Hash functions are based on three-dimensional stochastic transformations

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Институт интеллектуальных кибернетических систем
Цель ИИКС и стратегия развития - это подготовка кадров, способных противостоять современным угрозам и вызовам, обладающих знаниями и компетенциями в области кибернетики, информационной и финансовой безопасности для решения задач разработки базового программного обеспечения, повышения защищенности критически важных информационных систем и противодействия отмыванию денег, полученных преступным путем, и финансированию терроризма.
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© 2019 IEEE The methods are based on injecting unpredictability into means and objects of protection are called stochastic methods of information security. The effective protection can be done only by using stochastic methods against an active opponent. The effectiveness of stochastic protection methods is defined by the quality of the used pseudo-random number generators and hash functions. The proposed hashing algorithm DOZENHASH is based on the using of 3D stochastic transformations of DOZEN family. The principal feature of the algorithm is that all input and output data blocks as well as intermediate results of calculations are represented as three-dimensional array of bytes with 4 bytes in each dimension. Thus, the resulting transformation has a high degree of parallelism at the level of elementary operations, in other words, it is focused on the implementation using heterogeneous supercomputer technologies.
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Chugunkov, I. V. Hash functions are based on three-dimensional stochastic transformations / Chugunkov, I.V., Ivanov, M.A., Kliuchnikova, B.V. // Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, ElConRus 2019. - 2019. - P. 202-205. - 10.1109/EIConRus.2019.8656708