Кулик, Сергей Дмитриевич

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Цель ИИКС и стратегия развития - это подготовка кадров, способных противостоять современным угрозам и вызовам, обладающих знаниями и компетенциями в области кибернетики, информационной и финансовой безопасности для решения задач разработки базового программного обеспечения, повышения защищенности критически важных информационных систем и противодействия отмыванию денег, полученных преступным путем, и финансированию терроризма.
Сергей Дмитриевич

Результаты поиска

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    Topological Analysis of Protein Surfaces and Its Role in the Development of New Medicines
    (2024) Bystrov, O. V.; Kulik, S. D.; Быстров, Олег Владимирович; Кулик, Сергей Дмитриевич
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    Experiments with Neural Net Object Detection System YOLO on Small Training Datasets for Intelligent Robotics
    (2020) Kulik, S. D.; Shtanko, A. N.; Кулик, Сергей Дмитриевич
    © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.In this paper we’ve conducted multiple experiments with modern object detection system YOLO. Object detection systems are fundamental to many robotics tasks. Recognition algorithms involving object detection are often part of various intelligence systems for robots. Training object detection systems usually requires waste amounts of training data which can be expensive and time-consuming. In this paper we’ve conducted several experiments with YOLO on small training datasets investigating YOLO’s capacity to train on small number of examples. We measured accuracy metrics for object detector depending on the size of training dataset, compared training process of full and smaller versions of YOLO and their speed. Gathered information will be used for creating visual factographic intelligence system for robots. YOLO (You Only Look Once) is a special intelligent technology for computer vision techniques. Our results are useful for industry professionals and students from a broad range of disciplines related to robotics, intelligent technologies and other fields.
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    The Problem of Efficiency of Microscopic Human Hair Analysis in the Forensic Biological Examination
    (2020) Suchkova, E. V.; Nikonets, D. A.; Kulik, S. D.; Кулик, Сергей Дмитриевич
    The main aim of this research work is to study new approaches to assessing the results of forensic microscopic analysis of the investigated person's hair, which will improve the effectiveness of forensic biological examination of human hair. The forensic examination of human hair includes an analysis of their morphological characteristics. If all individualising features coincide, a conclusion can be drawn that this very hair probably belongs to the investigated person. However, a "probabilistic" conclusion cannot be the basis for a court decision. A mathematical model for assessing the probabilistic-statistical estimate of the set of matching features that characterise human hair (random match probability) has been developed to improve the evaluation of the forensic microscopic hair analysis. The identification significance (rarity) has been estimated for all morphological features characterising human hair. The aggregated identification significance of the set of matching features (morphological hair profile) has been estimated, and the probability and the frequency of morphological hair profiles have been evaluated for a control dataset of hair samples. As a result of the work, it can be concluded that, in most cases, the probabilistic-statistical estimate of appearance of morphological profiles of human hair does not give us precise data to make an unequivocal positive conclusion in the identification of a person by hair. However, the microscopic hair analysis is scientifically justified, and its results have a good correlation with the results of the DNA analysis, especially if the analysis made an unequivocal negative conclusion. The most accurate method of forensic hair analysis is the DNA analysis. However, despite the fact that the nuclear DNA analysis is more suitable for an identification of a person by hair than the microscopic hair analysis, it should be noted that, in two-thirds of cases, the probability of appearance of a genetic profile is in the same range of values as the probability of appearance of a morphological profile of human hair. Only in one-third of cases, this probability has values that are difficult to achieve in the microscopic hair analysis. Moreover, there are situations when it is impossible to perform the DNA analysis, but the microscopic analysis of human hair can be done without any restriction. As a result, it is concluded that, to increase the expert biologist's efficiency, it makes sense to use an integrated approach to the forensic examination of human hair. The integrated approach combines a consistent application of the method of the microscopic analysis of human hair and the method of the DNA hair analysis, which allows obtaining the most compete forensic information on human hair.
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    Intelligence Information System for Forensic Microscopical Hair Analysis
    (2020) Suchkova, E. V.; Nikonets, D. A.; Kulik, S. D.; Кулик, Сергей Дмитриевич
    © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.The problem of identification by human hair has been considered in the paper. The main aim of this paper is to present a new intelligence information system for forensic microscopical hair analysis. In our research we used micromorphological characteristics of the human hair: cuticle scale pattern, cortical layer background colour, pigment colour, pigment granule size, pigment aggregate size and pigment distribution. The micromorphological characteristics of the hair specimens have been investigated with the special microscope, such as Leica DM 1000 microscope. The result of the work is very important for the development of a mathematical model for the evaluating of the probability of a set of the matching features in the investigated hair object and comparative hair samples. Pattern recognition and decision making is special intelligent technology for forensic examination of human hair. Our results are useful for forensic experts and students from a broad range of disciplines related to intelligent technologies, for forensic microscopical hair analysis and other fields. Gathered information will be used for creating effective intelligence information system for forensic microscopical hair analysis.
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    Factographic Information Retrieval for Biological Objects
    (2020) Kulik, S. D.; Кулик, Сергей Дмитриевич
    © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.This paper describes the results of work to develop an automated factographic information retrieval system for biological forensic objects. The effective factographic information retrieval problem has been investigated in the paper. This factographic information retrieval includes a pattern recognition algorithm, and they are implemented for retrieval only one image among the variety of similar images of biological forensic objects. The automated factographic information retrieval system includes special retrieval block and human operator. Analytical formula was obtained to evaluate the effectiveness of factographic information retrieval using indicator. This formula is presented by effectiveness indicator: average length of the recommendatory list provided by the retrieval block enabling the human operator to take the final decision. The paper describes the structure of the algorithm for factographic information retrieval. Properties of the important indicator of effectiveness – the average length of the recommendatory list for the human operator were explored.
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    Recognition Algorithm for Biological and Criminalistics Objects
    (2020) Kulik, S. D.; Shtanko, A. N.; Кулик, Сергей Дмитриевич
    © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.This paper describes the results of a work to develop an algorithm for analyzing images of embossed impressions in paper documents under oblique lighting. The described algorithm could also be used for recognition of similarly-structured objects, for example, some of biological structures. This type of analysis is necessary during forensic analysis of certain security features of paper documents. Part of this analysis is determining to which category new, uncategorized impression belongs to. This research explores the potential for automation of this task using neural networks. The core element of the algorithm is a neural network which determines the similarity between two embossed impressions. The paper describes the structure of the algorithm, a method for creating an image database for training and testing, as well as testing results for proposed algorithm.
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    Genetic Algorithm and Software Tools for Solving Optimization Problems in Intelligent Robotics
    (2020) Kulik, S. D.; Protopopova, J.; Кулик, Сергей Дмитриевич
    © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.This paper concentrates on application of genetic algorithm in area of intelligent robotics. It raises the following issues: what optimization problems are faced in robotics, how they can be solved and how genetic algorithm can be useful in this area. The first section explains the role, kinds and examples of optimization problems in field of robotics and what solutions they can have. The second section of the paper covers the basic concepts of genetic algorithm, the steps it performs, and its possibilities. The third section contains an overview and a comparison of existing software implementations of genetic algorithm. This section also presents the system that we have developed for solving optimization problems with genetic algorithm and describes its main features and capabilities, gives a list of configuration parameters that user is allowed to change, and demonstrates its graphical interface for manipulating different types of objects that are managed by genetic algorithm.
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    Factographic information retrieval for semiconductor physics, micro - And nanosystems
    (2019) Kulik, S. D.; Кулик, Сергей Дмитриевич
    © 2019 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. This paper proposes a factographic information retrieval for semiconductor physics, as well as micro - and nanosystems. This factographic information retrieval includes a pattern recognition algorithm and factographic database. The first factographic database includes special keywords from semiconductor physics and micro - and nanosystems. The second factographic database includes document descriptions in the form of Searching Documents Patterns for the fields of semiconductor physics and microelectronics. An analytical model of the factographic information retrieval system is developed. This model is presented by an effectiveness indicator: the average length of the recommendatory list used for semiconductor physics and micro - and nanosystems for space application.
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    Specialized Software Tool for Pattern Recognition of Biological Objects
    (2021) Kulik, S. D.; Levin, E. O.; Кулик, Сергей Дмитриевич
    © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.This paper describes the results of work on developing the mobile application for recognition of faces and other biological objects. The application is designed with a focus on loading external machine learning models over the Internet, which allows you to change the model without making any modifications to the application. With such realization, the application can be used in many cases. For example, at carrying out conferences: organizers just need to train a model and send out the link for its downloading to all participants of the conference without any changes in source code. Participants will be able to find out the information about other members they are interested in, as well as contact them directly from the application, both by phone and by e-mail. Instructions are given for teaching your own face recognition model using the Microsoft Custom Vision cloud service, which allows you to train regardless of the power of your local computer. As an example, a classification model was trained and the following assessments of recognition quality indicators were obtained precision: 97.8% and recall: 95.8%. In our future work we consider adding the functionality of emotion recognition based on the pattern recognition algorithm, described in this paper.
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    Forensic information system for olfactory research
    (2022) Rybina, T. A.; Kulik, S. D.; Smirnov, D. V.; Кулик, Сергей Дмитриевич
    The problems of storing, systematization and accounting for data, accumulated in the process of carrying out olfactory examinations have been considered in the paper. The main purpose of this paper is to present a new forensic information system for olfactory research with cognitive elements. The processes of preparing and carrying out an olfactory examination have been studied during the design and development of the information system, a structural model in the form of a block diagram and an operation algorithm were built and developed. The resulting system prototype should ease the process of taking into account all of the data, obtained during research, as well as be useful for developing cognitive technologies.