Яшин, Игорь Иванович

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Институт ядерной физики и технологий
Цель ИЯФиТ и стратегия развития - создание и развитие научно-образовательного центра мирового уровня в области ядерной физики и технологий, радиационного материаловедения, физики элементарных частиц, астрофизики и космофизики.
Игорь Иванович

Результаты поиска

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    The NEVOD-EAS air-shower array
    (2022) Шульженко, Иван Андреевич; Яшин, Игорь Иванович; Хохлов, Семен Сергеевич; Кокоулин, Ростислав Павлович; Громушкин, Дмитрий Михайлович; Богданов, Алексей Георгиевич; Петрухин, Анатолий Афанасьевич; Барбашина, Наталья Сергеевна; Pasyuk, N. A.; Kokoulin, R. P.; Kindin, V. V.; Khokhlov, S. S.; Gromushkin, D. M.; Bogdanov, A. G.; Barbashina, N. S.; Shutenko, V. V.; Shulzhenko, I. A.; Petrukhin, A. A.; Yashin, I. I.; Amelchakov, M. B.; Kompaniets, K. G.; Konovalova, A. Y.; Ovchinnikov, V. V.; Yurin, K. O.; Пасюк, Никита Александрович; Шутенко, Виктор Викторович; Овчинников, Вячеслав Васильевич; Коновалова, Алена Юрьевна; Компаниец, Константин Георгиевич; Киндин, Виктор Владимирович; Амельчаков, Михаил Борисович
    The Experimental complex NEVOD includes several different setups for studying various components of extensive air showers (EAS) in the energy range from 1010 to 1018eV. The NEVOD-EAS array for detection of the EAS electron–photon component began its data taking in 2018. It is a distributed system of scintillation detectors installed over an area of about 104 m2. A distinctive feature of this array is its cluster organization with different-altitude layout of the detecting elements. The main goal of the NEVOD-EAS array is to obtain an estimation of the primary particle energy for events measured by various detectors of the Experimental complex NEVOD. This paper describes the design, operation principles and data processing of the NEVOD-EAS array. The criteria for the event selection and the accuracy of the EAS parameters reconstruction obtained on the simulated events are discussed. The results of the preliminary analysis of experimental data obtained during a half-year operation are presented.
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    Intensity of muon bundles according to the NEVOD-DECOR cosmic ray experiment
    (2020) Chernov, D. V ; Kindin, V. V.; Kompaniets, K. G.; Mannocchi, G.; Trinchero, G.; Shutenko, V. V. ; Yurina, E. A.; Петрухин, Анатолий Афанасьевич; Задеба, Егор Александрович; Яшин, Игорь Иванович; Хохлов, Семен Сергеевич; Кокоулин, Ростислав Павлович; Богданов, Алексей Георгиевич; Барбашина, Наталья Сергеевна; Bogdanov, A. G.; Barbashina, N. S.; Kokoulin, R. P.; Petrukhin, A. A.; Yashin, I. I.; Zadeba, E. A.; Khokhlov, S. S.; Шутенко, Виктор Викторович; Компаниец, Константин Георгиевич; Киндин, Виктор Владимирович
    Data of NEVOD-DECOR experiment on investigations of inclined cosmic ray muon bundles for a long time period (May 2012 – May 2020) are presented. Their comparison with the results of calculations based on simulations of extensive air shower hadron and muon components is carried out. The analysis showed that the observed intensity of muon bundles at primary particle energies of about 1018 eV and higher can be compatible with the expectation only under the assumption of an extremely heavy mass composition of cosmic rays. On the contrary, measurements of the depth of the shower maximum in the atmosphere in the experiments using air fluorescence technique, favour a light mass composition of primary cosmic rays at these energies.
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    Muon excess in ultra-high energy inclined EAS according to the NEVOD-DECOR data
    (37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021) July 12th – 23rd, 2021, 2021) Kindin, V. V. ; Kompaniets, K. G.; Mannocchi, G. ; Shutenko, V. V. ; Trinchero, G. ; Yurina, E. A. ; Яшин, Игорь Иванович; Задеба, Егор Александрович; Петрухин, Анатолий Афанасьевич; Хохлов, Семен Сергеевич; Кокоулин, Ростислав Павлович; Богданов, Алексей Георгиевич; Барбашина, Наталья Сергеевна; Barbashina, N. S.; Bogdanov, A. G.; Khokhlov, S. S.; Petrukhin, A. A.; Yashin, I. I.; Zadeba, E. A.; Kokoulin, R. P.; Киндин, Виктор Владимирович; Компаниец, Константин Георгиевич; Шутенко, Виктор Викторович
    Data of the NEVOD-DECOR experiment on investigations of inclined cosmic ray muon bundles for a long time period (May 2012 – March 2021) are presented. Their comparison with the results of calculations based on simulations of EAS muon component allows one to study the behavior of the energy spectrum and mass composition of primary cosmic rays and/or to check the validity of hadron interaction models in a wide energy range from about 1016 to more than 1018 eV. The analysis showed that the observed intensity of muon bundles at primary particle energies of about 1018 eV and higher can be compatible with the expectation only under the assumption of an extremely heavy mass composition of cosmic rays. This conclusion is consistent with data of a number of other experiments investigating the muon component of air showers at ultra-high energies. On the contrary, measurements of the depth of the shower maximum in the atmosphere (Xmax) in the experiments using air fluorescence technique favor a light mass composition of primary cosmic rays at these energies. This contradiction (so-called “muon puzzle”) cannot be resolved without serious changes of the existing hadron interaction models.
