Осипов, Максим Андреевич

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Институт лазерных и плазменных технологий
Стратегическая цель Института ЛаПлаз – стать ведущей научной школой и ядром развития инноваций по лазерным, плазменным, радиационным и ускорительным технологиям, с уникальными образовательными программами, востребованными на российском и мировом рынке образовательных услуг.
Максим Андреевич

Результаты поиска

Теперь показываю 1 - 10 из 21
  • Публикация
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    The influence of cyclical lateral displacements on levitation and guidance force for the system of coated conductor stacks and permanent magnets
    (2019) Rudnev, Igor; Osipov, Maxim; Pokrovskii, Sergey; Podlivaev, Alexey; Руднев, Игорь Анатольевич; Осипов, Максим Андреевич; Покровский, Сергей Владимирович; Подливаев, Алексей Игоревич
    For the development of levitation bearings and transportation systems based on coated conductor (CC) tapes it is important to know not only information on levitation force at vertical displacement, but also the data on stability of the system during lateral displacements of superconductor relative to permanent magnets. In this paper, we present new experimental results on investigation of both levitation and guidance forces of CC-tapes stacks subjected to cyclical lateral displacements relative to the position of permanent magnet. For the measurements we used 12 mm wide commercially available CC-tape manufactured by SuperOx. The long tape was cut into pieces 12 mm x 12 mm which then put to the stack. Total number of the single tape in the stack N was varied from 5 to 100. Under lateral displacement we measured the dependencies of levitation and guidance forces on value of displacement for various number of N and found that both levitation and guidance forces tend to decrease as a number of periodical cycles of displacements increase. The rate of reducing of forces was observed to depend on the number of tapes in the stack. We observed that dependencies of levitation and lateral forces on lateral displacements have a hysteresis. The area of hysteresis, which corresponds to the magnitude of energy losses, was found to decrease with increasing of number of elements in the stack. Experimental results are in a good agreement with the theoretical calculations of lateral force.
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    Experimental and numerical study of radial and axial HTS magnetic couplers
    (2024) Osipov,M.; Martirosian,I.; Starikovskii,A.; Aleksandrov,D.; Pokrovskii,S.; Осипов, Максим Андреевич; Мартиросян, Ирина Валерьевна; Стариковский, Александр Сергеевич; Александров, Дмитрий Александрович; Покровский, Сергей Владимирович
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    Influence of Pressure on the Critical Current and Levitation Properties of HTS Tapes
    (2021) Osipov, M. A.; Pokrovskii, S. V.; Abin, D. A.; Starikovskii, A. S.; Anischenko, I. V.; Veselova, S. V.; Rudnev, I. A.; Осипов, Максим Андреевич; Покровский, Сергей Владимирович; Абин, Дмитрий Александрович; Стариковский, Александр Сергеевич; Мартиросян, Ирина Валерьевна; Веселова, Светлана Владимировна; Руднев, Игорь Анатольевич
    © 2021, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Abstract: The contemporary composite high-temperature superconducting tapes (HTS tapes) are an advanced material for development of systems based on magnetic levitation. Development of levitation systems requires awareness on information on the effect of various external factors on levitation characteristics of the tapes. One of these factors is external mechanical pressure. For comprehension of the processes of deterioration of transport and levitation characteristics originating under mechanical loads on the stacks of composite HTS tapes, the effect of pressure on the critical current and levitation properties of the HTS tapes was investigated. The compression took place in the direction perpendicular to the plane of tape. The pressure varied from 0 Pa to 695 MPa, which corresponded to the force of impact of 10 kN on the stack of fragments of HTS tapes of 12 × 12 mm2. The measurements of critical current on applied pressure both for individual tapes and for the stacks of three and five tapes were carried out. Also, the investigation of effect of compression on the levitation force of the stack of 50 tapes was carried out. The theoretical model based on the finite element method implemented with use of the Comsol Multiphysics software package was developed to analyze the obtained experimental results. On the basis of the evidence found, it can be inferred that, at uniform compression of an individual tape and stacks of tapes with small thickness (up to five tapes), deterioration of characteristics of the HTS tape takes place mainly at the boundary of the area of influence, owing to existence of bending deformation. Deterioration of the critical current and levitation force of the HTS tapes under pressures to 695 MPa was not found outside the boundaries of the impact. However, at compression of large stacks of tapes (50 units), though a boundary of compression is absent, inhomogeneous deformation of the layers of the tape proceeds, which can be produced by local flexural deformations determined by fluctuations of both shape of the tapes and thickness of the layers in individual tapes. This is responsible for a linear decrease in the levitation force with increase in pressure.
