Персона: Борзунов, Георгий Иванович
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Институт интеллектуальных кибернетических систем
Цель ИИКС и стратегия развития - это подготовка кадров, способных противостоять современным угрозам и вызовам, обладающих знаниями и компетенциями в области кибернетики, информационной и финансовой безопасности для решения задач разработки базового программного обеспечения, повышения защищенности критически важных информационных систем и противодействия отмыванию денег, полученных преступным путем, и финансированию терроризма.
Георгий Иванович
10 results
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- ПубликацияОткрытый доступOptimization of machine learning algorithm of emotion recognition in terms of human facial expressions(2020) Ivanova, E.; Borzunov, G.; Борзунов, Георгий Иванович© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.This work is devoted to the optimization of the recognition method of seven basic emotions (joy, sadness, fear, anger, surprise, disgust and neutral) in terms of the expressions of the human face. The existing approaches of the emotion recognition systems construction was analyzed based on human facial expressions, and focused on the advantages of using scheems based on neural networks. We proposed a method of constructing an emotion recognition system based on a neural network, which includes an optimized algorithm for generating training and test samples, as well as determining the rational number of layers of the neural network.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеApplication of Bio-inspired Algorithms to the Cryptanalysis of Asymmetric Ciphers on the Basis of Composite Number(2021) Shoshina, A. V.; Borzunov, G. I.; Ivanova, E. Y.; Борзунов, Георгий Иванович© 2021 IEEE.In some cases, the confidentiality of cryptographic algorithms used in digital communication is related to computational complexity mathematical problems, such as calculating the discrete logarithm, the knapsack problem, decomposing a composite number into prime divisors etc. This article describes the application of insolvability of factorization of a large composite number, and reviews previous work integer factorization using either the deterministic or the bio-inspired algorithms. This article focuses on the possibility of using bio-inspired methods to solve the problem of cryptanalysis of asymmetric encryption algorithms, which ones based on factorization of composite numbers. The purpose of this one is to reviewing previous work in integer factorization algorithms, developing a prototype of either the deterministic and the bio-inspired algorithm and the effectiveness of the developed algorithms and recommendations are made for future research paths.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеNew Approach in the Rainbow Tables Method for Human-Like Passwords(2020) Alpatskiy, M. A.; Borzunov, G. I.; Epishkina, A. V.; Kogos, K. G.; Борзунов, Георгий Иванович; Епишкина, Анна Васильевна; Когос, Константин Григорьевич© 2020 IEEE.This paper represents a new approach to rainbow tables, a method of password recovery that was originally developed by Martin E. Hellman and then improved by P. Oechslin, so most of its implementations use Oechslin's modification. An improvement represented in this work mostly lies in the reduction function, which uses character statistics to generate more human-like passwords. Though it generates passwords 5 to 10 times slower than reduction function, which uses direct dependency between hash bytes and the inserted characters, it significantly increases common efficiency in memory (8 to 30 times less memory needed to store these tables) and successful human-like passwords recovery probability, while these tables are generated by the same time as tables with the use of random reduction function.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеImproving the Security of the Facial Biometrics System Using the Liveness Detection Module(2020) Ivanova, E.; Borzunov, G.; Борзунов, Георгий Иванович© 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.Biometric methods are of considerable value when used alone or in combination with other identity verification technologies. Two-dimensional facial recognition approaches provide low cost and convenient recognition system due to convenience and ease of use. Rapid face image substitution is one of the main problems in 2D face area. Biometric systems can be attacked by fakes such as images of people’s faces, masks and videos that are easily accessible from social networks. The typical disadvantage of survivability detection in consumer-grade methods is a significant disadvantage and limits the value of device-built biometric authentication in smartphones and tablets. The work is devoted to the study of methods for verifying the belonging of a biometric sample to a living person. The relevance of the work is due to the expansion of the use of biometric authentication systems and the need to protect the biometric identification and authentication processes from hacking attempts using photographs or video. For the experimental evaluation of the complex application of the studied methods, a prototype of a multi-module system for testing faces using neural networks and heuristic algorithms was developed.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеOverview of Lattice-Based Methods in Cryptanalysis(2020) Kupriyashin, M. A.; Slonkina, I. S.; Borzunov, G. I.; Куприяшин, Михаил Андреевич; Борзунов, Георгий Иванович© 2020 IEEE.In this paper, we give a short introduction to the hard lattice problems and application of corresponding methods in cryptanalysis. We provide several examples of specialized lattices we may use to solve certain instances of the related tasks, such as the Knapsack Problem or the Learning with Errors Problem. In this study, we pay special attention to using lattice-based cryptanalysis with asymmetric Knapsack-based cipher systems.