Леонов, Павел Юрьевич

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Институт финансовых технологий и экономической безопасности
Институт финансовых технологий и экономической безопасности (ИФТЭБ) Национального исследовательского ядерного университета "МИФИ" готовит кадры в интересах национальной системы по противодействию легализации (отмыванию) доходов, полученных преступным путем, и финансированию терроризма (ПОД/ФТ). Междисциплинарность образования позволит выпускникам ИФТЭБ НИЯУ МИФИ легко адаптироваться на современном рынке труда и в бизнес-среде.
Павел Юрьевич

Результаты поиска

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    The use of artificial intelligence technology in the process of creating an ATM service model
    (2020) Leonov, P.; Sviridenko, A.; Leonova, E.; Epifanov, M.; Nikiforova, E.; Леонов, Павел Юрьевич; Епифанов, Михаил Александрович
    © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.On the basis of the research of statistics on ATM operations with the technology of cash recycling, which contains records on collection, as well as on depositing and withdrawing cash, an analytical model has been developed to reduce the number of cash collection while ensuring a sufficient number of banknotes to meet the demand of the bank's customers in a timely manner.
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    Visual analysis in identifying a typical indicators of financial statements as an element of artificial intelligence technology in audit
    (2020) Leonova, E.; Leonov, P.; Kozhina, A.; Epifanov, M.; Sviridenko, A.; Леонов, Павел Юрьевич; Епифанов, Михаил Александрович
    © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.The use of analytical tools on the example of specific financial statements by checking it for the signs of manipulating data elements has allowed us to expand the range of the most effective analytical procedures for assessing the organization's involvement in questionable transactions.
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    Development of a trade model based on distributed ledger technology for the EAEU
    (2021) Melkonyan, S. E.; Galoyan, N. A.; Norkina, A. N.; Leonov, P. Y.; Мелконян, Сережа Ервандович; Галоян, Натали Альбертовна; Норкина, Анна Николаевна; Леонов, Павел Юрьевич
    © 2020 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.The article reveals problems in the trade between EAEU countries, proposing the solution. Such processes as globalization and digitalization are caused by the technological advance influencing trade among EAEU countries. Some of the problems have been identified relatively recently, and some have been discovered long time ago, however, they have not found a proper solution. The existing shortcomings in the activities of the EAEU pose a significant threat to the security of the member States. The authors of the article stress the solution to the current problems faced by members of EAEU, offering the implementation of blockchain technologies. New model of trading platform, from the authors' stand point, will allow member States to solve current problems and to prevent illegal actions.
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    Formation of transfer pricing risk management competencies as an integral element of training specialists in economic security
    (2021) Leonov, P. Y.; Bolot, A.; Norkina, A. N.; Леонов, Павел Юрьевич; Норкина, Анна Николаевна
    © 2020 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.The article discusses the following competencies, should have a specialist in economic security. Today, it is important for an economic security specialist to develop professional skills in the field of transfer pricing risk management. In this regard, analytical competences are of particular relevance. The proposed competencies form the knowledge and skills of future specialists. Among the necessary requirements for specialists are established: the ability to apply analytical knowledge in various fields; identify, suppress and investigate offenses related to the economic sphere; collect, document and analyze information related to economic security. The development of these skills allows, among other things, to strengthen control over the establishment of transfer prices and to make the economic security of the state more stable.
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    Тестирование и оценка внутреннего контроля запасов как инструмент формирования достоверной бухгалтерской отчетности
    (НИЯУ МИФИ, 2013) Леонов, П. Ю.; Леонов, Павел Юрьевич; Кеворкова, Ж. А.