Петровский, Анатолий Николаевич

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Институт интеллектуальных кибернетических систем
Цель ИИКС и стратегия развития - это подготовка кадров, способных противостоять современным угрозам и вызовам, обладающих знаниями и компетенциями в области кибернетики, информационной и финансовой безопасности для решения задач разработки базового программного обеспечения, повышения защищенности критически важных информационных систем и противодействия отмыванию денег, полученных преступным путем, и финансированию терроризма.
Руководитель научной группы "Исследовательский центр в сфере искусственного интеллекта по направлению «Транспорт и логистика»
Анатолий Николаевич

Результаты поиска

Теперь показываю 1 - 10 из 21
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    Surface changes in Al2O3–base composite ceramics under action of laser treatment
    (2019) Vlasova, M.; Kakazey, M.; Hernandez, A. C.; Aguilar, P. A. M.; Petrovsky, V. N.; Петровский, Анатолий Николаевич
    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. Features of the structural-phase reconstruction of the surface remelted layer (track) of ceramic specimens with different contents of Y2Ti2O7, Y3Al5O12, and Al2O3 under the action of directional laser heating have been investigated by the XRD, ATR-FTIR, EDS, and AFM methods. It has been established that, depending of the treatment mode (the irradiation power and traverse speed of the laser beam), the phase composition of the remelted layer changes as compared to that of the volume part of the ceramic specimen, and, as a result of the dissociation of predominantly Y3Al5O12 and Y2Ti2O7, cavities and asperities appear. High-temperature laser heating and the presence of a temperature gradient in tracks leads to an intensive ablation process from the surface of the tracks, as a result of which the surface layer of the tracks is depleted of the lower-melting components with a (Y2Ti2O7) and is enriched in more refractory components (Al2O3). A part of the ablation products is deposited in the form of oxides on the surface of tracks. The obtained results make it possible to represent a multilayer model of ceramics subjected to laser treatment: the ceramic volume proper with a specific phase composition → remelted volume layer with a changed phase composition → surface layer with a new changed phase composition, and deposited ablation products. The thickness of the layers depends on the irradiation mode, and clear-cut boundaries between them are absent.
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    Laser Milling Ceramics Dioxide Zirconium and Disilicate of Lithium
    (2019) Panov, D. V.; Petrovskiy, V. N.; Ushakov, D. V.; Osintsev, A. V.; Dzhumaev, P. S.; Polskiy, V. I.; Петровский, Анатолий Николаевич; Осинцев, Андрей Вениаминович; Джумаев, Павел Сергеевич; Польский, Валерий Игоревич
    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The paper considers the possibility of using laser milling technology for precision processing of ceramic samples from pre-sintered and sintered ceramics zirconia and lithium disilicate. To find the best radiation source were compared different lasers. To find highest removal rate with acceptable accuracy was studied influence laser and scanning system parameters on ceramics. Accuracy problem of laser milling was considered. Examples of surfaces of prostheses were made.
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    Microstructure and mechanical properties of stainless steel 316L obtained by Direct Metal Laser Deposition
    (2019) Bykovskiy, D. P.; Ishkinyaev, E. D.; Petrovskiy, V. N.; Osintsev, A. V.; Dzhumaev, P. S.; Polskiy, V. I.; Sergeev, K. L.; Shchekin, A. S.; Быковский, Дмитрий Петрович; Ишкиняев, Эмиль Дамирович; Петровский, Анатолий Николаевич; Осинцев, Андрей Вениаминович; Джумаев, Павел Сергеевич; Польский, Валерий Игоревич; Щекин, Александр Сергеевич
    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The microstructure of 316L stainless steel obtained by layer-by-layer direct metal laser deposition is reviewed. Mechanical tests of the samples were performed in accordance with GOST 1497-84. Studies show that changes in power of laser radiation to grow parts lead to changes in their mechanical properties. The research shows dependencies between the strength characteristics of materials and the power of laser radiation. Causes of the forementioned changes are studied through the analysis of the microstructure. Nanosized inclusions of spherical shape were found in the process of studying the microstructure of materials. A study in the nature of the formation of these inclusions and their effect on the properties of the obtained material was performed.
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    Principles of Making Materials with a Spatial Distribution of Macroscopic Zones with Different Physical and Mechanical Properties
    (2021) Blinova, E. N.; Libman, M. A.; Pimenov, E. V.; Petrovskii, V. N.; Петровский, Анатолий Николаевич
    © 2021, Allerton Press, Inc.Abstract: The metallophysical principles and technological aspects are considered for developing a new class of materials characterized by a spatial distribution of macroscopic zones with different physical and mechanical properties, as well as gradient materials. The potential for making such materials has been demonstrated by the example of alloys belonging to the iron-chromium-nickel system of the austenitic-martensitic class. The role of severe plastic deformation and heat treatment using laser radiation for the production of materials consisting of paramagnetic macroscopic zones distributed in a certain way within a ferromagnetic matrix is analyzed. The potential for using such materials for manufacturing active parts of electrical machine rotors are discussed.
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    Pulsed laser modification of Al2O3 ceramics to controlling the surface wettability
    (2021) Gavrikov, A. A.; Shchekin, A. S.; Glazyrina, S. A.; Zhanabaeva, A. K.; Kolchina, A. A.; Marin, D. V.; Petrovskiy, V. N.; Ishkinyaev, E. D.; Щекин, Александр Сергеевич; Марин, Денис Васильевич; Петровский, Анатолий Николаевич; Ишкиняев, Эмиль Дамирович
