК) представляют большой интерес для фундаментальных и прикладных исследований. Внедрение люминофоров в эти структуры позволяет управлять их излучательными свойствами, что перспективно для использования в лазерах и дисплеях, а также для исследований взаимодействия света с веществом. В то же время разработка фотонных кристаллов, в которых спектральное положение фотонной запрещенной зоны может быть сдвинуто внешними воздействиями, открывает перспективы для создания новых фотонных и оптоэлектронных материалов. В настоящей работе предложена технология изготовления гибридных систем на основе квантовых точек (КТ) и фотохромной нематической жидкокристаллической (ЖК) смеси, внедренных в микрорезонаторы (МР) из ПК. При внедрении в МР, спектр фотолюминесценции (ФЛ) КТ сужается, что обусловлено эффектом Парселла и слабой связью экситонных переходов в КТ с собственной модой МР из ПК. При воздействии УФ-излучения наблюдается длинноволновый сдвиг спектра ФЛ гибридной структуры, а также обратный сдвиг спектра при облучении видимым светом. Продемонстрированный фотооптический отклик может быть использован для управления ФЛ свойствами гибридных систем и создания на их основе новых фотонных, оптоэлектронных и сенсорных устройств.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступGraphene quantum dots unraveling: Green synthesis, characterization, radiolabeling with 99mTc, in vivo behavior and mutagenicity(2019) de, Menezes, F. D.; dos, Reis, S. R. R.; Pinto, S. R.; Portilho, F. L.; Sukhanova, A.; Nabiev, I. R.; Суханова, Алена Владимировна; Набиев, Игорь Руфаилович© 2019 Graphene is one of the crystalline forms of carbon, along with diamond, graphite, carbon nanotubes, and fullerenes, and is considered as a revolutionary and innovating product. The use of a graphene-based nanolabels is one of the latest and most prominent application of graphene, especially in the field of diagnosis and, recently, in loco radiotherapy when coupled with radioisotopes. However, its biological behavior and mutagenicity in different cell or animal models, as well as the in vivo functional activities, are still unrevealed. In this study we have developed by a green route of synthesizing graphene quantum dots (GQDs)and characterized them. We have also developed a methodology for direct radiolabeling of GQDs with radioisotopes.Finally; we have evaluated in vivo biological behavior of GQDs using two different mice models and tested in vitro mutagenicity of GQDs. The results have shown that GQDs were formed with a size range of 160-280 nm, which was confirmed by DRX and Raman spectroscopy analysis, corroborating that the green synthesis is an alternative, environmentally friendly way to produce graphene. The radiolabeling test has shown that stable radiolabeled GQDs can be produced with a high yield (>90%). The in vivo test has demonstrated a ubiquitous behavior when administered to healthy animals, with a high uptake by liver (>26%)and small intestine (>25%). Otherwise, in an inflammation/VEGF hyperexpression animal model (endometriosis), a very peculiar behavior of GQDs was observed, with a high uptake by kidneys (over 85%). The mutagenicity test has demonstrated A:T to G:C substitutions suggesting that GQDs exhibits mutagenic activity.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступCancer Cell Targeting With Functionalized Quantum Dot-Encoded Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules(2019) Ramos-Gomes, Fernanda; Alves, Frauke; Nifontova, Galina; Baryshnikova, Maria; Nabiev, Igor; Sukhanova, Alyona; Нифонтова, Галина Олеговна; Барышникова, Мария Анатольевна; Набиев, Игорь Руфаилович; Суханова, Алена ВладимировнаImaging agents and drug carriers are commonly targeted toward cancer cell through functionalization with specific recognition molecules. Quantum dots (QDs) are fluorescent semiconductor nanocrystals whose extraordinary brightness and photostability make them attractive for direct fluorescent labeling of biomolecules or optical encoding of the membranes and cells. Here, we analyse the cytotoxicity of QD-encoded microcapsules, validate an approach to the activation of the microcapsule's surface for further functionalization with monoclonal antibody Trastuzumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody targeting the extracellular domain of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) and already in clinical use for the