2015_Взаимодействие ионов с поверхностью (ВИП)
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Просмотр 2015_Взаимодействие ионов с поверхностью (ВИП) по Автор "Eksaeva, A. A."
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- ПубликацияОткрытый доступERO-PSI CODE FOR NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF EXPERIMENTS ON TUNGSTEN SPUTTERING IN LINEAR PLASMA DEVICE PSI-2(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2015) Eksaeva, A. A.; Marenkov, E. D.; Borodin, D.; Kirshner, A.; Laenger, M.; Kurnaev, V. A.; Kreter, A.; Маренков, Евгений ДмитриевичPlasma-wall interaction is one of the recognized issues for thermonuclear reactor performance and seems to be a key direction in fusion researches in the framework of the ITER project [1]. Tungsten (W) has been chosen as a main material for construction of ITER divertor due to its low sputtering at edge plasma temperatures, large melting temperature, and small uptake of tritium.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступVAPOUR SHIELDING OF SOLID TARGETS EXPOSED TO HIGH HEAT FLUX(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2015) Pshenov, A. A.; Eksaeva, A. A.; Krasheninnikov, S. I.; Marenkov, E. D.; Маренков, Евгений ДмитриевичThe thickness of a Tungsten monoblocks composing future ITER divertor is supposed to be 8 mm only. Severe erosion caused by a high heat fluxes during transients, such as Type I ELMs and disruptions, therefore is a limiting factor to PFCs lifespan. Thermal loads over the range of Q = 0.5−2 MJ/m2 on the timescale of τ = 0.3− 0.6 ms are expected during Type I ELMs. Even larger heat fluxes, of the order of = − Q 0.5 5 MJ/m2 are expected during thermal quench stage of disruption lasting approximately τ = 1 −3 ms [1]. Under the influence of the extreme heat fluxes serious surface modification and cracking of the Tungsten monoblocks is anticipated [2]. Moreover, melting of a thin surface layer is likely. Melt motion contributes seriously to the material erosion [3]. The other sources of erosion are melt splashing, in form of a droplet ejection, and stationary evaporation [4]. These mechanics lead to a cold dense secondary plasma region formation near the irradiated surface. Intense re-radiation of the incident plasma flow energy in the secondary plasma layer results in a significant reduction of the heat flux reaching the target surface [5]. Accounting for this vapour shielding effect is essential to estimate the surface erosion properly. Predicting the divertor plates lifespan therefore requires deep understanding of all the processes mentioned and their interplay.