The problem of large-scale production of plutonium-238 for autonomous energy sources

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Институт ядерной физики и технологий
Цель ИЯФиТ и стратегия развития - создание и развитие научно-образовательного центра мирового уровня в области ядерной физики и технологий, радиационного материаловедения, физики элементарных частиц, астрофизики и космофизики.
Выпуск журнала
© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The article is devoted to the urgent problem of large-scale production of plutonium-238. Various starting isotopes and Pu-238 production schemes are analyzed. The isotope characteristics of the chain based on the starting Np-237 isotope are presented. It has been substantiated that the region of neutron resonant absorption for the isotope Np-237 is the preferred spectrum of its irradiation. It is proposed to form a region with a preferred neutron spectrum in the fast reactor core for irradiation of neptunium-237. The preferred spectrum is achieved by a heterogeneous target structure including neptunium-237 and a moderator with a high atomic weight (Pb, Pb-208, Bi, Pb-Bi eutectic). It is shown that when a moderator with a high atomic weight is used, it becomes possible to form an extensive region with the preferred spectrum. In conclusion, the main conditions for the large-scale production of isotopically pure Pu-238 in a fast reactor are formulated.
Ключевые слова
The problem of large-scale production of plutonium-238 for autonomous energy sources / Shmelev, A.N. [et al.] // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - 2020. - 1689. - № 1. - 10.1088/1742-6596/1689/1/012030