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    Prospects for Solving the Muon Puzzle on the NEVOD-DECOR-TREK Complex
    (2022) Петрухин, Анатолий Афанасьевич; Шульженко, Иван Андреевич; Яшин, Игорь Иванович; Кокоулин, Ростислав Павлович; Хохлов, Семен Сергеевич; Задеба, Егор Александрович; Yashin, I.I.; Shulzhenko, I. A.; Petrukhin, A. A.; Kokoulin, R. P.; Khokhlov, S. S.; Zadeba, E. .
    The muon puzzle is an excess of muon bundles generated by primary cosmic rays (PCR) at energies above 10 eV compared to estimations that assume even a heavy composition of PCR. The appearance of such excess of muons can be caused both by cosmophysical (the change in the spectrum and composition of cosmic rays) and nuclear-physical (the changing features of the hadron interaction) reasons. To separate these two possibilities it is necessary to measure energy characteristics of muon bundles and their dependence on energy of primary particles. Today the complex NEVOD-DECOR is the only one for such type experiment conduction. To improve the conditions of this experiment a further development of the experimental complex is planned: construction of new coordinate-tracking detector TREK for increasing of the area and improving of spatial resolution of muon track detection, modernization of the Cherenkov water detector for optimization of its structure and improvement of accuracy of energy deposit of muon bundle measurement, inclusion of the installation NEVOD-EAS in the experiment for independent evaluation of primary particle energy.
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    Average Muon Energies in Inclined Bundles, According to NEVOD-DECOR Data
    (2023) Yurina, E. A.; Vorobev, V. S. ; Kindin, V. V. ; Kompaniets, K. G.; Konovalova, A. Yu. ; Mannocchi, G. ; Trinchero, G. ; Shutenko, V. V.; Богданов, Алексей Георгиевич; Кокоулин, Ростислав Павлович; Яшин, Игорь Иванович; Хохлов, Семен Сергеевич; Петрухин, Анатолий Афанасьевич; Барбашина, Наталья Сергеевна; Khokhlov, S. S.; Yashin, I. I.; Kokoulin, R. P.; Bogdanov, A. G.; Barbashina, N. S.; Petrukhin, A. A.; Киндин, Виктор Владимирович; Шутенко, Виктор Викторович; Коновалова, Алена Юрьевна; Компаниец, Константин Георгиевич
    Results are presented from measuring the energy characteristics of muon bundles in inclined extensive air showers in the NEVOD-DECOR experiment. Estimates of the average energy of muons in the bundles are obtained in the 10 to 1000 PeV range of primary particle energies and compared to values calculated under different assumptions about the composition of cosmic radiation and models of hadronic interactions. An excess of experimental values of the average muon energy relative to calculations is found for high local densities corresponding to primary particle energies above 100 PeV.
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    Status of the NEVOD–DECOR Experiment on the Study of Muon Bundles Energy Deposit
    (2021) Yurina, E. A. ; Kindin, V. V. ; Kompaniets, K. G. ; Mannocchi, G.; Trinchero, G.; Shutenko, V. V. ; Хохлов, Семен Сергеевич; Яшин, Игорь Иванович; Петрухин, Анатолий Афанасьевич; Кокоулин, Ростислав Павлович; Богданов, Алексей Георгиевич; Барбашина, Наталья Сергеевна; Yashin, I. I.; Khokhlov, S. S.; Petrukhin, A. A.; Kokoulin, R. P.; Bogdanov, A. G.; Barbashina, N. S.; Киндин, Виктор Владимирович; Компаниец, Константин Георгиевич; Шутенко, Виктор Викторович
    Allerton Press, Inc.Abstract: The existence of an excessive number of multimuon events observed in many experiments at ultrahigh EAS energies (above 1017 eV) relative to calculations cannot be explained using modern models of hadronic interactions. One way of solving the problem of muon excess is to study the energy characteristics of the EAS muon component. Results are presented from measurements of muon bundle energy characteristics over 7 years of observations. The experimental dependences are compared to results from simulation done with the CORSIKA software package.