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    Combined superconducting magnetic bearing based on stacks of composite HTS tapes and non-closed HTS tapes windings
    (2024) Martirosian, I. V.; Osipov, M. A.; Starikovskii, A. S.; Rudnev, I. A.; Мартиросян, Ирина Валерьевна; Осипов, Максим Андреевич; Стариковский, Александр Сергеевич; Руднев, Игорь Анатольевич
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    Modeling of magnetization and levitation force of HTS tapes in magnetic fields of complex configurations
    (2019) Irina, Anischenko; Sergei, Pokrovskii; Igor, Rudnev; Osipov, Maxim; Мартиросян, Ирина Валерьевна; Покровский, Сергей Владимирович; Руднев, Игорь Анатольевич; Осипов, Максим Андреевич
    In many levitation systems superconductors are used in combination with permanent magnets. In this paper we considered three types of magnetic assemblies that are most often used: with magnets oriented in one direction, oppositely oriented magnets and the Halbach array. Based on the H-formalism, we performed modeling of a magnetic field and levitation force in a system consisting of the high temperature superconductor (HTS) tape stack and the assembly of permanent magnets. It was shown that if a spatial distribution of a gradient magnetic field changes in height it is necessary to take into account the magnetic history of the superconductor. The proposed computational model includes a combination of scalar and vector potentials, as well as modeling the real movement of an HTS tape stack in a levitation system. The simulation results were verified by corresponding experiments. The proposed approach is universal for modeling levitation systems of complex configurations.
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    The influence of cryogenic temperature on characteristics of superconducting maglev systems
    (2019) Osipov, M.; Starikovskii, A.; Abin, D.; Pokrovskii, S.; Anischenko, I.; Rudnev, I.; Осипов, Максим Андреевич; Стариковский, Александр Сергеевич; Абин, Дмитрий Александрович; Покровский, Сергей Владимирович; Мартиросян, Ирина Валерьевна; Руднев, Игорь Анатольевич
    © 2019 International Institute of Refrigeration. All rights reserved. In our report, we present new results on investigation of the influence of temperature on the levitation force between the stacks of high temperature superconducting tapes (or coated conductor - CC tapes) and a permanent magnets. We studied the changing in value of levitation force at decreasing of temperature down to 30 K for field cooled (FC) and zero field cooled (ZFC) modes for various number of tape in the stack. In the measurements we used 12 mm wide commercially available CC-tape manufactured by SuperOx. The tapes were cut into pieces 12 mm x 12 mm. The number of layers in the stack ranged from 5 to 100. Cooling of the CC-tapes stack was carried out in cryo-free cryostat. Temperature range was from 30 to 80 K. Results showed that temperature has much influence on levitation force in ZFC mode whereas for FC mode the influence of temperature on levitation force is insignificant. The experimental data were compared with the results of calculations performed by using COMSOL Multiphysics. The obtained results are very useful for the practical application in magnetic levitation based systems.
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    Influence of long-term exposure of high-density direct current on the current carrying ability of 2G HTSC tapes based on the REBCO
    (2021) Veselova, S.; Osipov, M.; Starikovskii, A.; Anishenko, I.; Pokrovskii, S.; Abin, D.; Rudnev, I.; Веселова, Светлана Владимировна; Осипов, Максим Андреевич; Стариковский, Александр Сергеевич; Мартиросян, Ирина Валерьевна; Покровский, Сергей Владимирович; Абин, Дмитрий Александрович; Руднев, Игорь Анатольевич
    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.In this work, the phenomena of electromigration in samples of HTSC tapes of the 2nd generation was investigated. Samples of REBa2Cu3O7-x (REBCO, where RE is a rare earth element) were used in the form of a copper-plated tape. A superconducting bridge was preliminarily formed on the surface of the tape by the method of chemical etching (to decrease the total value of critical current). The sample was exposed by a direct current of I = 0.9Ic . The duration of exposure was up to 350 hours. The value of the current density in the area of the bridge was J = 1.38 1010A/m2. The measurements were carried out at liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K). The influence of the electric current flow on the value of the sample critical current is controlled at the selected time intervals. The experiment showed high stability of the tape under the specified conditions.
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    Scalable superconductive magnetic bearing based on non-closed CC tapes windings
    (2021) Osipov, M.; Anishenko, I.; Starikovskii, A.; Abin, D.; Pokrovskii, S.; Podlivaev, A.; Rudnev, I.; Осипов, Максим Андреевич; Мартиросян, Ирина Валерьевна; Стариковский, Александр Сергеевич; Абин, Дмитрий Александрович; Покровский, Сергей Владимирович; Подливаев, Алексей Игоревич; Руднев, Игорь Анатольевич
    A new type of scalable high-temperature superconducting magnetic bearing is proposed. The bearing is based on the multilayer open windings made of coated conductor-tapes (CC-tapes). To demonstrate the possibility of manufacturing such a bearing construction we have built a working prototype and studied its characteristics. The manufactured model of bearing includes a stator, consisting of three multilayer rings (CC-tapes pancake coils) of 12 mm CC-tape and a composite rotor consisting of three rings of permanent magnets, each composed of 16 NdFeB 10 x 10 mm permanent magnets. We showed a contactless levitation of rotor relative to stator, as well as rotation of rotor and we measured load curves, namely the dependence of the rotor displacement on restoring force for axial and radial loads. Numerical simulation of bearing load characteristics has been carried out by the finite element method in the Comsol Multiphysics software. The calculation results are in a good agreement with the experimental data.
