Publication: International Conference for Young Scientists, Specialists, and Postgraduates on Nuclear Reactor Physics 2016 (ICNRP-2016)
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IOP Publishing Ltd
We are pleased to introduce the Proceedings of the International research conference «International Conference for young scientists, specialists and post-graduates on Nuclear Reactor Physics 2016 (ICNRP-2016)» (5-9 September 2016, Health resort «Volga», Moscow, Russia) organized by the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, with ROSATOM partnership.
Representatives of research organizations and universities from twelve countries (Russia, Germany, Norway, Finland, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Italy, Slovakia etc.), delivered their presentations on various topics. The major topics are features of fast reactors, calculation for the needs of operation and design of nuclear reactors, computational reactor tests, codes and databases. Over a hundred people from 37 organizations attended the conference. More than 93 papers were presented.
The received papers were reviewed according to the standards of the Journal of Physics: Conference Series and developed by the organizers' scientific criteria. This volume of the journal includes 65 papers devoted to various branches of nuclear reactor physics and technology.
During the conference, various sports activities were held, as well as a workshop on the problems of nuclear education in Russia. Most of the participants, according to the results of the survey were satisfied and expressed a desire to take part in the next conference in 2018.
The organizing committee is very grateful to the:
• Participants of the conference for their valuable contribution with the delivered presentations and interesting papers,
• Conference program committee chairman Strikhanov M.N., rector of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI,
• Program committee co-chairs: Caruso G., professor, Sapienza University of Rome, Hascik J., professor, Technical University of Bratislava, Janardhanan N.K., assistant professor, Jawaharlala Nehru University, Pershukov V.A., deputy director general, Rosatom, Tikhomirov G.V., dean of Physical-technical faculty, NRNU MEPhI, Tikhomirov V.V., professor, Belarusian State University,
• Competitiveness Program of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI for the financial support,
• Personnel of Journal of Physics for the support and communication.
Editor: Anton Smirnov
Co-editors: Rynat Bahdanovich, Ekaterina Proshkina
Ключевые слова
Конференции НИЯУ МИФИ , Обеспечение безопасности ядерных реакторов , Эффективность ядерных установок , Ядерный топливный цикл , Эксплуатация атомных реакторов
2017 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 781 011001