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    Studying the Characteristics of Optical Modules in the Volume of the NEVOD Cherenkov Water Detector
    (2021) Kindin, V. V.; Kompaniets, K. G.; Shutenko, V. V. ; Петрухин, Анатолий Афанасьевич; Яшин, Игорь Иванович; Задеба, Егор Александрович; Хохлов, Семен Сергеевич; Пасюк, Никита Александрович; Компаниец, Константин Георгиевич; Киндин, Виктор Владимирович; Шутенко, Виктор Викторович; Khokhlov, S. S.; Zadeba, E. A.; Pasyuk, N. A.; Petrukhin, A. A.; Yashin, I. I.
    Allerton Press, Inc.Abstract: The possibility of measuring the characteristics of the response of optical modules of neutrino telescopes to various classes events registered in the volume of the Cherenkov water detector NEVOD is discussed. Results are presented from measuring the response of a prototype optical module with a Hamamatsu R877 photomultiplier to single muons and high-energy events.
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    Measurements of the average muon energy in inclined muon bundles in the NEVOD-DECOR experiment
    (2021) Yurina, E. A. ; Kindin, V. V. ; Kompaniets, K. G. ; Mannocchi, G.; Shutenko, V. V. ; Trinchero, G. ; Петрухин, Анатолий Афанасьевич; Яшин, Игорь Иванович; Кокоулин, Ростислав Павлович; Хохлов, Семен Сергеевич; Богданов, Алексей Георгиевич; Барбашина, Наталья Сергеевна; Barbashina, N. S.; Bogdanov, A. G.; Khokhlov, S. S.; Kokoulin, R. P.; Petrukhin, A. A.; Yashin, I. I.; Шутенко, Виктор Викторович; Компаниец, Константин Георгиевич; Киндин, Виктор Владимирович
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    A quasi-spherical optical module QSM-6M based on the Hamamatsu R877 PMT for the detection of Cherenkov radiation in water
    (2024) Amelchakov, M. B.; Bogdanov, A. G.; Gromushkin, D. M.; Dmitrieva, A. N.; Karetnikova, T. A.; Khokhlov, S. S.; Kindin, V. V.; Kokoulin, R. P.; Kompaniets, K. G.; Konovalova, A. Y.; Pasyuk, N. A.; Petrukhin, A. A.; Shulzhenko, I. A.; Shutenko, V. V.; Yashin, I. I.; Амельчаков, Михаил Борисович; Богданов, Алексей Георгиевич; Громушкин, Дмитрий Михайлович; Дмитриева, Анна Николаевна; Каретникова, Татьяна Александровна; Хохлов, Семен Сергеевич; Киндин, Виктор Владимирович; Кокоулин, Ростислав Павлович; Компаниец, Константин Георгиевич; Коновалова, Алена Юрьевна; Пасюк, Никита Александрович; Петрухин, Анатолий Афанасьевич; Шульженко, Иван Андреевич; Шутенко, Виктор Викторович; Яшин, Игорь Иванович
    In this paper, we describe the quasi-spherical optical module QSM-6M to detect Cherenkov radiation in water. The module is based on six photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) with flat photocathodes Hamamatsu R877. We discuss the results of the photomultiplier testing, as well as the choice of the high-voltage divider providing the PMT dynamic range from 1 to 105 photoelectrons. The techniques for studying QSM-6M characteristics, as well as the results of the underwater testing of the module for an 18-month period are presented. We also present the results of the analysis of the QSM-6M response to single-muon and multiparticle events detected by the installations of the Experimental Complex NEVOD.
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    Energy Spectrum of Primary Cosmic Rays, According to TUNKA-133 and TAIGA-HiSCORE EAS Cherenkov Light Data
    (2019) Prosin, V. V.; Bezyazeekov, P. A.; Boreyko, V.; Borodin, A. N.; Astapov, I. I.; Kindin, V. V.; Kokoulin, R. P.; Kompaniets, K. G.; Petrukhin, A. A.; Yashin, I. I.; Астапов, Иван Иванович; Киндин, Виктор Владимирович; Кокоулин, Ростислав Павлович; Компаниец, Константин Георгиевич; Петрухин, Анатолий Афанасьевич; Яшин, Игорь Иванович
    © 2019, Allerton Press, Inc.Abstract: The Tunka-133 Cherenkov complex for recording extensive air showers (EAS) collected data over seven winters from 2009 to 2017. The differential energy spectra of all particles was acquired in the 6 × 1015–3 × 1018 eV range of energies over 2175 h. The TAIGA-HiSCORE complex is continually being expanded and upgraded. Data acquired by 30 first-line stations over 35 days during the period 2017–2018 is analyzed in this work. As at the Tunka-133 setup, the primary particle energies above 1015 eV are measured using the density of the Cherenkov light flux at a distance of 200 m from a shower’s axis. Data on lower energies are collected by determining the energy of the light flux near a shower’s axis. This results in a spectrum of 2 × 1014–1017 eV. The combined spectrum for the two systems covers a range of 2 × 1014–2 × 1018 eV.