2023_Взаимодействие ионов с поверхностью (ВИП)
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- ПубликацияОткрытый доступSURFACE HYDROGEN ISOTOPES DETECTION BY LOW ANGLE ION SCATTERING SPECTROSCOPY(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2023) Sinelnikov, D. N.; Gasparyan, Y. M.; Grishaev, M. V.; Efimov, N. E.; Krat, S. A.; Nikitin, I. A.; Крат, Степан Андреевич; Гаспарян, Юрий Микаэлович; Синельников, Дмитрий Николаевич; Никитин, Иван Андреевич; Ефимов, Никита Евгеньевич; Гришаев, Максим ВалерьевичHydrogen isotopes retention in thermonuclear fusion reactors is limited due to safety regulations and should be well controlled. Surface conditions can strongly affect accumulation rates of hydrogen isotopes in the bulk of plasma facing materials. Therefore, in vacuo methods of surface composition control may help to investigate mechanisms of this effects.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступMODIFICATION OF SURFACES AND INTERFACES WITH SWIFT HEAVY IONS(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2023) Rymzhanov, R. A.; O’Connell, J. H.; Medvedev, N.; Ćosić, M.; Skuratov, V. A.; Janse van Vuuren, A.; Volkov, A. E.; Скуратов, Владимир АлексеевичSwift heavy ions (SHI) penetrating through a solid lose main part of the energy to the electronic stopping. The extremely high level of the electronic excitation generated by incoming ion at the femtosecond scale is followed by relaxation of the perturbed electron ensemble. Subsequently, the acceleration of target atoms occurs at sub-picosecond times, resulting in the formation of a nanometric damaged region within hundreds of picoseconds after the ion passage. These structural changes can affect its physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of the irradiated target. Due to these features, accelerated ion beams serve as a versatile tool for the patterning and modification of nanometric materials [1,2], as well as the investigation of radiation stability against cosmic rays and fission fragments.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступTIME-OF-FLIGHT ANALYSIS OF IONS FROM LASER-INDUCED PLASMA(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2023) Grishaev, M. V.; Efimov, N. E.; Sinelnikov, D. N.; Nikitin, I. A.; Gasparyan, Y. M.; Vovchenko, E. D.; Вовченко, Евгений Дмитриевич; Синельников, Дмитрий Николаевич; Ефимов, Никита Евгеньевич; Гришаев, Максим Валерьевич; Гаспарян, Юрий Микаэлович; Никитин, Иван АндреевичOne of the most detrimental phenomena in fusion research is the interaction of plasma with a surface of a first wall and in-chamber elements. It causes erosion of the plasma-facing components (PFC), which in turn results in a degradation of plasma parameters due to transport of erosion products into the hot plasma. On the other hand, these processes cause re-deposition of the eroded material together with fuel components (deuterium and tritium). This is the dominant mechanism for fuel retention in PFC.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступОДНОВРЕМЕННОЕ СО-ОСАЖДЕНИЕ НЕСКОЛЬКИХ ИЗОТОПОВ ВОДОРОДА С МЕТАЛЛАМИ(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2023) Крат, С. А.; Пришвицын, А. С.; Гаспарян, Ю. М.; Крат, Степан Андреевич; Гаспарян, Юрий Микаэлович; Пришвицын, Александр СергеевичHydrogen isotope accumulation in fusion devices is an important issue. It affects installation operation parameters, such as hydrogen recycling. It is also of vital importance from the perspective of radiation safety, when the isotope in question is radioactive tritium. Only 700 grams of tritium are allowed in ITER tokamak at any one time.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ПОВЕРХНОСТНЫХ СЛОЕВ, ОБРАЗУЕМЫХ НА ВОЛЬФРАМЕ ПРИ ПЛАЗМЕННОМ НАПЫЛЕНИИ АТОМОВ АЛЮМИНИЯ, ХРОМА И ИТТРИЯ(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2023) Бутрова, Н. Н.; Ашаев, Л. В.; Черный, Д. П.; Довганюк, С. С.; Ашаев, Леонид Викторович; Черный, Денис Павлович; Довганюк, Сергей СергеевичThe paper presents data about surface layers formed during the deposition of aluminum atoms on tungsten and the gases trapped in them. The obtained results are used to conclude about the less extensively studied surface layers on tungsten formed during the deposition of chromium and yttrium atoms.