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    The influence of temperature on levitation properties of CC-tape stacks
    (2021) Osipov, M.; Starikovskii, A.; Anishchenko, I.; Pokrovskii, S.; Abin, D.; Rudnev, I.; Осипов, Максим Андреевич; Стариковский, Александр Сергеевич; Мартиросян, Ирина Валерьевна; Покровский, Сергей Владимирович; Абин, Дмитрий Александрович; Руднев, Игорь Анатольевич
    © 2021 IOP Publishing Ltd.This article presents the study of the temperature effect on the levitation characteristics of stacks of CC-tapes from various manufacturers SuperOx, Theva and Sunam. Tapes differ in the values of the critical current density, architecture, and parameters of the metal substrate. Stacks of tapes were assembled from 12 by 12 mm square pieces of CC-tape. The number of elements in the stacks varied from 5 to 70. The dependences of the levitation force Fz (the vertical component of the force in the system permanent magnet - HTSC stack) on temperature were obtained both in zero field cooling (ZFC) and in field cooling (FC) modes. The measurements were carried out in the temperature range of 32-100 K. We have established that, down to the minimum operating temperatures, a decrease in temperature leads to a continuous increase in levitation force in ZFC mode. In FC mode, the Fz value tends to saturate after the initial increase in force. Cooling below the boiling point of liquid nitrogen up to 65 K gives a levitation force gain of 5%-10%. At the same time, cooling to 35 K gives an increase in levitation force by 7%-23%. It was found that an increase in the number of elements in the stack from 5 to 70 leads to an increase in the levitation force with a tendency to saturation for all temperatures studied. Excellent agreement between the experimental and calculated dependences of the levitation force on temperature and the number of elements in the stacks is demonstrated. Calculations show that for Sunam tapes, 90% of the levitation force is achieved with a stack thickness of 100 tapes at the boiling point of liquid nitrogen, and with 70 tapes at lower temperatures. The distributions of the magnetic field during the approach/removal of magnets, as well as the distribution of the trapped magnetic flux at different temperatures and numbers of elements in the stacks are modelled.
  • Публикация
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    Magnetic Levitation Characteristics of the System of Permanent Magnet Stacks of HTS Tapes of Various Architectures
    (2021) Anishchenko, I. V.; Osipov, M. A.; Pokrovskii, S. V.; Abin, D. A.; Starikovskii, A. S.; Rudnev, I. A.; Мартиросян, Ирина Валерьевна; Осипов, Максим Андреевич; Покровский, Сергей Владимирович; Абин, Дмитрий Александрович; Стариковский, Александр Сергеевич; Руднев, Игорь Анатольевич
    © 2021, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Abstract: Stacked composite high-temperature superconducting tapes (HTS tapes) are advanced material for development of magnetic levitation systems such as levitation transport, bearings, and kinetic energy storage. At use of superconductor in variable fields, energy losses owing to existence of heat in superconductor leading to decrease in critical current and, as a consequence, in the levitation force are inescapable. One of the key advantages of stacks of HTS tapes over traditional bulk HTS is the presence of a metal substrate and layers of silver and copper, which leads not only to high strength but also to suitable thermal conductivity of the stacks, which makes it possible to remove released heat efficiently. Investigation of mechanisms of control of thermal properties of the systems, as well as development of efficient methods of checkout of heat transfer parameters of the system at various rates of insertion of an external magnetic field, is a relevant objective. The results of calculation of the behavior of the stack of HTS tapes in an external magnetic field by the finite element method accomplished with use of the Comsol Multiphysics software package are presented in this work. Investigations of control of thermal properties of a levitation system are carried out, and also efficient methods of checkout of the parameters of heat transfer of the system at various rates of insertion of external magnetic field are developed. It is demonstrated that improvement of thermal and, as a consequence, levitation properties of the system can be achieved by the effect of both change in architecture of the stacks themselves and use of various configurations of the cryogenic cooling system. Various alternatives of implementation of the cryocooler cooling system and also various configurations of the stacks at liquid-nitrogen cooling are discussed. It is demonstrated that liquid nitrogen cooling is efficient so far as the change in temperature in the system is less than 3 K. In the case of liquidless cooling of the stack, the configuration with lateral cooling is optimal. The presence of a mechanical cooling passage in the form of a hole in the case of low rates of insertion of the magnetic field either leads to degradation of the system or does not have an effect on its properties. At increase in the rate of insertion of the external magnetic field, the presence of the mechanical cooling passage leads to increase in the maximum levitation force.