A brief investigation of the dose field virtual simulation tools for reactor decommissioning and preliminary design for the HWRR reactor in China

Guo, Y.
Nie, P,
Li, R.
Zhang, L.
Zhang, X.
Ren, R.
Zhao, Z.
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Nuclear Energy and Technology
2024-10 - 1
The calculation and visualization of the dose field in the decommissioning of nuclear facilities is one of the important functions of the decommissioning virtual simulation system. The dose field simulation tools can provide radiation field distribution and play an important role in determining the decommissioning plan and protecting personnel during the engineering implementation process. This article investigates the development of dose field calculation and visualization in the reactor decommissioning virtual simulation systems. A preliminary technology plan suitable for the development of the decommissioning dose field calculation and visualization display programs of the first Heavy Water Research Reactor (HWRR) in China is proposed. The applicability of the selected scheme is analyzed. The functional requirement and development direction of the HWRR reactor decommissioning dose field tool are preliminarily determined. Furthermore, the reactor vessel of HWRR reactor is modeled, the dose field distribution is calculated and visualized based on the preliminary decommissioning code. This research can provide technical support for the development of the decommissioning simulation system for the first HWRR reactor in China.
Ключевые слова
Visualization , Dose field calculation , Decommissioning , HWRR reactor
Guo Y, Nie P, Li R, Zhang L, Zhang X, Ren R, Zhao Z (2024) A brief investigation of the dose field virtual simulation tools for reactor decommissioning and preliminary design for the HWRR reactor in China. Nuclear Energy and Technology 10(1): 1-14.