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Quality Assessment of Online Learning in Regional Higher Education Systems
(2021) Gritsova, O. A.; Tissen, E. V.
The quality of online learning mechanisms, widely implemented due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is a significant issue for regional higher education systems. The research aims to assess student satisfaction with the quality of online education by identifying discrepancies between their requirements and the actual learning process. In order to examine the gaps between students' expectations and perceptions, a new approach was proposed based on the integrated use of Gap analysis and SERVQUAL methodology, combining qualitative and quantitative aspects. SERVQUAL questionnaires for measuring student satisfaction with online learning include the following criteria: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy. Full- and part-time undergraduates of humanitarian and socio-economic departments of two universities participated in the study. Ural Federal University bachelors, learning via Moodle and Microsoft Teams platforms, could directly communicate with their peers and professors, while students of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI were engaged in massive open online courses (MOOC). As a result, all five criteria were analysed in the proposed model for quality assessment of online learning to reveal the gaps between students' expectations and perceptions of the educational process. Significant discrepancies in the "empathy" and "responsiveness" criteria in both groups demonstrate low student satisfaction with the quality of communication and individualisation of learning. The research findings can be used to construct resource allocation models for implementing educational programmes and developing support measures for regional higher education institutions.
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Marketing assessment of the quality of higher education for sustainable development
(2021) Nosyreva, A.; Gritsova, O.; Kapustina, L.; Drevalev, A.
Education for sustainable development aims to develop skills and expertise which are required to overcome modern challenges faced by society, the challenges arising from negative consequences of scientific progress and technological development. Universities deal with the task of providing education of high quality that meets the requirements of various stakeholders, or the parties involved, and correspond to the interest of society in sustainable development. The article proposes a methodological approach to assessing the quality of education. The methodology is based on studying of the stakeholders’ satisfaction including the state authorities, employers and students. In order to conduct the study, the authors propose using the methods of gap analysis, which allow identifying discrepancies between the actual and the required conditions and the results of the education process implementation, research and development, innovations and other types of activities. This approach allows university management to identify the stakeholders, outline their requirements and expectations regarding the quality of education, as well as to explore particular mismatches, find out the reasons and develop solutions to eliminate them.
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(2022) Bozek, P.; Krenicky, T.; Stepanov, P. I.; Nikitin, Y. R.; Gupalov, B. A.; Lagutkin, S. V.
The paper describes the concept of improving the efficiency of the process of monitoring the technical condition and evaluating the service life of an asynchronous electric drive of promising trains based on the analysis of diagnostic information of various physical nature, taking into ac-count different types of diagnostic signals generated by individual drive elements and measured using vibration and current sensors. The implementation of the project provides an increase in the effectiveness of monitoring the technical condition of the electromechanical equipment of trains, allows to move from scheduled maintenance of high-speed rail transport to service according to the actual condition, to increase safety, as well as to the introduction automatic monitoring systems. Functional purpose of the system: monitoring the technical condition of electromechanical equipment and predicting the residual life of its nodes through the use of an intelligent decision-making unit based on a neural network. A scheme of hardware for data collection and analysis, an algorithm for collecting and processing data based on a registrar, and a predictive diagnostics algorithm have been developed. © 2022, MM publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.
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The use of digital technologies in agriculture in Russia
(2023) Beksultanova, A. I.; Dzhankhotova, P.M.; Nosyreva, A. N.
Production in agriculture is developing towards unmanned vehicle driving and the implementation of many other operations using digital technologies that is changing the structure of labor in the agro-industrial complex, increasing the demand for operators of certain production processes. The article presents quantitative results of the collection of agricultural products based on statistical observation data, taking into account the use of digital technologies in agriculture. The dynamics of agricultural production is shown, as well as the most promising agrotechnological solutions in the current conditions are given.
НТИ НИЯУ МИФИ расположен на территории ЗАТО, Новоуральский городской округ. Институт создан распоряжением Совета Министров СССР от 02.09.52 г. № 226/33рс как вечернее отделение № 2 Московского механического института (позднее Московского инженерно-физического института – МИФИ). В составе вуза 7 специальных и общеобразовательных кафедр, Уральский политехнический колледж (УрПК), Уральский центр подготовки кадров (УЦПК) «Прогресс». Институт ведет обучение по ряду востребованных образовательных программ высшего и среднего профессионального образования.

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