Толоконский, Андрей Олегович

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Институт ядерной физики и технологий
Цель ИЯФиТ и стратегия развития - создание и развитие научно-образовательного центра мирового уровня в области ядерной физики и технологий, радиационного материаловедения, физики элементарных частиц, астрофизики и космофизики.
Руководитель научной группы "Лаборатория элементов и систем автоматики, АСУТП"
Андрей Олегович

Результаты поиска

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    Modelling and simulating of a multiple input and multiple output system to control the liquid level and temperature by using model predictive control
    (2020) Laidani, Z.; Tolokonsky, A. O.; Abdulraheem, K. K.; Ouahioune, M.; Berreksi, R.; Толоконский, Андрей Олегович
    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.In recent years, Model Predictive Control has been regarded as one of the most reliable advanced control methods widely used in industrial and nuclear processes. Model predictive control uses a system model to forecast its future response, and also treats a real-time optimization algorithm to choose the best control action that leads the predicted output to the reference. The overall design goal of a predictive control model is to compute the trajectory of a future manipulated variable input signal to optimize the future behavior of the plant output. Optimization is performed within a limited time window by providing information at the beginning of the time window. This paper proposes a predictive controller MPC model for multiple input-output systems. The design of the controller includes the development of a model of the state space system for the tank system, then the design and the simulation of the MPC controller for the developed model system. The variables to be controlled are the temperature and the liquid level of the tank by changing the MPC's parameters.
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    Real-time fast Fourier transform
    (2020) Ivanova, P. S.; Muradyan, K. Y.; Tolokonsky, A. O.; Кузьменкова, Полина Сергеевна; Мурадян, Карен Юрикович; Толоконский, Андрей Олегович
    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The paper presents a method of implementation of fast Fourier transform in real-time data processing and measurement systems. The method is based on software and hardware package «UMIKON», supporting input-output drivers. Classic Cooley and Tukey algorithm apply to real-time data vector, which formed by successive shift after every clock cycle time. This approach to data processing in real-time allows reaching high access time in information measurement systems when analyzing dynamic processes.
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    Implication of Wiener-Hopf method for synthesis of optimal intelligent control systems of NPP control objects
    (2020) Volodin, V.; Tolokonskij, A.; Ivanova, A.; Podgorodetskaya, S.; Rabie, B.; Толоконский, Андрей Олегович
    © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.Intelligent control systems based on fuzzy logic and neural networks are meaningful to use in cases of small amount of information about control objects. Control quality in such systems depends not only on error signal value, but also on rate of his change, i.e., derivate of error signal. As different noises disturb signals from sensors, so problem of filtering of feedback signals appears. In paper, authors consider synthesis of optimal intelligent control systems of technological control objects of nuclear power plants with help of Wiener-Hopf method and fast Fourier transformation.
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    Ultimate design and testing TPTS-based control systems with using full-scaled physical models of nuclear power plants
    (2019) Zhukov, I. M.; Tolokonsky, A. O.; Толоконский, Андрей Олегович
    © 2019 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Radiation degradation rate of base current in SiGe HBTs was experimentally investigated using X-ray irradiation source with Cu anode at room and low temperatures. The dependences of base and collector current on the emitter-base voltage of the transistors were measured during radiation impact and presented for different total dose levels and irradiation conditions.
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    Concept of instrumentation of digital twins of nuclear power plants units as observers for digital NPP I&C system
    (2019) Volodin, V. S.; Tolokonskii, A. O.; Толоконский, Андрей Олегович
    © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd.The relevance of the idea under consideration lies in the development of the use of digital twins of power units in the nuclear industry. With their help, we can not only predict the state of technological equipment, etc., but also solve the problem of parameter tuning of automatic regulators in different operating modes of NPP unit. Authors consider approaches to this problem based on optimal control theory, fuzzy logic and machine learning. Advantages and disadvantages of each approach are considered.
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    Analysis of Using of Neural Networks for Real-Time Process Control
    (2021) Volodin, V. S.; Tolokonskij, A. O.; Толоконский, Андрей Олегович
    © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.Machine learning is one of the key technologies of the current scientific and technological revolution. Despite the fact that research in the field of “intelligent” control systems began in the last century, real-time control systems based on machine learning, specifically neural networks, began to be actively implemented only in the past decade. In this paper, the authors analyze the current state of the problem of using real-time control systems based on neural networks and using machine learning in real-time control systems.
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    Active Disturbance Rejection Control of Nuclear Pressurized Water Reactor for Power Generation
    (2022) Ahmad, S.; Abdulraheem, K. K.; Tolokonsky, A. O.; Ahmed, H.; Толоконский, Андрей Олегович
