Персона: Лощенов, Виктор Борисович
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Fluorescence Diagnosis in Neurooncology: Retrospective Analysis of 653 Cases
2019, Goryaynov, Sergey A., Okhlopkov, Vladimir A., Golbin, Denis A., Chernyshov, Konstantin A., Loschenov, Victor B., Лощенов, Виктор Борисович
Objective: This study is to analyze fluorescence sensitivity in the diagnosis of brain and spinal cord tumors. Material and methods: The authors conducted a multicenter retrospective analysis of data on 653 cases in 641 patients: 553 of them had brain tumors and 88 spinal cord tumors. Brain tumor resection was performed in 523 patients, of whom 484 were adults and 39 children. The analyzed series was presented by 320 gliomas, 101 meningiomas, and 72 metastases. A stereotactic biopsy was performed in 20 patients and endoscopic surgery in 10 patients. In all cases, 20 mg/kg of 5-Aminolaevulinic acid was administered orally 2-h before surgery. All surgical interventions were performed with a microscope BLUE 400 to visualize fluorescence, while endoscopic surgery-with an endoscope equipped with a fluorescent module. Fluorescence spectroscopy was conducted in 20 cases of stereotactic biopsies and in 88 cases of spinal cord tumors. Results: Among adult brain tumors operated by microsurgical techniques, meningiomas showed the highest 5-ALA fluorescence sensitivity 94% (n = 95/101), brain metastases 84.7% (n = 61/72), low-grade gliomas 46.4% (n = 26/56), and high-grade gliomas 90.2% (n = 238/264). In children the highest 5-ALA visible fluorescence was observed in anaplastic astrocytomas 100% (n = 4/4) and in anaplastic ependymomas 100% (n = 4/4); in low-grade gliomas it made up 31.8% (n = 7/22). As for the spinal cord tumors in adults, the highest sensitivity was demonstrated by glioblastomas 100% (n = 4/4) and by meningiomas 100% (n = 4/4); Fluorescence was not found in gemangioblastomas (n = 0/6) and neurinomas (n = 0/4). Fluorescence intensity reached 60% (n = 6/10) in endoscopic surgery and 90% (n = 18/20) in stereotactic biopsy. Conclusion: 5-ALA fluorescence diagnosis proved to be most sensitive in surgery of HGG and meningioma (90.2 and 94.1%, respectively). Sensitivity in surgery of intracranial metastases and spinal cord tumors was slightly lower (84.7 and 63.6%, correspondingly). The lowest fluorescence sensitivity was marked in pediatric tumors and LGG (50 and 46.4%, correspondingly). Fluorescence diagnosis can also be used in transnasal endoscopic surgery of skull base tumors and in stereotactic biopsy.
Spectroscopic intraoperative diagnostics of tumors during photodynamic therapy
2024, Efendiev, K. T., Alekseeva, P. M., Shiryaev, A. A., Loschenov, V. B., Эфендиев, Канамат Темботович, Лощенов, Виктор Борисович
Evaluation of tissue blood supply during esophagectomy using fluorescent diagnostics and diffuse scattering spectroscopy in visible region
2024, Krivetskaya, A. A., Kustov, D. M., Savelieva, T. A., Loschenov, V. B., Кривецкая, Анна Александровна, Савельева, Татьяна Александровна, Лощенов, Виктор Борисович
The success of the surgical treatment of a tumor or obstruction of the esophagus with subsequent anastomosis application depends on the level of blood supply to the stitched tissues. Intraoperative assessment of blood flow is widely used in medicine and can be used as a diagnostic method that affects the outcome of surgery and reduces the frequency of postoperative complications for the patient. In this work, the assessment of blood supply during esophageal resection operations was carried out using two techniques sequentially: fluorescent diagnostics with indocyanine green and measurement of hemoglobin oxygen saturation by diffuse scattering spectroscopy in the visible wavelength range. The first method was used to assess the integrity of the vascular network structure in the area of anastomosis and blood flow through the sutured tissues, the second one – for local assessment of hemoglobin oxygen saturation in the investigated area. Conducted clinical study involved the participation of nine patients with malignant neoplasms (six cases) or esophageal obstruction (three cases). The presence of postoperative complications was compared with the measurement results. Anastomosis failure was observed in only one patient. According to the results of the study, with the use of the investigated method of assessing blood supply, there is a tendency towards a decrease in the frequency of anastomosis leaks (11.1 % compared with 21.4 %). Therefore, fluorescent diagnostics with indocyanine green and measurement of hemoglobin oxygen saturation using diffuse scattering spectroscopy were affirmed as methods that allow increasing the safety of surgical procedures by assessing the risk of postoperative complications, including anastomosis failures.
