Организационное подразделение: ТФ НИЯУ МИФИ
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Staff training experience for Uzbekistan nuclear industry in Branch of MEPhI in Tashkent
(2020) Bayaskhalanov, M. V.; Maslov, Y. A.; Sanetullaev, A.; Skrytnyy, V. I.; Баясхаланов, Михаил Валерьевич; Маслов, Юрий Александрович; Санетуллаев, Алишер; Скрытный, Владимир Ильич
© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The article describes history of creation Branch of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI in Tashkent, which will provide training of highly qualified national staff for solving the most important tasks of Uzbekistan nuclear industry.
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Asymptotic normalization coefficient for C-12 + p -> N-13 from the C-12(B-10, Be-9)N-13 reaction and the C-12(p, gamma) N-13 astrophysical S factor
(2022) Artemov, S. V.; Yarmukhamedov, R.; Burtebayev, N.; Karakozov, B. K.; Igamov, S. B.; Игамов, Сайрамбай Бадамбаевич
This work is aimed at clarifying the contribution of the proton direct radiative capture to the C-12(p, gamma) N-13 reaction by specifying the value of the asymptotic normal- ization coefficient (ANC) for C-12 + p -> N-13(g.s). In order to do this, the differential cross section of the proton transfer in the C-12(B-10, Be-9) N-13 reaction at an energy of 41.3 MeV has been measured and analyzed through the modified distorted wave Born approximation (MDWBA) method taking into account the reaction channel coupling and He-3 cluster transfer contributions. The value of the ANC was derived to be 1.63 +/- 0.13 fm(-1/2), which was used in estimating the astrophysical S(E) factor and the reaction rate of the proton radiative capture by the C-12 nucleus at energies of astrophysical relevance.
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