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеStatistical Analysis of Binary Vector Enumeration Methods in Combinatorial Optimization(2020) Kupriyashina, N. A.; Kupriyashin, M. A.; Slonkina, I. S.; Borzunov, G. I.; Куприяшин, Михаил Андреевич; Борзунов, Георгий Иванович© 2020 IEEE.In this paper, we review and analyze the efficiency of several binary vector enumeration algorithms we have been using in our work on the Knapsack Problem. As we keep in mind the possibility of massively parallel computation, we are interested in algorithms that are able to start the search from any vector (identified by ordinal number). In this case, it is possible to implement static load balancing efficiently. Apart from the actual implementation performance, we study the load balancing diagrams for each of the algorithms. We assume that every bit of the binary vector is associated with some fixed amount of work a computer must do and examine the resulting complexity of subtasks obtained by splitting the vector sequences into subsequences.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступИНТЕРАКТИВНАЯ ГЕНЕРАЦИЯ РИСУНКОВ ИЗ ГЕОМЕТРИЧЕСКИХ ПРИМИТИВОВ( Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Российский государственный университет им. А.Н. Косыгина » , 2023) Белгородский, В. С.; Шиленко, П. С.; Новикова, П. А.; Дембицкая, А. С.; Борзунов, Г. И.; Фирсов, А. В.; Рыбаулина, И. В.; Борзунов, Георгий ИвановичПрограмма предназначена для генерации геометрических примитивов по данным, введенными пользователем. Результатом программы является изображение геометрических примитивов, расположение, цвет, угол поворота которых формируется случайным образом. Программа используется при изучении дисциплин «Компьютерная обработка изображений», «Инструментальные средства визуальной коммуникации и прикладной дизайн», «Технологии обработки информации», «Методы искусственного интеллекта» по направлению подготовки 09.03.02 Информационные системы и технологии и 54.03.01 Дизайн в РГУ им. А. Н.Косыгина. Программа обеспечивает выполнение следующих функций: создание геометрических примитивов и их расположение на плоскости случайным образом; заполнение геометрических примитивов цветом из заданной палитры, случайным образом; поворот геометрического примитива на случайный угол. Тип ЭВМ: ПЭВМ, работающая под управлением операционной системы Windows. ОС: Windows 10.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеUsing statistical analysis to fine-tune the results of knapsack-based computational platform benchmarking(2019) Natalia, K.; Mikhail, K.; Georgii, B.; Куприяшин, Михаил Андреевич; Борзунов, Георгий Иванович© 2019 IEEE In previous papers, we composed an algorithmic foundation for computational platform benchmarking of well-known exact algorithms for the Knapsack Problem. We suggested using the run time of these algorithms with fixed inputs as the performance estimates. We then derived a single performance estimate, equally impacted by each of the algorithms. Although this approach makes for a reasonable general-purpose benchmark, equalizing the impact of different algorithms is not completely legitimate, as they have different processing requirements. In this paper, we perform an in-depth analysis of algorithm operational requirements and try to fine-tune the integral estimates to describe special-purpose (e.g. data compression or encipherment/decipherment) platforms more accurately.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеOn using gray codes to improve the efficiency of the parallel exhaustive search algorithm for the knapsack problem(2019) Natalia, K.; Mikhail, K.; Georgii, B.; Куприяшин, Михаил Андреевич; Борзунов, Георгий Иванович© 2019 IEEE In previous papers, we stated that splitting the lexicographic sequence into equal parts does not yield uniform workload distribution for a parallel computational system. One of the options we have considered is breaking the packing vectors space into classes based on the vectors' Hamming weight, and then split each of the classes into equal parts. In this paper, we investigate another load balancing technique based on using the Gray codes instead of the lexicographic sequence. As only one element of the packing changes on every step, we can calculate the packing weight dynamically. Thus, the time needed to weigh a packing becomes both shorter and more uniform. We study the properties of the Gray codes and analyze their impact on the algorithm run time and efficiency of parallel computation.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеAnalysis and optimization of the packing tree search algorithm for the knapsack problem(2019) Slonkina, I.; Kupriyashin, M.; Borzunov, G.; Куприяшин, Михаил Андреевич; Борзунов, Георгий Иванович© 2019 IEEE The Packing Tree Search algorithm proved to be one of the best exact algorithms for the Knapsack Problem in cryptography: while free from the memory-related limitations of the Horowitz-Sahni list merging algorithm, it still offers a significant performance boost if compared to the Exhaustive Search algorithm. The algorithm also seems to be scalable, albeit the parallel computation efficiency may be as low as 50-60%. In this paper, we consider improvements to the base algorithm to reduce its complexity. In particular, we study the dynamic packing weight calculation, the replacement of stack-based and linearization-based tree traversal techniques with faster step-based traversal routines and substitution of the original problem instance with the conjugate in case it reduces the complexity. In conclusion, we analyze the impact of these improvements on the acceleration and efficiency of parallel computation.