Photodynamic Therapy under Diagnostic Control of Wounds with Antibiotic-Resistant Microflora
2024, Shiryaev, A., Kalyagina, N., Ivankov, M., Efendiev, K., Loschenov, V., Калягина, Нина Анатольевна, Эфендиев, Канамат Темботович, Лощенов, Виктор Борисович
Background: Difficulties in the treatment of purulent wounds are caused by bacterial biofilms, which results in decontamination limitations. Infected wounds are not sufficiently susceptible to existing antibiotics, necessitating the search for alternative approaches to reduce the concentration of pathogenic microflora. Methods: This study describes an approach to the effective treatment of wounds by photodynamic inactivation or therapy (PDI/PDT) of antibiotic-resistant microflora under fluorescence control. For this purpose, laser and LED light (660ў??680 nm) and different groups of photosensitizers (PS) (1% solutions of methylene blue, aluminum phthalocyanine, chlorine e6 and nanocomposites containing these groups of PS) were used. The study included 90 patients with various wounds. Some patients were subjected to fluorescence diagnosis by laser spectral analysis before the PDT. Results: Positive results were achieved in 76 patients (84%, p andlt; 0.05). After the first PDT session, a decrease in the concentration of microflora was noticeable. By the third and seventh days, a significant to complete inactivation of bacteria was obtained. In all patients who were photo-diagnosed before PDT, a significant PS concentration decrease of more than 75% after PDT was obtained. Conclusion: PDT is an effective method for the inactivation of antibiotic-resistant pathogens, including in long non-healing wounds, contributing also to early tissue regeneration.
New cationic photosensitizers: Photophysical properties and results of preliminary studies of antibacterial efficacy
2019, Tiganova, I. G., Makarova, E. A., Philipova, N. I., Romanishkin, I. D., Akhlyustina, E. V., Meerovich, G. A., Loschenov, V. B., Ахлюстина, Екатерина Витальевна, Меерович, Геннадий Александрович, Лощенов, Виктор Борисович
© 2019 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Polycationic derivatives of synthetic bacteriochlorin with absorption in the near infrared range are promising for the creation of photosensitizers (PS) for antimicrobial photodynamic therapy. In the present work, the photophysical and antibacterial properties of PS based on tetracationic derivatives of synthetic bacteriochlorins: hydrophilic 3-Py 4 BC(EtBr) 4 Br4 in aqueous solution and amphiphilic 3-Py 4 BCHP 4 Br 4 in the dispersion of Kolliphor ELP were studied. Analysis of absorption and fluorescence in a wide range of concentrations has demonstrated low aggregation of the PS over the entire range. A high efficiency of photodynamic inactivation of Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and Gramnegative Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Acinetobacter baumannii bacteria was observed.
Intraoperative assessment of blood flow during esophageal resection using fluorescence diagnostics and diffuse scattering spectroscopy
2024, Krivetskaya, A. A., Kustov, D. M., Savelieva, T. A., Loschenov, V. B., Кривецкая, Анна Александровна, Савельева, Татьяна Александровна, Лощенов, Виктор Борисович
Spectroscopic Verification of Contrast Enhancement Methods in Fluorescence Diagnostics of Basal Cell Carcinoma with Scar Tissue
2024, Febenchukova, A. A., Udeneev, A. M., Kulichenko, A. M., Kalyagina, N. A., Efendiev, K. T., Loschenov, V. B., Калягина, Нина Анатольевна, Эфендиев, Канамат Темботович, Лощенов, Виктор Борисович
The engraftment dynamics evaluation of skin grafts via aluminium phthalocyanine nanoparticles using spectroscopic methods
2019, Makarov, V. I., Farrakhova, D. S., Loschenov, V. B., Лощенов, Виктор Борисович
© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The research and comparison of spectroscopic methods for assessment of skin grafts engraftment/rejection after the back cross skin transplantation of laboratory mice were carried out. The spectral analysis was performed via inflammatory reaction evaluation of the studied area. The inflammatory reaction intensity correlates with the fluorescence intensity of the aluminum phthalocyanine nanoparticles. The photodynamic therapy was carried out to improve the skin engraftment and reduce the inflammatory reaction.
Methylene blue-mediated photodynamic therapy and tissue oxygen saturation control of postoperative mammary gland scars
2024, Kustov, D. M., Alekseeva, P. M., Moskalev, A. S., Loschenov, V. B., Лощенов, Виктор Борисович
Phototheranostics in the treatment of severe dysplasia and pre-invasive cervical cancer
2024, Gilyadova, A. V., Reshetov, I. V., Ishchenko, A. A., Ishchenko, A. I., Loschenov, V. B., Лощенов, Виктор Борисович