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World skills Russia championship youth movement: Benefits of physical activity for soft-competences
(2019) Bazelyuk, V. V.; Popova, E. A.; Demin, A. A.; Letaeva, T. V.
© 2019, Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury i sporta. All rights reserved.The national championing movement World Skills Russia is on the rise across the country with more than a half of the national secondary vocational establishments reported to have joined the movement. Objective of the study was to assess benefits of physical activity for soft-competences building component of the World Skills Russia by the following steps: rate soft-competencies of the World Skills Russia competitors; find correlations of the physical activity with their competitive accomplishments; and analyze the competitors’ physical activity versus their psychophysical and cognitive functionality test rates. Sampled for the study were the Seversk Industrial College student qualifiers (n=46) for the World Skills Russia whose soft-competences were rated and analyzed versus the physical activity rates. Our analysis of the World Skills Russia competitive statistics showed that the World Skills Russia competitors need special personality qualities for success including the competitive emotional balancing qualities, competitive self-control qualities; competitive motivations; and high interference/ stress tolerance. The study demonstrated benefits of reasonable physical activity for the World Skills Russia competitors’ competences building process. The precompetitive training programs of the World Skills Russia competitors are recommended to give a special priority to physical training modules customizable to their psychophysical and cognitive functionality test rates. Core component of each physical training module shall secure the necessary physical activity for the competitive qualification and success; and optional component of the physical training module shall be individualized for the actual professional competences since the competitive procedures are professional-group-specific.
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Full-Turn Actuator with Cylindrical Wedge Mechanism
(2019) Romashin, R. V.
Features of existing designs of actuators of ball valves are considered. An essentially new type of actuator capable of rotating 360 degrees is presented. Data on the torque and specific moment of the proposed full-turn actuator are presented.
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The algorithm development for operation of a computer vision system via the OpenCV library
(2020) Sivkov, S.; Novikov, L.; Romanova, G.; Romanova, A.; Vaganov, D.; Valitov, M.; Vasiliev, S.
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.The article is devoted to the effective way of getting images from the information board of the counting register for utility metering. This method is based on the use of the open source library OpenCV. The image processing algorithm has been represented. The method of calibration of the video camera allows us to reduceerror probability in text recognition. Here are some results of the experiment.
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Economic assessment of growth factors of labour productivity at core enterprises of the defence industry: Impact on single-industry towns Экономическая оценка факторов роста производительности труда на градообразующих предприятиях ОПК: влияние на моногорода
(2020) Dubrovsky, V. Zh.; Ivanova, E. M.; Chuprakova, N. V.
© 2020 Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.The insufficient growth of labour productivity at the enterprises of the Russian defence industry compared to the world level results in the need to identify the causes of the current situation. In recent years, the military rearmament led to the use of new technologies in production, personnel reduction, and, ultimately, to the increase in labour productivity. Nevertheless, the growth of the target value due to a decrease in the number of employees has mixed effects on the development of the socio-economic environment of single-industry towns. As an information base for the study, we used the statistical data of six core enterprises of ROSATOM State Corporation for the period from 2008 to 2017. The paper relies on Russian and foreign research focused on measuring the impact of various factors on labour productivity. We applied correlation-regression analysis and index method of factor analysis. As a result, we built a multiple linear model of the dependence of labour productivity on the average headcount, capital-labour ratio of active business assets, the ratio of the active part of assets in their total value, and investments. Further, we examined the statistically significant difference of the multiple linear regression model and its parameters and confirmed the applicability of the postulated model for predicting indicators values. The index analysis of labour productivity as well as indices of capital-labour ratio and capital productivity revealed a discrepancy between the growth of an indicator and the increase in the utilisation efficiency of fixed assets in dynamics. Additionally, it indicated the need to compare labour productivity factors with performance indicators when predicting the development of enterprises. The conducted research and constructed model can be used for developing strategic plans for the defence industry enterprises, as well as for considering how the changes in labour productivity and personnel of the core enterprises of the defence industry influence the economy of single-industry towns.
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Target points for professional educational organizations development in territories with special organization of production and residence
(2020) Bazelyuk, V.; Popova, E.; Demina, N.; Demin, A.; Letaeva, T.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020.The article defines the target points for the secondary vocational education organizations, located in territories that simultaneously have the status of single-industry city, closed administrative-territorial unit and advanced development zone development (the cities of Seversk, Ozersk, Snezhinsk, Zheleznogorsk, Zarechny). Based on information and analytical materials for the training quality monitoring, vectors allowing these institutions to achieve high indicators of both The national project Education and the territorial development indicators values have been formed. The main designated target points are global trends, regional projects within the framework of Federal projects, priority economic activities in these territories, and the interests of city - forming enterprises.
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