treatment of HER2 positive breast cancer. In addition, we characterize the cell-specific targeting activity of the resultant bio-conjugate by immunofluorescence assay (IFA) and real-time analysis of interaction of the conjugates with live HER2 overexpressing human breast cancer cells. We demonstrate, that encapsulation of QDs into the polymer shell using the layer-by-layer deposition method yields highly fluorescent polyelectrolyte microcapsules with a homogeneous size distribution and biocompatibility upon in vitro treatment of cancer cells. Carbodiimide surface activation ensures optimal disperse and optical characteristics of the QD-encoded microcapsules before antibody conjugation. The prepared conjugates of the microcapsules with cancer-specific monoclonal antibody targeting HER2 provide sufficiently sensitive and specific antibody-mediated binding of the microcapsules with live cancer cells, which demonstrated their potential as prospective cancer cell-targeting agents.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступNanoparticles With a Specific Size and Surface Charge Promote Disruption of the Secondary Structure and Amyloid-Like Fibrillation of Human Insulin Under Physiological Conditions(2019) Poly, S.; Lambert, E.; Ewald, M.; Karaulov, A.; Sukhanova, A.; Bozrova, S.; Nabiev, I.; Суханова, Алена Владимировна; Набиев, Игорь Руфаилович© Copyright © 2019 Sukhanova, Poly, Bozrova, Lambert, Ewald, Karaulov, Molinari and Nabiev.Nanoparticles attract much interest as fluorescent labels for diagnostic and therapeutic tools, although their applications are often hindered by size- and shape-dependent cytotoxicity. This cytotoxicity is related not only to the leak of toxic metals from nanoparticles into a biological solution, but also to molecular cytotoxicity effects determined by the formation of a protein corona, appearance of an altered protein conformation leading to exposure of cryptic epitopes and cooperative effects involved in the interaction of proteins and peptides with nanoparticles. In the last case, nanoparticles may serve, depending on their nature, as centers of self-association or fibrillation of proteins and peptides, provoking amyloid-like proteinopathies, or as inhibitors of self-association of proteins, or they can self-assemble on biopolymers as on templates. In this study, human insulin protein was used to analyze nanoparticle-induced proteinopathy in physiological conditions. It is known that human insulin may form amyloid fibers, but only under extreme experimental conditions (very low pH and high temperatures). Here, we have shown that the quantum dots (QDs) may induce amyloid-like fibrillation of human insulin under physiological conditions through a complex process strongly dependent on the size and surface charge of QDs. The insulin molecular structure and fibril morphology have been shown to be modified at different stages of its fibrillation, which has been proved by comparative analysis of the data obtained using circular dichroism, dynamic light scattering, amyloid-specific thioflavin T (ThT) assay, transmission electron microscopy, and high-speed atomic force microscopy. We have found important roles of the QD size and surface charge in the destabilization of the insulin structure and the subsequent fibrillation. Remodeling of the insulin secondary structure accompanied by remarkable increase in the rate of formation of amyloid-like fibrils under physiologically normal conditions was observed when the protein was incubated with QDs of exact specific diameter coated with slightly negative specific polyethylene glycol (PEG) derivatives. Strongly negatively or slightly positively charged PEG-modified QDs of the same specific diameter or QDs of bigger or smaller diameters had no effect on insulin fibrillation. The observed effects pave the way to the control of amyloidosis proteinopathy by varying the nanoparticle size and surface charge.