Publication: Hippocampal volume based on mri-volumetric analysis in Alzheimer disease patients
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© 2020 Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology. All rights reserved.To evaluate the volumetric characteristics of hippocampi in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) in comparison with healthy individuals using magnetic resonance morphometry. Materials and methods. 41 patient with AD, mean age 70.63 ± 8.38 years and 6 healthy individuals, comparable by age, sex and educational level were examined. All partic-ipants underwent a clinical and psychological examination. The study included patients with MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination) score from 11 to 24 points, among them 21 patients with mild dementia (MMSE> 20 points) and 20 patients with moderate dementia (MMSE <20 points). All patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging of the brain on a Siemens Skyra 3T scanner followed by calculation of hippocampal volume using the FMRIB Software Library, and created scripts using statistical data processing language R. Results. Estimation of volumetric characteristics of hippocampi in patients with AD and healthy individuals revealed a statistically significant decrease in volume of hippocampi in the group of patients with AD. When comparing volumetric characteristics of left and right hippocampi, all patients showed a slight predominance of left hippocampal volume. There was no statistically significant difference in volumetric characteristics of hippocampi in individuals with mild or moderate dementia. Conclusion. MR - morphometry is an informative diagnostic tool that in combination with clinical and psychological research, makes it possible to diagnose AD with high proba-bility.
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Hippocampal volume based on mri-volumetric analysis in Alzheimer disease patients / Yakhno, N.N. [et al.] // Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology. - 2020. - 10. - № 1. - P. 50-58. - 10.21569/2222-7415-2020-10-1-50-58