Publication: TAIGA—A hybrid array for high energy gamma-ray astronomy and cosmic-ray physics
Кокоулин, Ростислав Павлович
Astapov, I. I.
Kindin, V. V.
Kokoulin, R. P.
Kompaniets, K. G.
Okuneva, E. A.
Petrukhin, A. A.
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The concept of the TAIGA experiment is to combine wide-angle timing and imaging Cherenkov telescopes as well as electron and muon detectors. The TAIGA facility aims at gamma-ray astrophysics at energies from a few TeV to several PeV and cosmic-ray physics from 100 TeV to several EeV but also pursues searches for astrophysical nanosecond transients, axion-like particles, Lorentz invariance violation and other unexpected manifestations of New Physics. TAIGA-1, a hybrid detector complex with an area of 1 km2, operating since 2021 in the Tunka valley, 50 km to the West from the southernmost tip of lake Baikal, and the plans for its upgrade are presented.