Сорокин, Иван Александрович

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Институт лазерных и плазменных технологий
Стратегическая цель Института ЛаПлаз – стать ведущей научной школой и ядром развития инноваций по лазерным, плазменным, радиационным и ускорительным технологиям, с уникальными образовательными программами, востребованными на российском и мировом рынке образовательных услуг.
Иван Александрович

Результаты поиска

Теперь показываю 1 - 10 из 35
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    Vertical stray field measurements using an electron beam in the MEPhIST-0 tokamak
    (2024) Vinitskiy, E. A.; Efimov, N. E.; Prishvitsyn, A. S.; Sorokin, I. A.; Krat, S. A.; Виницкий, Егор Александрович; Ефимов, Никита Евгеньевич; Пришвицын, Александр Сергеевич; Сорокин, Иван Александрович; Крат, Степан Андреевич
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    (НИЯУ МИФИ, 2015) Подоляко, Ф. С.; Сорокин, И. А.; Гуторов, К. М.; Визгалов, И. В.; Шустин, Е. Г.; Гуторов, Константин Михайлович; Подоляко, Федор Сергеевич; Сорокин, Иван Александрович
    The method for producing ion flux with low energy spread for the treatment of dielectric samples is proposed. It is based on plasma potential control for the purpose of maintaining a constant voltage drop between the plasma and surface of the dielectric accumulating a charge. The first experiments on irradiation of dielectric samples in the PR-2 were performed and the energy spectra of ions were measured.
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    (НИЯУ МИФИ, 2015) Sorokin, I. A.; Vizgalov, I. V.; Bidlevich, O. A.; Сорокин, Иван Александрович
    Analysis of both ion mass-spectrum and plasma parameters is very important for plasma-surface interaction experiments to control discharge regime and ion composition. In linear plasma devices with a magnetic field, it is possible to apply a static mass-spectrometer using magnetic field of plasma device to ion separation with focusing at 180 or 360 degree.
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    On the possibility of indirect measurement of the thin carbon films thickness using energy-dispersive analysis
    (2021) Sorokin, I. A.; Kolodko, D. V.; Сорокин, Иван Александрович; Колодко, Добрыня Вячеславич
    © 2021 Elsevier B.V.The article describes theoretical feasibility of a technique for indirect measurement of the thin carbon films thickness using energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. The method is based on measuring the ratio of the characteristic radiation from the substrate material below the analyzed carbon film and from the material of the additional covering layer. The technique was compared with a well-known method based on measuring the characteristic substrate material radiation. The possibilities and limits of applicability of the energy dispersive spectroscopy for the thickness determination of thin carbon films were qualitatively determined by Monte Carlo numerical simulation method of characteristic x-ray spectra.
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    Modification of the tungsten surface under the beam plasma discharge plasmas
    (2021) Sergeev, N. S.; Sorokin, I. A.; Сергеев, Никита Сергеевич; Сорокин, Иван Александрович
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    Deposition of Metal-Doped Diamond-Like Films Using a Hollow Cathode Discharge
    (2020) Sorokin, I. A.; Kolodko, D. V.; Krasnobaev, K. I.; Сорокин, Иван Александрович; Колодко, Добрыня Вячеславич
    © 2020, Pleiades Publishing, Inc.Abstract—A simple technique is presented for producing diamond-like films with copper impurity by sputtering the surface of a copper cathode with argon ions in a glow discharge with a hollow cathode with simultaneous chemical deposition diamond-like films on its surface. It was shown that a small (up to 1: 1000) admixture of propane at the pressure of the plasma forming gas of 40 Pa does not affect the plasma parameters, however, it allows you to vary the relative copper content in the diamond-like film.
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    Growth of Thin Graphite Films on a Dielectric Substrate using Heteroepitaxial Synthesis
    (2020) Sorokin, I. A.; Kolodko, D. V.; Luzanov, V. A.; Shustin, E. G.; Сорокин, Иван Александрович; Колодко, Добрыня Вячеславич
    A technique for growing thin graphite films on a dielectric substrate by annealing the Al2O3(0001)/Ni(111)/ta-C structure has been optimized. This technique is based on catalytic decomposition of hydrocarbons on the surface of a single-crystal catalyst metal film on a dielectric substrate and subsequent diffusion and crystallization of carbon between the metal film and the substrate. A thin graphite film with a low density of crystal-structure defects is obtained on the dielectric substrate after chemical etching of the metal film.
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    Testing Secondary-Emission Self-Oscillatory Probe
    (2020) Vizgalov, I. V.; Sorokin, I. A.; Сорокин, Иван Александрович
    © 2020, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Abstract: The test results of the prototype of the secondary-emission probe operating in the mode of self-oscillatory sweep intended for diagnosing nonequilibrium plasma in the presence of epithermal group of electrons are given. Earlier, the method of self-oscillatory probe was tested using an aluminum water-cooled contact surface with formation of a nanoscale thick high-emission oxide coating. The structure of the described probe is peculiar owing to application of refractory tantalum, which is capable of working in the mode of radiation cooling, which simplifies the structure and increases the reliability of the probe. It is shown that, owing to secondary-emission characteristics, oxide-coated tantalum allows under plasma loading obtaining a pronounced N-type current–voltage characteristic with a large excess in the electron-emission current component against the ion saturation current and satisfies all requirements for realization of the method of self-oscillatory probe.
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    Investigation of the Laser Radiation Focusing Effect on the Sensitivity of Analysis of the Hydrogen Isotope Content in Plasma-Deposited Layers by Laser-Induced Desorption
    (2020) Krat, S. A.; Kharina, A. P.; Sorokin, I. A.; Kostyushin, V. A.; Vovchenko, E. D.; Kurnaev, V. A.; Крат, Степан Андреевич; Сорокин, Иван Александрович; Вовченко, Евгений Дмитриевич
    © 2020, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Abstract: The efficiency of the laser-induced desorption method as a detector of hydrogen isotopes under pulsed laser irradiation (wavelength 1064 nm, 100 mJ, duration 10 ns) for different power densities of incident radiation on deuterium-saturated thin titanium films was investigated. When the power flow density increases by 16 times, the intensity of the thermal desorption peak increases by more than 2 orders of magnitude. Long-term repeated irradiation of the surface does not lead to significant depletion of the content of hydrogen isotopes in the studied layers, allowing their further ex-situ analysis.
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    Model of a Plasma Layer Formed by an Electron Beam
    (2020) Tarakanov, V. P.; Shustin, E. G.; Kolodko, D. V.; Sorokin, I. A.; Колодко, Добрыня Вячеславич; Сорокин, Иван Александрович
    © 2020, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Abstract—: Results are presented of the particle-in-cell numerical simulations by the KARAT code of the formation of a plasma–beam discharge in the absence of both the longitudinal magnetic field and the initial plasma. Oscillations of the electric field generated by the plasma–beam instability in the electron beam region almost do not affect the plasma at the periphery of the system. Simulation results are compared to the results obtained earlier by a simplified model and to the results of test experiments. The spatial distributions of the plasma density and electron temperature qualitatively agree with the experimental results.