2015_Взаимодействие ионов с поверхностью (ВИП)
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Последние материалы
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступANALYSIS OF ION FLUXES IN LINEAR PLASMA DEVICES(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2015) Sorokin, I. A.; Vizgalov, I. V.; Bidlevich, O. A.; Сорокин, Иван АлександровичAnalysis of both ion mass-spectrum and plasma parameters is very important for plasma-surface interaction experiments to control discharge regime and ion composition. In linear plasma devices with a magnetic field, it is possible to apply a static mass-spectrometer using magnetic field of plasma device to ion separation with focusing at 180 or 360 degree.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступСИСТЕМА ЛАЗЕРНОЙ ОЧИСТКИ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ ЗЕРКАЛ ОПТИЧЕСКИХ ДИАГНОСТИК НА ИТЭР(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2015) Савченков, А. В.; Губский, К. Л.; Кузнецов, А. П.; Никитина, Е. И.; Тугаринов, С. Н.; Бужинский, О. И.; Кузнецов, Андрей Петрович; Губский, Константин ЛеонидовичThe development of cleaning optics and deposition-mitigating techniques is a key factor in the construction and operation of optical diagnostics in ITER. It has been shown that high initial reflection characteristics of optical elements can be recovered by choosing regimes of fiber laser radiation effect on the deposited surface. Experiments on transport of fiber laser radiation to the metal mirror by using system of lens and cleaning showed the possibility of a hardware implementation of methods applicable in the geometry of port-plug ITER.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступРЕГУЛИРОВАНИЕ ПАРАМЕТРОВ ИОННОЙ БОМБАРДИРОВКИ ДЛЯ ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ ТВЕРДОСМАЗОЧНЫХ ПОКРЫТИЙ С УЛУЧШЕННЫМИ СВОЙСТВАМИ(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2015) Романов, Р. И.; Григорьев, С. Н.; Фоминский, В. Ю.; Волосова, М. А.; Фоминский, Вячеслав Юрьевич; Романов, Роман ИвановичLow-friction WSex coatings were prepared by pulsed laser deposition using two modes, i.e., the deposition under vacuum conditions and the deposition in a buffer gas (He) at a pressure of 2–10 Pa. Gas was used to change the energetic parameters of laser-induced atomic flux and to modify thus the conditions of the coatings growth. The modification of the structure and the composition of the coatings had a significant effect on their tribological behavior.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступVAPOUR SHIELDING OF SOLID TARGETS EXPOSED TO HIGH HEAT FLUX(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2015) Pshenov, A. A.; Eksaeva, A. A.; Krasheninnikov, S. I.; Marenkov, E. D.; Маренков, Евгений ДмитриевичThe thickness of a Tungsten monoblocks composing future ITER divertor is supposed to be 8 mm only. Severe erosion caused by a high heat fluxes during transients, such as Type I ELMs and disruptions, therefore is a limiting factor to PFCs lifespan. Thermal loads over the range of Q = 0.5−2 MJ/m2 on the timescale of τ = 0.3− 0.6 ms are expected during Type I ELMs. Even larger heat fluxes, of the order of = − Q 0.5 5 MJ/m2 are expected during thermal quench stage of disruption lasting approximately τ = 1 −3 ms [1]. Under the influence of the extreme heat fluxes serious surface modification and cracking of the Tungsten monoblocks is anticipated [2]. Moreover, melting of a thin surface layer is likely. Melt motion contributes seriously to the material erosion [3]. The other sources of erosion are melt splashing, in form of a droplet ejection, and stationary evaporation [4]. These mechanics lead to a cold dense secondary plasma region formation near the irradiated surface. Intense re-radiation of the incident plasma flow energy in the secondary plasma layer results in a significant reduction of the heat flux reaching the target surface [5]. Accounting for this vapour shielding effect is essential to estimate the surface erosion properly. Predicting the divertor plates lifespan therefore requires deep understanding of all the processes mentioned and their interplay.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступINTERACTION OF LITHUM-DEUTERIUM FILMS WITH ATMOSPHERIC GASES(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2015) Popkov,A. S.; Krat, S. A.; Gasparyan, Yu. M.; Pisarev, A. A.; Гаспарян, Юрий Микаэлович; Писарев, Александр Александрович; Крат, Степан АндреевичA choice of plasma-facing materials is one of the key issues in thermonuclear fusion reactor design. Lithium as an element with the low atomic number is a promising material for plasma-facing components (PFC) in fusion installations and a number of experiments at tokamaks already demonstrated many positive effects on plasma operation [1,2]. Lithium can be used for conditioning, PFC on the base of of capillary porous system with liquid lithium are also considered. In any way, one can expect lithium co-deposition with hydrogen isotopes at the surface of PFC and at remote areas. Lithium as a good getter can accumulate high amount of hydrogen isotopes (deuterium, tritium) that can be a problem from the safety reason. Deuterium retention and thermal desorption from lithium films formed in plasma discharge were investigated in this work.