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступLabel-Free Flow Multiplex Biosensing via Photonic Crystal Surface Mode Detection(2019) Konopsky, Valery; Petrova, Irina; Nabiev, Igor; Sukhanova, Alyona; Набиев, Игорь Руфаилович; Суханова, Алена ВладимировнаCirculating cancer markers are metabolic products found in body fluids of cancer patients, which are specific for a certain type of malignant tumors. Cancer marker detection plays a key role in cancer diagnosis, treatment, and disease monitoring. The growing need for early cancer diagnosis requires quick and sensitive analytical approaches to detection of cancer markers. The approach based on the photonic crystal surface mode (PCSM) detection has been developed as a label-free high-precision biosensing technique. It allows real-time monitoring of molecular and cellular interactions using independent recording of the total internal reflection angle and the excitation angle of the PC surface wave. We used the PC SM technique for simultaneous detection of the ovarian cancer marker cancer antigen 125 and two breast cancer markers, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 and cancer antigen 15-3. The new assay is based on the real-time flow detection of specific interaction between the antigens and capture antibodies. Its particular advantage is the possibility of multichannel recording with the same chip, which can be used for multiplexed detection of several cancer markers in a single experiment. The developed approach demonstrates high specificity and sensitivity for detection of all three biomarkers.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступTwo-photon photoluminescence of a thin-film hybrid material based on CdSe(core)/ZnS/CdS/ZnS(multishell) semiconductor quantum dots(2019) Dyagileva, D. V.; Krivenkov, V. A.; Samokhvalov, P. S.; Nabiev, I.; Rakovich, Yu. P.; Самохвалов, Павел Сергеевич; Набиев, Игорь Руфаилович© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are widely used as components of hybrid materials for development of efficient light emitters and convertors. Their unique nonlinear optical properties, such as two-photon absorption and two-photon photoluminescence from biexcitons, make them promising materials for photovoltaic and optoelectronic applications. In this study, thin-film hybrid materials based on the CdSe(core)/ZnS/CdS/ZnS(multishell) QDs have been fabricated, and the two-photon photoluminescence (PL) from the generated biexcitons have been studied. The results show that fabricated thin-film hybrid materials based on the QDs are efficient fluorophores in the one- and two-photon PL regimes for applications in optoelectronics and biosensing.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступBiofunctionalized polyelectrolyte microcapsules encoded with fluorescent semiconductor nanocrystals for highly specific targeting and imaging of cancer cells(2019) Baryshnikova, M.; Gomes, F. R.; Alves, F.; Karaulov, A.; Nifontova, G.; Kalenichenko, D.; Nabiev, I.; Нифонтова, Галина Олеговна; Калениченко, Дарья Владимировна; Набиев, Игорь Руфаилович© 2019 by the authors.Fluorescent semiconductor nanocrystals or quantum dots (QDs) are characterized by unique optical properties, including a high photostability, wide absorption spectrum, and narrow, symmetric fluorescence spectrum. This makes them attractive fluorescent nanolabels for the optical encoding of microcarriers intended for targeted drug delivery, diagnosis, and imaging of transport processes on the body, cellular, and subcellular levels. Incorporation of QDs into carriers in the form of polyelectrolyte microcapsules through layer-by-layer adsorption of oppositely charged polyelectrolyte polymers yields microcapsules with a bright fluorescence signal and adaptable size, structure, and surface characteristics without using organic solvents. The easily modifiable surface of the microcapsules allows for its subsequent functionalization with capture molecules, such as antibodies, which ensures specific and selective interaction with cells, including tumor cells, with the use of the bioconjugation technique developed here. We obtained stable water-soluble nanolabels based on QDs whose surface was modified with polyethylene glycol (PEG) derivatives and determined their colloidal and optical characteristics. The obtained nanocrystals were used to encode polyelectrolyte microcapsules optically. The microcapsule surface was modified with humanized monoclonal antibodies (Abs) recognizing a cancer marker, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). The possibility of effective, specific, and selective delivery of the microcapsules to tumor cells expressing EGFR has been demonstrated. The results show that the QD-encoded polyelectrolyte microcapsules functionalized with monoclonal Abs against EGFR can be used for targeted imaging and diagnosis.