Publication: Biologically Inspired Algorithm for Increasing the Number of Artificial Neurons
Kolobashkina, L. V.
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© 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.The constant increase in the complexity of artificial neural networks (ANN) is highlighted as one of the trends of their modern development. An analysis of the main approaches to determining the required size of ANN is given. The most interesting approach is based on the reduction of the size of the network. As a criterion that necessitates the exclusion of communication between neurons, the low level of significance of this connection is used. It is shown that the implementation of the principle of changing the structure of ANN “from complex to simple” contradicts the general biological principle of development “from simple to complex”. A biologically based approach to the development of ANN is considered in accordance with the principle “from simple to complex”. As a criterion that necessitates the “birth” of a new neuron, it is proposed to use ambiguity in determining, first of all, the sign of the weighting factor of at least one of its inputs. The need to implement the training procedure is also emphasized on the basis of the above biologically based approach. An example of changing the structure of a neural network (NN) in accordance with the proposed algorithm is considered. The possibility of obtaining ANN with a non-trivial structure, which differs from the frequently used multilayer structure in practice, is underlined.
Ключевые слова
Kolobashkina, L. V. Biologically Inspired Algorithm for Increasing the Number of Artificial Neurons / Kolobashkina, L.V. // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. - 2020. - 948. - P. 225-231. - 10.1007/978-3-030-25719-4_29