Publication: Potential for L-carnitine application in sports practice
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© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.The article is devoted to investigating of the L-carnitine effects on the structural and functional characteristics of skeletal muscles and of the myocardium during an intense physical activity. The research was done in 2 stages: Experiments on animals (white laboratory mice and rats) and clinical (young athletes). The histochemical study of skeletal muscle tissue of rats has shown that after a regular swimming exercise, L-carnitine did not influence the ratio of the phenotypes muscles (m. soleus, m.plantaris) and did not promote hypertrophy in the muscle fibers of various types. L-carnitine slightly stimulates dynamic physical working capacity in experiment and clinic. The cytoprotective features of L-carnitine during an intense exercise revealed with the electron microscopic technique were confirmed by the findings of the biochemical study in clinic.
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Potential for L-carnitine application in sports practice / Balashov, V. [et al.] // Procedia Computer Science. - 2020. - 169. - P. 821-828. - 10.1016/j.procs.2020.02.157