The analysis of RBMK neutron flux profile distortions using operational data history

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Институт интеллектуальных кибернетических систем
Цель ИИКС и стратегия развития - это подготовка кадров, способных противостоять современным угрозам и вызовам, обладающих знаниями и компетенциями в области кибернетики, информационной и финансовой безопасности для решения задач разработки базового программного обеспечения, повышения защищенности критически важных информационных систем и противодействия отмыванию денег, полученных преступным путем, и финансированию терроризма.
Выпуск журнала
© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.In this research the operational data history was analysed. The data set given represents RBMK-1000 parameters for one month of the reactor operation. Axial flux sensors data and channel power data taken from database were considered. The transients of axial and radial-azimuthal neutron flux distributions were visualized. For the flux distribution data from 72 core channels with axial flux sensors the axial offset transients were obtained. In the operational data considered xenon-induced power oscillations were revealed. Phase and amplitude transients of the oscillations were calculated. The dynamics of phase and amplitude were visualized over the reactor core cross-sections. The values of quantities were displayed with different color shades. The iodine-135 and xenon-135 concentrations recovery problem solution was considered. Formulas for concentrations recovery were derived. The recovery procedure obtained is based on Cauchy problem solution calculation process. The dependence of accuracy of the recovered transients on the amount of the available operational data was studied. The dependency graph of calculation error on the amount of operational data was plot. The recovery of xenon-135 concentration was carried out based on the operational data history of the power unit where the phenomenon of xenon-induced power oscillations was observed.
Ключевые слова
Zagrebayev, A. M. The analysis of RBMK neutron flux profile distortions using operational data history / Zagrebayev, A.M., Trifonenkov, A.V. // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - 2020. - 1689. - № 1. - 10.1088/1742-6596/1689/1/012020