Publication: Genetic Algorithm and Software Tools for Solving Optimization Problems in Intelligent Robotics
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© 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.This paper concentrates on application of genetic algorithm in area of intelligent robotics. It raises the following issues: what optimization problems are faced in robotics, how they can be solved and how genetic algorithm can be useful in this area. The first section explains the role, kinds and examples of optimization problems in field of robotics and what solutions they can have. The second section of the paper covers the basic concepts of genetic algorithm, the steps it performs, and its possibilities. The third section contains an overview and a comparison of existing software implementations of genetic algorithm. This section also presents the system that we have developed for solving optimization problems with genetic algorithm and describes its main features and capabilities, gives a list of configuration parameters that user is allowed to change, and demonstrates its graphical interface for manipulating different types of objects that are managed by genetic algorithm.
Ключевые слова
Kulik, S. D. Genetic Algorithm and Software Tools for Solving Optimization Problems in Intelligent Robotics / Kulik, S.D., Protopopova, J. // Mechanisms and Machine Science. - 2020. - 80. - P. 171-178. - 10.1007/978-3-030-33491-8_21