    Control design for pressurized water reactor (PWR) is difficult due to associated non-linearity, modelling uncertainties and time-varying system parameters. Extended state observer (ESO) based active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) presents a simple and robust control solution which is almost model free and has few tuning parameters. However, conventional ESO suffers from noise over-amplification in the obtained estimates due to high-gain construction which in turn degrades the noise sensitivity of the closed-loop system and limits the achievable dynamic performance in practical scenarios. To overcome this problem, two recent techniques namely cascade ESO (CESO) and low-power higher-order ESO (LHESO) are implemented for control of PWR. Simulation analysis conducted in MATLAB illustrates the performance improvement obtained over conventional ESO based ADRC. Extensive simulation analysis is also conducted to investigate robustness towards parametric uncertainties. © 2022 IEEE.
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    (НИЯУ МИФИ, 2023) Ахмедзянова, М. Р.; Зеликман, М. И.; Кручинин, С. А.; Лантух, З. А.; Солдатов, И. В.; Васильев, Ю. А.; Дружинина, Ю. В.; Толоконский, А. О.; Толоконский, Андрей Олегович
    Для качественной работы рентгенодиагностического оборудования и простого выявления факта неисправности наряду с техническим обслуживанием следует проводить рутинные проверки, ориентированные на рентгенолаборанта. Целью статьи являлась разработка упрощенной методики периодического технического контроля рентгеновского аппарата и проверки стабильности функционирования оборудования без использования специализированного тест-объекта. В работе представлены результаты теоретического и экспериментального исследования метода оперативной проверки работоспособности рентгенодиагностических аппаратов с цифровым приемником в условиях непрерывной работы отделения. Предлагаемый метод ориентирован на оценку работоспособности цифрового рентгенодиагностического аппарата на основании определения параметров зарегистрированного изображения “чистого” поля (изображения, полученного в отсутствие тест-объекта во входной плоскости приемника) и последующей оценке выходного отношения сигнал/шум и коэффициента передачи приемника. Был разработан алгоритм оперативного контроля работоспособности цифрового рентгенодиагностического аппарата. Экспертным способом были установлены допустимые диапазоны изменения параметров ключевых параметров изображения. В исследовании показана работоспособность метода и его простота.
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    Application of Machine Learning for Solving Problems of Nuclear Power Plant Operation
    (2022) Volodin, V. S.; Tolokonskij, A. O.; Толоконский, Андрей Олегович
    © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.Nowadays, the industry is actively introducing technologies based on machine learning: predictive analytics, computer vision, industrial robots, etc. In this article authors discuss the possible application of machine learning to improve the operation of nuclear power plant (NPP) power units: diagnostics of the state of equipment (both technological equipment of normal operation systems and equipment of safety systems); definition of irrelevant alarm; determination of the state of the reactor plant; application of machine learning in equipment control algorithms. The report also examines the existing difficulties in introducing machine learning into NPP operation: issues of stability of control systems based on machine learning; the issue of interpretability of solutions issued by systems based on machine learning; small data set size for training machine learning models.
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    Adaptive second-order sliding-mode control for a pressurized water nuclear reactor in load following operation with Xenon oscillation suppression
    (2022) Abdulraheem, K. K.; Tolokonsky, A. O.; Laidani, Z.; Толоконский, Андрей Олегович
    © 2022 Elsevier B.V.This study proposes an adaptive second-order sliding mode control based on a twisting algorithm to control nuclear reactor core power during load-following power maneuvers. The control system was designed based on the concept of an extended equivalent control. The control technique does not require knowledge of the uncertainty or upper bound of the disturbance in the system. Additionally, the gain of the control system is a dynamic gain that increases or decreases according to the system requirements within a specified period. Consequently, chattering was attenuated. Chattering excites high-frequency dynamics and causes wear out of the control mechanism, making chattering a severe challenge in sliding-mode control. A nuclear reactor is a time-varying, complex, nonlinear, and constrained system. The characteristics of a nuclear reactor are a function of its operating power level, fuel burnup, and aging. In addition, the load-following mode of operation causes Xenon oscillation, which can further cause instability in the core. Therefore, the non-base load operation of the system, including load following, further aggravates uncertainty and disturbances in the system. To this end, an adaptive second-order sliding mode control that does not require knowledge of the uncertainty or the upper bound of the disturbance in the system was designed. The reactor core was modelled using an experimentally verified and validated multi-point kinetic model with four nodes. Simulation experiments were conducted using a multi-point kinetics model and an adaptive second-order sliding mode control. The results of the simulation experiments indicated that reactor core integrity is guaranteed, and the core is protected against peak power densities, such as linear heat generation rates (LHGRs) and lower departure from nucleate boiling ratios (DNBR). Moreover, the control system achieved the load-following objective and suppressed Xenon oscillation. The performance of the proposed control system was further compared with that of a twisting control system and classical proportional integral derivative control system to validate the effectiveness and reliability of the adaptive twisting second-order sliding mode control system.