Персона: Школьников, Эдуард Яковлевич
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Эдуард Яковлевич
14 results
Результаты поиска
Теперь показываю 1 - 10 из 14
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступPortable neutron generator with microwave ion source for wide applications(2019) Gorbunov, M. A.; Stepanov, D. S.; Shkolnikov, E. Y.; Горбунов, Михаил Анатольевич; Степанов, Дмитрий Сергеевич; Школьников, Эдуард Яковлевич© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The paper presents the issues related to the development of a portable neutron generator with a microwave source of heavy hydrogen ions for a wide range of applications. The paper analyzes the effect of electromagnetic microwave field strength and the magnetic induction value of a constant external magnetic field on the ionization rate of molecular deuterium and determines their optimal ratios. It also describes the configuration of the magnetic system of permanent magnets made of NdFeB material, which provide a homogeneous magnetic field with an induction of 850 Gs necessary for the effective operation of the device using the electron cyclotron resonance (ECR). The dynamics of the primary deuteron flux, as well as secondary particles in the ion-optical system are analyzed. Elements of a conceptual design of a portable neutron generator are described.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеPortable Neutron Generator Based on Laser-Plasma Ion Diode with Magnetic Isolation(2024) Stepanov, D. S.; Kozlovsky, K. I.; Skripnik, A. P.; Shkolnikov, E. Y.; Степанов, Дмитрий Сергеевич; Козловский, Константин Иванович; Скрипник, Александр Павлович; Школьников, Эдуард Яковлевич
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеOn The Statistical Analysis of the Formation of Secondary Radiation Fields in Remote Control Devices Based on Pulsed Neutron Generators(2021) Ilinskiy, A. V.; Pleshakova, R. P.; Tseitlin, V. G.; Gorbunov, M. A.; Shikanov, A. E.; Shkolnikov, E. Y.; Yakovlev, O. V.; Горбунов, Михаил Анатольевич; Шиканов, Александр Евгеньевич; Школьников, Эдуард Яковлевич© 2021, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Abstract: The paper is devoted to the study of the influence of pulsed instability of neutron generation on the efficiency of small transportable HMCs. Experimental diagrams of the spread of the neutron output per trigger pulse for PNG based on vacuum ATs with vacuum arc and laser sources of deuterons are analyzed. The possibility of approximating the probability density of the distribution with an accuracy of units of percent is established. Mathematical statistics methods have been used to obtain functions that allow correcting the HMC readings, taking into account the influence of the dead time of detection systems and the dispersion of the neutron output of PNG.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеEffect of the Electron-Emitter Parameters of a Pulsed Source of Light Penning Ions on the Extracted Current(2020) Stepanov, D. S.; Skripnik, A. P.; Shkol'nikov, E. Y.; Степанов, Дмитрий Сергеевич; Скрипник, Александр Павлович; Школьников, Эдуард Яковлевич© 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.Gas-filled neutron tubes generating pulses with specified parameters are needed for neutron well-logging. These parameters are affected most by the ion-pulse shape. The results of numerical modeling of the dynamics of the electron beam, secondary ions, and electrons generated in the volume of the Penning ion source with an electron emitter and their effect on the ion-pulse parameters are examined. The calculation was performed in an axisymmetric geometry with the aid of the KARAT software package. The physical processes occurring in the ion source and their influence on the growth of the ion current extracted from the plasma as a function of the maximum current of the injected electrons and the geometry of their source were analyzed. It was found that the steady-state ion current is independent of the electron current and is mostly due to the geometry and radius of the electron beam.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступФизические процессы в портативном генераторе нейтронов с лазерным источником плазмы(2023) Скрипник, А. П.; Степанов, Д. С.; Козловский, К. И.; Школьников, Э. Я.; Школьников, Эдуард Яковлевич; Козловский, Константин Иванович; Скрипник, Александр Павлович; Степанов, Дмитрий СергеевичПостроенные цилиндрическая и сферическая модели лазерно-плазменного ионного источника портативного генератора нейтронов позволили провести анализ динамики ионных токов на основе их представления в виде взаимодействия парциальных и предельных токов и резко упростить численный алгоритм. Для выбранных параметров разрядного промежутка и лазера получены значения ионных токов на катоде. Проведено сравнение расчетных значений ионных токов с экспериментальными данными.