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступЗАМЕЩЕНИЕ ИЗОТОПОВ ГЕЛИЯ В ВОЛЬФРАМЕ ПРИ ПОСЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬНОМ ИОННОМ ОБЛУЧЕНИИ(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2023) Умеренкова, А. С.; Гаспарян, Ю. М.; Арутюнян, З. Р.; Ефимов, В. С.; Сергеев, Н. С.; Сорокин, И. А.; Остойич, Н.; Остойич, Никола; Гаспарян, Юрий Микаэлович; Умеренкова, Анастасия Сергеевна; Ефимов, Виталий Сергеевич; Сорокин, Иван Александрович; Арутюнян, Зорий Робертович; Сергеев, Никита СергеевичHelium isotope exchange in tungsten during sequential irradiation by 3He and 4He ions at room temperature was investigated. Tungsten samples were irradiated in two ways: by 3 keV mass-separated ion beams, or by low energy ions in plasma discharge. The He amount in W after irradiation was measured using ex-situ (up to 2500 K) thermal desorption spectroscopy. Despite the very high binding energy of He with lattice defects in W, a very high efficiency of He isotope exchange was observed.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступМОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ РАДИАЦИОННЫХ ПОВРЕЖДЕНИЙ В СПЛАВАХ ВОЛЬФРАМА С ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ ИОННОГО ОБЛУЧЕНИЯ(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2023) Никитин, А. А.; Рогожкин, С. В.; Бобырь, Н. П.; Федин, П. А.; Огородникова, О. В.; Рогожкин, Сергей Васильевич; Огородникова, Ольга Вячеславовна; Никитин, Александр АлександровичIn this work, a comprehensive study of a W-6Re and W-10Cr alloys after accelerated irradiation with ions to a damage dose of 10 displacements per atom at temperatures of 300 and 500 °C was carried out. A detailed chemical analysis of radiation induced defects acquired by means of transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography. It is shown that, as a result of irradiation, nanosclae clusters enriched in rhenium and chromium are formed. In addition, a high density (of the order of 1024 m-3) of clusters of point defects was found in the area of material damage.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступALUMINIUM OXIDATION IN PLASMA OF ABNORMAL GLOW DISCHARGE(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2023) Pisarev, A. A.; Tarasyuk, G. M.; Borisyuk, P. V.; Isaenkova, M. G.; Lebedinskii, Yu. Yu.; Zaripova, M. M.; Исаенкова, Маргарита Геннадьевна; Писарев, Александр Александрович; Тарасюк, Григорий Михайлович; Борисюк, Петр Викторович; Лебединский, Юрий ЮрьевичAluminum oxide layers in all its various forms have become widespread due to the unique combination of properties that can be modified by varying the conditions of their growth. The alumina layer can either be applied to the substrate by chemical and physical methods or grown by oxidation. For practical purposes, layers of various thicknesses and structures are needed. The standard method for obtaining thick (of the order of 100-1000 nm) porous layer is electric arc anodization in weak electrolytes. The standard method for obtaining thin (about 10 nm) layers is thermal oxidation. Dense layers of intermediate thickness are difficult to obtain by such methods. There are few papers in the literature that investigate the possibility of obtaining oxide layers with a thickness of tens of nanometers by oxidizing aluminum in oxygen plasma [1-5]. The description of the kinetics of the oxidation process in those works was given on the basis of the assumption of the diffusion character of oxygen transfer from the surface into the interior of the metal. This approach is absolutely unsuitable for description the transport of oxygen and aluminum through the oxide layer, since both oxygen and aluminum in the oxide are in the form of ions, and an electric charge is formed on the surface of the dielectric facing the plasma, so that the transport of oxygen coming from the plasma must occur under by the action of an electric field in the oxide dielectric layer. In this work, experiments on plasma enhanced oxidation (PEO) were carried out on the oxidation of aluminum in the anomalous glow discharge oxygen plasma, which provides uniform treatment over the entire surface of samples of arbitrary shape. Also, a simple model was proposed for description of the oxidation kinetics, taking into account oxygen transport in the electric field.