Publication: Review of radiation technologies for the treatment of covid-19 coronavirus infection
Gameeva, E. V.
Sarapultseva, E. I.
Garmash, A. A.
Gromushkina, E. V.
Maksarova, D. D.
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© 2021 State Research Center, Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency. All rights reserved.Due to the long-term lack of effective pharmacological concepts, the situation with the spread of a new coronavirus infection in 2019 (COVID-19) has aroused interest in considering the possible use of radiation technologies, including historical reports on the treatment of patients with pneumonia using low-dose radiation therapy. A brief review of articles on clinical trials of radiation technologies in the fight against COVID-19 is conducted. The authors of most of the analyzed articles, as well as the authors of this review, conclude that the available scientific data do not justify clinical trials of low-dose radiation therapy for the treatment of COVID-19 pneumonia due to the unclear benefits and risks of mortality from radiation-induced diseases, including radiogenic cancer and diseases of the circulatory system.
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Review of radiation technologies for the treatment of covid-19 coronavirus infection / Gameeva, E.V. [et al.] // Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. - 2021. - 66. - № 1. - P. 59-62. - 10.12737/1024-6177-2021-66-1-59-62