Норкина, Анна Николаевна

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Институт финансовых технологий и экономической безопасности
Институт финансовых технологий и экономической безопасности (ИФТЭБ) Национального исследовательского ядерного университета "МИФИ" готовит кадры в интересах национальной системы по противодействию легализации (отмыванию) доходов, полученных преступным путем, и финансированию терроризма (ПОД/ФТ). Междисциплинарность образования позволит выпускникам ИФТЭБ НИЯУ МИФИ легко адаптироваться на современном рынке труда и в бизнес-среде.
Анна Николаевна

Результаты поиска

Теперь показываю 1 - 10 из 19
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    Digital transformation as a new paradigm of economic policy
    (2021) Nosova, S.; Norkina, A.; Makar, S.; Fadeicheva, G.; Носова, Светлана Сергеевна; Норкина, Анна Николаевна
    © 2020 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.This study analyzes the conceptual provisions related to solving problems related to the introduction of digital technologies and the formation of a digital economy based on them, reveals the dynamics of digital transformation and its impact on business processes and the interaction of states, business and civil society in the context of modern economic policy. We reviewed the policy of the Russian state in terms of overcoming both the existing and potential economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic based on published expert assessments. Our results confirmed that overcoming the current turbulent state of the digital economy in Russia requires: firstly, the development of digital entrepreneurship or the digital sector as the "core" of the digital economy, where digital technologies are created; secondly, the removal of restrictions on the movement of resources caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, as a result of the consistent implementation of a coordinated strategy for the digitalization of the economy, based on global cooperation in the field of economic policy; third, the process of reproduction of the social product, where production - distribution - exchange - consumption interact, should take place at the level of world standards; fourth, to introduce the "digital style"in economic policy through building technological chains and diversified connections; fifth, to develop artificial intelligence, the essence of which is to"break" the matrix of habitual life in order to launch a large-scale virtual program of a new being of humanity, spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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    Strategies for Business Cybersecurity Using AI Technologies
    (2024) Nosova, S.; Norkina, A.; Morozov, N.; Носова, Светлана Сергеевна; Норкина, Анна Николаевна; Морозов, Николай Владимирович
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    The Applicability of Artificial Intelligence in the Modern Global Development of Countries and Companies
    (2024) Nosova, S.; Norkina, A.; Morozov, N.; Medvedeva, O.; Носова, Светлана Сергеевна; Норкина, Анна Николаевна; Морозов, Николай Владимирович
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    Integration of Artificial Intelligence into Business Management Strategy
    (2024) Nosova, S.; Norkina, A.; Morozov, N.; Arakelova, I.; Носова, Светлана Сергеевна; Норкина, Анна Николаевна; Морозов, Николай Владимирович
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    Development of a trade model based on distributed ledger technology for the EAEU
    (2021) Melkonyan, S. E.; Galoyan, N. A.; Norkina, A. N.; Leonov, P. Y.; Мелконян, Сережа Ервандович; Галоян, Натали Альбертовна; Норкина, Анна Николаевна; Леонов, Павел Юрьевич
    © 2020 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.The article reveals problems in the trade between EAEU countries, proposing the solution. Such processes as globalization and digitalization are caused by the technological advance influencing trade among EAEU countries. Some of the problems have been identified relatively recently, and some have been discovered long time ago, however, they have not found a proper solution. The existing shortcomings in the activities of the EAEU pose a significant threat to the security of the member States. The authors of the article stress the solution to the current problems faced by members of EAEU, offering the implementation of blockchain technologies. New model of trading platform, from the authors' stand point, will allow member States to solve current problems and to prevent illegal actions.
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    Digital technologies as a new component of the business process
    (2021) Nosova, S.; Norkina, A.; Носова, Светлана Сергеевна; Норкина, Анна Николаевна