    © 2021 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.In this paper nanosecond direct laser structuring was investigated for the surface modification of Al2O3 ceramic. A theoretical calculation of the roughness index was carried out according to the Cassie-Baxter model for three different patterns formed on the ceramic surface. The relationship between the assumed area of contact of a water drop with the surface of the material and the contact angle of wetting was investigated. This study shows that surface topography is not the only key factor responsible for surface wettability during nanosecond direct laser structuring.
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    Effects of laser treatment modes on the parameters of the hardening zones and the wear resistance of steel 40Cr
    (2020) Biryukov, V. P.; Petrovsky, V. N.; Panov, D. V.; Ushakov, D. V.; Петровский, Анатолий Николаевич
    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The paper presents the results of metallographic and tribological studies of laser hardening zones of steel samples. A full factorial experiment on laser hardening with a change in the distance from the focal plane, radiation power and processing speed was carried out. The regularities of changes in the depth and width of the quenching zones are obtained from the regression equations. With low-frequency transverse scanning of the laser beam up to 100 Hz, the hardening zones with a width of 20 mm and a depth of 1.4-2.0 mm in one pass were obtained. The wear resistance of the hardened zones is 3.68 times higher than the base material.
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    Experimental and computational determination of hardened zones during laser hardening of steels
    (2020) Savin, A. P.; Biryukov, V. P.; Prince, A. N.; Panov, D. V.; Petrovsky, V. N.; Ushakov, D. V.; Петровский, Анатолий Николаевич
    © 2020 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.Experiments in defocus of beam rectangular-shaped fiber laser in the range of 30-65 mm. using a full factorial experiment, we constructed the surface to depth and width of the zone of hardening through varying the speed of the beam in the range of 15-20 mm/s, power 3-4 kW. Comparative wear tests have shown that laser hardening with a rectangular spot reduces the number of tempering zones and increases the wear resistance of 40Cr steel by 25-35% compared to hardening with a round spot.
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    Hardening of steel with a defocused and oscillating laser beam
    (2020) Biryukov, V. P.; Panov, D. V.; Petrovsky, V. N.; Ushakov, D. V.; Петровский, Анатолий Николаевич
    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The paper deals with the process of laser hardening of 40Cr steel samples using fiber laser radiation and transverse sinusoidal beam scanning with a frequency of 200 Hz. A complete factor experiment on laser quenching with changes in the distance from the focal plane, radiation power and processing speed was performed. The regularities of changes in the depth and width of the quenching zones with a defocused and oscillating beam are obtained from the regression equations.
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    Peculiarities of the Microstructure and Properties of Parts Produced by the Direct Laser Deposition of 316L Steel Powder
    (2019) Loginova, I. S.; Solonin, A. N.; Prosviryakov, A. S.; Cheverikin, V. V.; Bykovskiy, D. P.; Petrovskiy, V. N.; Быковский, Дмитрий Петрович; Петровский, Анатолий Николаевич
    The direct laser deposition of metal powders is one additive method of producing functional materials. It consists of the melting of metallic powders by a laser beam in inert gas. The main process parameters are the laser-beam power, laser-beam speed and scanning trajectory, and powder consumption. Each parameter is selected depending on the alloy type, which in totality affects the structure and defect formation in products. In this study, experimental rectangular samples of 316L austenitic steel are fabricated by the direct laser deposition of the powder. The microstructure and fractures of samples are investigated using scanning electron microscopy in order to determine the structural features and reveal the defects (pores, holes, crystallization cracks, and oxide inclusions). Uniaxial tension tests and hardness tests are performed. The analysis of the influence of the laser beam scanning trajectory on the microstructure and properties of samples during melting is performed. It is found that a dispersed structure with an average crystallite size of 1.3-1.9 m is formed at a laser power of 250 W and scanning rate of 16 mm/s, which results in a high level of mechanical properties of experimental samples. It is shown that, when using the lengthwise laser-beam trajectory (along the largest sample size), the tensile strength reaches 730 MPa with a relative elongation of 25%, which exceeds the level of mechanical properties of 316L steel by 110 MPa.
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    Anomalous Electrical Conductivity and Magnetization in Fe-Cr-Ni Austenite-Martensite Alloys
    (2019) Protasov, E. A.; Petrovskii, V. N.; Mironov, V. D.; Протасов, Евгений Александрович; Петровский, Анатолий Николаевич; Миронов, Владимир Дмитриевич
    We have measured the temperature dependence of the resistivity and magnetization of a special steel of the Fe-Cr-Ni austenite-martensite class in a wide temperature range (77-1100 K). It is found that at temperatures 77-170 K, the resistivity of the material almost remains unchanged, but upon a further increase in temperature, the resistivity sharply increases, which is probably a result of disordering. In addition, anomalous behavior of resistivity with vanishing spontaneous magnetization is observed at 910 K, which is associated with the ferromagnet-paramagnet phase transition. Comparison of the measured (T) dependence with the analogous dependence for 12Kh18N10T austenite stainless steel has not revealed features typical of Fe-Cr-Ni steel.