Publication: Digital Transformation of Marketing Activities as a Factor in the Development of International Trade
Voronov, А. А.
Popova, T. S.
Shumakova, I. A.
Danilevskaya, E. N.
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Digital technologies are transforming international relations, diplomacy, foreign policy, and trade. Considering systems, such as politics, law, social sphere, or economics at any level (the functioning of an individual enterprise or international economic relations), it can be argued that the development of information and communication technologies has a significant impact on these areas. The transition to a digital economy is the most important factor in developing national and global economies. Gradually, there is a transition from the targeted introduction of various digital technologies (artificial intelligence, the Internet of things, etc.) to the integrated construction of an international digital ecosystem. The research discusses the prerequisites, features, and prospects for the development of international trade in the context of the formation of a global digital economy. The active and widespread use of digitalization significantly speeds up export–import transactions, allows new participants to be involved in international relations, and expands the range of resources used in cross-border turnover.
Ключевые слова
E-commerce , Digitalization , Information and communication technologies , Marketing activities , World trade , International relations , Artificial intelligence , Digital economy
Voronov, A.A., Popova, T.S., Shumakova, I.A., Danilevskaya, E.N. (2024). Digital Transformation of Marketing Activities as a Factor in the Development of International Trade. In: Sergi, B.S., Popkova, E.G., Ostrovskaya, A.A., Chursin, A.A., Ragulina, Y.V. (eds) Ecological Footprint of the Modern Economy and the Ways to Reduce It. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer, Cham.