    © 2020 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.Technological developments in the digital economy will be distributed to all firms in various sectors of the economy. In this regard, the relevance of the topic is due to the need to study the use of digital technologies (DT) to create anti-turbulent conditions in the mode of effective business activity and economy in general, worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. DT is the subject of countless discussions and publications about its effects. The aim of this paper is to develop a conceptual framework that reveals the value of DT, which is not in the DT models themselves, but in the ability of organizations to use them. Our results have confirmed that DT are the driving force behind the development of modern business, because, first, they provide a clear incentive for their developers, companies, policy makers and users to solve the economic problems they face; second, DT remove the limitations of obtaining massive data sets based on global cooperation in the field of economic development; Third, given the scale of the beneficial impact of DT on business and the economy as a whole, some institutional innovation will be required to cope with the implementation of DT, as there should be no restrictions on their implementation and application, but rather, there should be promotion of the useful and safe use of DT, spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic. At the end of the article, the conclusions are presented, which will serve as a basis for further research and future practice.
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    Formation of transfer pricing risk management competencies as an integral element of training specialists in economic security
    (2021) Leonov, P. Y.; Bolot, A.; Norkina, A. N.; Леонов, Павел Юрьевич; Норкина, Анна Николаевна
    © 2020 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.The article discusses the following competencies, should have a specialist in economic security. Today, it is important for an economic security specialist to develop professional skills in the field of transfer pricing risk management. In this regard, analytical competences are of particular relevance. The proposed competencies form the knowledge and skills of future specialists. Among the necessary requirements for specialists are established: the ability to apply analytical knowledge in various fields; identify, suppress and investigate offenses related to the economic sphere; collect, document and analyze information related to economic security. The development of these skills allows, among other things, to strengthen control over the establishment of transfer prices and to make the economic security of the state more stable.
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    Криптовалюта и финансовые пирамиды: место и роль в системе обеспечения экономической безопасности государства
    (2024) Столярова, А. Н.; Безпалов, В. В.; Скрипник, О. Б.; Морозов, Н. В.; Норкина, А. Н.; Гаврилович, Г. А.; Яковлева, А. Р.; Морозов, Николай Владимирович; Норкина, Анна Николаевна
    Монография посвящена вопросам определения роли и места регулирования криптовалюты и деятельности финансовых пирамид в системе обеспечения экономической безопасности государства. Дана финансово-экономическая характеристика криптовалюты; показано влияние предложенных мер регулирования обращения криптовалюты на экономическую безопасность государства; рассмотрены вопросы нормативно-правового регулирования деятельности финансовых пирамид; проведен анализ изменения экономической безопасности под влиянием финансовых пирамид; даны рекомендации для эффективного противодействия финансовым пирамидам. Книга предназначена преподавателям, аспирантам и студентам экономических и управленческих специальностей вузов, а также научным работникам.
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    Developing a Tool to Analyze the Use of Social Media to Identify New Types of Digital Financial Assets
    (2022) Leonov, P. Y.; Mikheeva, A. V.; Elkina, D. Y.; Musin, N. M.; Norkina, A. N.; Леонов, Павел Юрьевич; Елкина, Дарья Юрьевна; Норкина, Анна Николаевна
    This article examines the created method of identifying new digital financial assets in the Telegram social network. The importance and relevance of this topic is due to both a noticeable increase in the number of users of social networks and an increase in public interest in digital financial assets and digital currencies, especially cryptocurrencies. The object of the study is the popular Telegram messenger's channels about the cryptocurrency. The main part of the article describes the developed algorithm consisting of four main steps, such as Data Collection, Pre-processing the received data, Analyzing the data obtained, Results interpretation. Python is chosen as the software for the implementation of the algorithm. In addition, the authors demonstrate the carrying out of the created algorithm in practice using the example Bitcoin and Ethereum. In the result, the developed tools allow an analyst to pay attention to a specific cryptocurrency in time, which is often mentioned in the Telegram messenger in order to prevent possible operations of money laundering and terrorist financing. © 2022 IEEE.
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    (НИЯУ МИФИ, 2023) Норкина, А. Н.; Артамонов, А. А.; Морозов, Н. В.; Антонов, Е. В.; Улизко, М. С.; Ионкина, К. В.; Соколов, И. Д.; Мальцев, М. В.; Ионкина, Кристина Вячеславовна; Улизко, Михаил Сергеевич; Норкина, Анна Николаевна; Антонов, Евгений Вячеславович; Морозов, Николай Владимирович; Соколов, Иван Дмитриевич; Артамонов, Алексей Анатольевич
    База данных (БД) содержит информацию по основным сведениям дисциплины, календарному плану, перечню профильных компетенций, таблицам соответствия по укрупненным группам специальностей, фонду оценочных средств и дополнительным материалам. Объектами БД являются учебно-методические материалы по финансовой безопасности. Структурирована по укрупненным группам специальностей с указанием обязательных и необязательных тем к изучению в рамках направления подготовки и уровня обучения. Тип ЭВМ: IBM PC-совмест. ПК; ОС: Debian 11.