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- ПубликацияОткрытый доступFABRICATION OF FINE-DISPERSED COATINGS AT DEPOSITION WITH SIMULTANEOUS SPUTTERING(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2015) Rogov, A. V.; Martynenko, Yu. V.; Kapustin, Yu. V.; Belova, N. E.; Мартыненко, Юрий ВладимировичNew low temperature method of homogeneous Mo nanocrystallite coating formation was developed. The coating was formed at magnetron Mo deposition on polished Mo polycrystalline substrate with simultaneous ion sputtering. Deposition and sputtering were performed in combined discharge of magnetron – hole cathode [1]. X-ray difractometry and SEM were used for coating structure investigation. A theoretical model was developed for coating formation by proposed method. At low excess of deposition rate over sputtering rate uncontrolled fast growth of some Mocrystallites is effectively suppressed, being fine dispersed coating is formed. Such coatings can be used as a radiation stable reflecting coatings for high temperature plasma diagnostic mirrors [2, 3]. The proposed method can be used also for other materials modification, semiconductors included.