Hereditary information processes with semantic modeling structures

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Институт интеллектуальных кибернетических систем
Цель ИИКС и стратегия развития - это подготовка кадров, способных противостоять современным угрозам и вызовам, обладающих знаниями и компетенциями в области кибернетики, информационной и финансовой безопасности для решения задач разработки базового программного обеспечения, повышения защищенности критически важных информационных систем и противодействия отмыванию денег, полученных преступным путем, и финансированию терроризма.
Выпуск журнала
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.In practice, when developing an information model, inheritance and composition mechanisms are used, which allows the model developer to extend the properties of the class. In this paper, we establish and use the difference between these two closely related representations when applied in aspect-oriented modeling. In particular, when an aspect is applied to extend the base class of the original model, the designer must choose to use composition. Depending on the composition order, indexing occurs, which can lead to the expansion of the base class by dynamic effects. With a different compositional order, a class narrowing occurs, since it becomes necessary to take into account an additional property. If you intend to define an alternative to a base class with advanced functionality, then inheritance should be used. The work demonstrates the power of the combined use of inheritance and composition, which allows us to develop an aspect-oriented modeling of a family of property transformations, in which a line of intermediate models of the working information process arises.
Ключевые слова
Kosikov, S. Hereditary information processes with semantic modeling structures / Kosikov, S., Ismailova, L., Wolfengagen, V. // Procedia Computer Science. - 2020. - 169. - P. 291-296. - 10.1016/j.procs.2020.02.181