Journal Issue: Nuclear Energy and Technology
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Nuclear Energy and Technology
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Lawson criterion for different scenarios of using D-3He fuel in fusion reactors
(2023) Godes, A. I.; Shablov, V. L.
The paper is devoted to refining the Lawson criterion for three scenarios of using D-3He fuel in fusion reactors (fully catalyzed and non-catalysed D-D cycles and a D-3He cycle with 3He self-supply). To this end, a new parameterization of the D + 3He → p + 4He fusion reaction cross-section and astrophysical factor has been developed based on the effective radius approximation (Landau-Smorodinsky-Bethe approximation), which is a model-free theoretical approach to investigating near-threshold nuclear reactions, including resonant reactions. In the framework of this approximation, experimental data from studies in the NACRE II and EXFOR libraries, believed to provide the most reliable results to date, have been described within the accuracy declared in the studies in question in the energy range of 0 to 1000 keV, and the fusion reactivity averaged over the Maxwell distribution has been calculated. The results obtained are in good agreement with the calculations based on the R-matrix theory and the NACRE II fusion reactivity data. For the fully catalyzed D-D cycle and the cycle with 3He self-supply, the Lawson criterion and the triple Lawson criterion have been calculated based on solving the equations of the stationary process kinetics in a fusion reactor for three fuel ions (D, 3He, and T) taking into account the potential for external supply of 3He and p and 4He impurity ions removed from the reaction zone. The parameters of the triple Lawson criterion found are as follows: nτT = 6.42∙1016 cm-3∙s∙keV (T = 54 keV) for the fully catalyzed D-D cycle, nτT = 1.03∙1017 cm-3∙s∙keV (T = 45 keV) for the cycle with 3He self-supply, and nτT = 4.89∙1016 cm-3∙s∙keV (T = 67 keV) for the non-catalyzed D-D cycle with equimolar D-3He fuel.
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Neutronic calculations for the VVER-1000 MOX core computational benchmark using the OpenMC code
(2023) Hossain, M. I.; Mollah, A. S.; Akter, Y.; Fardin, M. Z.
The goal of this study is to perform neutronic calculations of the VVER-1000 MOX core computational benchmarks with an OpenMC code along with ENDF/B-VII.1 nuclear data library. The results of neutronic analysis using the OpenMC Monte Carlo code for the VVER-1000 MOX core, containing 30% mixed oxide fuel with low enriched uranium fuel, are presented in this study. As per the benchmark report, all six states are considered in the present study. The keff values, assembly average fission reaction rates, and pin-by-pin fission rates were calculated as per benchmark criteria. In addition, 2D thermal and fast neutron-flux distribution were also generated. The reactivity results and neutron flux distribution were compared with other results in which benchmark analysis was performed using the same core geometry and it showed great similarity with slight deviation. This shows that the modeling of the VVER-1000 MOX core was done successfully using OpenMC. Because OpenMC was successfully used for neutronics calculation of the VVER-1000 whole core, it may be mentioned here that OpenMC code can also be utilized for neutronics and other reactor core physics analyses of the VVER-1200 reactor which is to be commissioned in Bangladesh in the upcoming year.
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Enhancing the efficiency of the MOX fuel cycle for VVER-1200 using burnable absorbers
(2023) Ozoani, J.; Volkov, Y.; Волков, Юрий Николаевич
Margin adoption in a nuclear power plant (NPP) design is a frequent approach to strengthen the design’s robustness and provide an efficient way to handle uncertainties. However, the current trend of increasing fuel enrichment, including the use of MOX fuel to achieve a higher burnup, leads to non-uniformity in the energy release (power peaking factor) at the level of the fuel rod lattice, thereby causing a great effect on the reactor margins. One of the ways to reduce the power peaking factor is the use of burnable absorbers (BAs) which helps to minimize the power peaking factor. This work aims at enhancing the efficiency of the MOX fuel cycle for VVER-1200 reactor by replacing the Gadolinium burnable absorber to Erbia burnable absorber.
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Radiation risk assessment for the population from C-14 emissions of the World’s first NPP and Smolensk NPP
(2023) Synzynys, В, I,; Phung Nguyen, T. K.; Momot, O. A.; Lavrentyeva, G. V.
The results of the internal radiation dose calculations for the population and the assessment of the radiation risk from radioactive carbon C-14 during the normal operation of the World’s First Nuclear Power Plant in Obninsk and Smolensk NPP are presented. Calculations were carried out using two methods, taking into account the inhalation and oral intake of C-14 with food into the human body. Radiation doses are 5.69·10-9 Sv/year and 5.95·10-9 Sv/year (for Obninsk NPP), 3.77·10-7 Sv/year and 3.96·10-7 Sv/year (for Smolensk NPP), which is orders of magnitude less than the established minimum significant dose (10 μSv). The assessed levels of radiation risk for the population does not exceed the risk established by NRB 99/2009 (1·10-5). It was found that the main contribution to the formation of the dose and risk of internal radiation of the population from C-14 radiation, released by the respective NPP, was the incorporation of radionuclide with locally produced food products, which is confirmed by the results of calculations using two methods, taking into account the influence of two nuclear power plants.
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Analytical dependence of burnup on enrichment of prospective fuel and parameters of reactors fuel campaign
(2023) Semenov, E. V.; Kharitonov, V. V.; Харитонов, Владимир Витальевич; Семенов, Евгений Вадимович; Факультет бизнес-информатики и управления комплексными системами
The paper is devoted to the definition of an analytical expression for estimating the burnup depth of nuclear fuel depending on its enrichment level, the periodicity of refueling, thermal stressthermal stress and the duration of the time period between refueling (reactor campaign) in a wide range of changes in key parameters for different types of thermal neutron reactors. The analytical expressions obtained in the work for the burnup depth are compared with numerous neutron physics calculations and experimental data from different authors for uranium fuel enrichment up to 9%. Calculations of the fuel share of the cost of electricity of nuclear power plants with PWR type reactors were performed and its sensitivity to changes in burnup depth and enrichment of fuel, the refueling periodicity, as well as to market prices for natural uranium, conversion, enrichment, fabrication of fuel assemblies and SNF handling were determined.