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступОСОБЕННОСТИ РАЗВИТИЯ ПОРИСТОГО СЛОЯ И РАСПЫЛЕНИЯ ГРАФИТА ПРИ ВЫСОКОТЕМПЕРАТУРНОМ ИНТЕНСИВНОМ ОБЛУЧЕНИИ ИОНАМИ ГЕЛИЯ И ДЕЙТЕРИЯ(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2023) Пунтаков, Н. А.; Беграмбеков, Л. Б.; Захаров, А. М.; Пунтаков, Николай Алексеевич; Захаров, Андрей Михайлович; Беграмбеков, Леон БогдановичThe influence of the irradiation dose and surface temperature on the sputtering rate, the development of a near-surface porous layer, and the formation of a stream of sputtered atoms during high-temperature intense irradiation of graphite with helium and deuterium ions has been studied. It is shown that the features of these processes during irradiation with deuterium and helium ions are related to the specificity of the formation of structural defects in graphite by these ions.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступПРИМЕНЕНИЕ ПЛАЗМЕННЫХ И ИОННОЛУЧЕВЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ ДЛЯ ПРОИЗВОДСТВА ПОКРЫТИЙ НА ЭЛЕКТРОДЫ КАРДИОСТИМУЛЯТОРОВ(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2023) Обрезков, О. И.; Базылев, В. А.; Мартыненко, Ю. В.; Нагель, М. Ю.; Мартыненко, Юрий ВладимировичElectrochemical characteristics of cathodes of pacemakers with TiN, Pt and Ir coatings, as well as cathodes with TiN coating implanted with Pt and Ir ions were studied. The best results were obtained by cathodes with Pt and Ir coatings. Ion implantation improves TiN coating, and brings its characteristics closer to those of Pt and Ir coatings.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступQUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE TEMPERATURE DRIVEN CHROMIUM SEGREGATION IN W-Cr-Y ALLOY BY LOW ENERGY ION SCATTERING SPECTROSCOPY(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2023) Efimov, N. E.; Sinelnikov, D. N.; Wang, Y.; Harutyunyan, Z. R.; Gasparyan, Y. M.; Grishaev, M. V.; Nikitin, I. A.; Tan, X.; Синельников, Дмитрий Николаевич; Ефимов, Никита Евгеньевич; Арутюнян, Зорий Робертович; Никитин, Иван Андреевич; Гаспарян, Юрий Микаэлович; Гришаев, Максим ВалерьевичOne of the challenging problems which arise in the controlled nuclear fusion is related to the design and material choice of plasma facing components for the future reactors. Tungsten is considered to be one of the most suitable candidates due to its high melting point, thermal conductivity and relatively low erosion rate, and, therefore, it is planned to be used in nextgen facilities like ITER and DEMO. However, under high neutron fluxes its stable isotopes may form radioactive ones. Being not so hazardous while it is inside the reactor, in case of a loss of coolant accident (LOCA) a volatile oxide of W and of its transmutation products may appear, which is undesirable. A possible solution to avoid the release of the radioactive oxides is the use of self-passivating W-Cr-Y alloys [1], which under LOCA scenarios forms on the surface a chromium oxide, preventing the formation of tungsten oxide. Such alloys are of the great interest now, especially when it comes to analyzing the dynamics of the chromium release to the outermost layers [2,3]. In this work, capabilities of low energy ion scattering spectroscopy (LEIS) with small angle scattering to the characterization the surface morphology of W-11,4Cr-0,6Y after pre-annealing at different temperatures are revealed.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступОТРАЖЕНИЕ ПРОТОНОВ ОТ СЛОИСТО НЕОДНОРОДНЫХ ТВЕРДЫХ ТЕЛ(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2023) Лобанова, Л. Г.; Афанасьев, В. П.; Гришаев, М. В.; Ефимов, Н. Е.; Никитин, И. А.; Синельников, Д. Н.; Синельников, Дмитрий Николаевич; Никитин, Иван Андреевич; Ефимов, Никита Евгеньевич; Гришаев, Максим ВалерьевичCalculation method of reflected from layered inhomogeneous solids light ions density fluxes is constructed. The method is based on analytically calculated and experimentally received reflection functions from homogeneous solids. Transmission function is calculated in Fokker-Plank approximation. Analytical results are verified on a base on comparison with experimental results.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступМодификация структуры пиролитического графита и углеродных волокон под воздействием ионного облучения(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2023) Беграмбеков, Л. Б.; Пунтаков, Н. А.; Грунин, А. В.; Беграмбеков, Леон Богданович; Пунтаков, Николай АлексеевичIn this work, an experimental study of the modification of the surface structure of pyrolytic graphite and carbon fibers under the influence of ion irradiation was carried out. An analysis of the results of this study and the results of the work of other authors made it possible to draw a conclusion about the processes and patterns of modification of pyrolytic graphite and carbon fibers at various parameters of the ion flux and irradiation conditions.