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеAnalysis of the Ion-Optical Systems of Portable Neutron Generators(2019) Agafonov, A. V.; Stepanov, D. S.; Shkol'nikov, E. Y.; Степанов, Дмитрий Сергеевич; Школьников, Эдуард Яковлевич© 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.The results of numerical modeling of the ion-beam dynamics and the dynamics of secondary ions and electrons formed in the ion-optical system of a portable neutron generator are presented. The calculation was performed with the aid of the KARAT code in a two-dimensional flat geometry and axisymmetric geometry. To suppress back electrons, the magnetic field of permanent magnets was used in the flat geometry and a blocking electric field of an additional electrode was used in the axisymmetric geometry. The working configurations of both systems are shown.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеAnalysis of the Operation of the Microwave Ion Source in the Electron–Cyclotron Resonance Mode for a Portable Neutron Generator(2019) Stepanov, D. S.; Chebotarev, A. V.; Shkol'nikov, E. Y.; Степанов, Дмитрий Сергеевич; Школьников, Эдуард Яковлевич© 2019, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Abstract: The authors present the results of numerical simulation of the kinetic processes in deuterium microwave-resonator plasmas with electron–cyclotron resonance at a nonuniform distribution of the magnetic and electric fields. For the actual configuration of the resonator module, the authors show the optimal magnetic field distribution in terms of energy efficiency. The solution of the kinetic scheme of the microwave discharge in deuterium plasmas makes it possible to relate the gas-discharge plasma properties with the parameters of the deuterium-ion source: the residual gas pressure, the gas flow into the microwave resonator, the charged particle flows on the wall and into the ion-optical system, the electrical and magnetic field strength and distribution in the resonator, and the power input into it. The results make it possible to reveal and implement generator operation modes with the highest characteristics ever recorded.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеDevelopment of a Kinetic Model of Microwave Discharge Plasma in Electron Cyclotron Resonance Mode with Allowance for the Temporal Evolution of the Electron Distribution Function(2021) Stepanov, D. S.; Shkol'nikov, E. Y.; Степанов, Дмитрий Сергеевич; Школьников, Эдуард Яковлевич© 2021, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Abstract: A program to simulate gas-discharge kinetics with allowance for the temporal evolution of the electron-energy distribution function is developed on the example of microwave discharge in molecular deuterium with electron cyclotron resonance. The model includes the averaged heating effect of the microwave field at cyclotron resonance, elastic collisions of electrons with electrons and heavy discharge components, and inelastic excitation and transformation reactions. The program considers the temporal evolution of the electron distribution function within these processes, and an algorithm that changes the boundaries of the design range of the distribution function depending on its current values is developed for it. This makes it possible to consider the function variations over a wide energy range. The conditions determining the algorithm accuracy are developed, and the counting-error dynamics upon variation of the parameters of these conditions is given. The adequacy and reliability of the simulation results, which are estimated based on the values of the introduced errors and comparison with third-party models, are shown.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеDYNAMICS OF THE CURRENT SHELL IN A SELF-COMPRESSIBLE PLASMA DISCHARGE WITH ADDITIONAL GAS INJECTION ДИНАМИКА ТОКОВОИ ОБОЛОЧКИ В САМОСЖИМАЮЩЕМСЯ ПЛАЗМЕННОМ РАЗРЯДЕ С ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНОИ ИНЖЕКЦИЕИ ГАЗА(2022) Grabovskij, E. V.; Gribov, A. N.; Krylov, M. K.; Efremov, N. M.; Lototsky, A. P.; Dodulad, E. I.; Shkolnikov, E. Ya.; Школьников, Эдуард Яковлевич© 2022 National Research Center Kurchatov Institute. All rights reserved.In the plasma focus chamber of the PF-MOL installation, a pulse valve allows to obtain an inhomogeneous density of the working gas. In the combined mode of operation (stationary for start-up and additional gases injection), it is possible to use different gases together in one start-up. The installation has a capacitive source with a maximum current of 750 kA. The chamber houses a system of magnetic probes. At currents of 700 kA in the normal mode of stationary deuterium filling, the neutron yield Ynis (4-5)109per pulse. The maxi-mum output Yn= 1,2·1010was obtained with additional pulsed deuterium recharge of the focusing area of the current shell. Experiments have been carried out with a helium current shell compressing injected deuterium. At a current of 530 kA, the output Yn~ 2·109was re-producibly recorded. Tests indicating the absence of a helium impurity in the deuterium pinch plasma were carried out.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеModeling of the Dynamics of Plasma Flows and Neutron Generation in a Portable Generator with a Laser-Plasma Ion Diode(2022) Skripnik, A. P.; Stepanov, D. S.; Kozlovsky, K. I.; Shkolnikov, E. Ya.; Скрипник, Александр Павлович; Степанов, Дмитрий Сергеевич; Козловский, Константин Иванович; Школьников, Эдуард Яковлевич