Норкина, Анна Николаевна

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Институт финансовых технологий и экономической безопасности
Институт финансовых технологий и экономической безопасности (ИФТЭБ) Национального исследовательского ядерного университета "МИФИ" готовит кадры в интересах национальной системы по противодействию легализации (отмыванию) доходов, полученных преступным путем, и финансированию терроризма (ПОД/ФТ). Междисциплинарность образования позволит выпускникам ИФТЭБ НИЯУ МИФИ легко адаптироваться на современном рынке труда и в бизнес-среде.
Анна Николаевна

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  • Публикация
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    Developing a Tool to Analyze the Use of Social Media to Identify New Types of Digital Financial Assets
    (2022) Leonov, P. Y.; Mikheeva, A. V.; Elkina, D. Y.; Musin, N. M.; Norkina, A. N.; Леонов, Павел Юрьевич; Елкина, Дарья Юрьевна; Норкина, Анна Николаевна
    This article examines the created method of identifying new digital financial assets in the Telegram social network. The importance and relevance of this topic is due to both a noticeable increase in the number of users of social networks and an increase in public interest in digital financial assets and digital currencies, especially cryptocurrencies. The object of the study is the popular Telegram messenger's channels about the cryptocurrency. The main part of the article describes the developed algorithm consisting of four main steps, such as Data Collection, Pre-processing the received data, Analyzing the data obtained, Results interpretation. Python is chosen as the software for the implementation of the algorithm. In addition, the authors demonstrate the carrying out of the created algorithm in practice using the example Bitcoin and Ethereum. In the result, the developed tools allow an analyst to pay attention to a specific cryptocurrency in time, which is often mentioned in the Telegram messenger in order to prevent possible operations of money laundering and terrorist financing. © 2022 IEEE.