Analysis of Using of Neural Networks for Real-Time Process Control

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Институт ядерной физики и технологий
Цель ИЯФиТ и стратегия развития - создание и развитие научно-образовательного центра мирового уровня в области ядерной физики и технологий, радиационного материаловедения, физики элементарных частиц, астрофизики и космофизики.
Выпуск журнала
© 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.Machine learning is one of the key technologies of the current scientific and technological revolution. Despite the fact that research in the field of “intelligent” control systems began in the last century, real-time control systems based on machine learning, specifically neural networks, began to be actively implemented only in the past decade. In this paper, the authors analyze the current state of the problem of using real-time control systems based on neural networks and using machine learning in real-time control systems.
Ключевые слова
Volodin, V. S. Analysis of Using of Neural Networks for Real-Time Process Control / Volodin, V.S., Tolokonskij, A.O. // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. - 2021. - 1310. - P. 553-557. - 10.1007/978-3-030-65596-9_67