Publication: Electronics of the fission fragments spectrometer COMETA-F
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Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).The article describes the electronics for the two-arm time-of-flight fission fragment spectrometer COMETA-F. The time pick-off detector is comprised of a thin electron conversion foil, an electrostatic mirror, and two microchannel plates supplied by Baspik and mounted in a chevron configuration. The mosaics of Si PiN diodes is used to measure both energy and time-of-flight. The waveform of detected signals is digitized by V1742 modules, which sample signals through a DRS4[1] chip. The DRS4 chip is a switched capacitor array, which can sample the input signal at a frequency of 5 GHs. The start for registration is provided by a specially designed trigger module. The V945 discriminator thresholds are individually settable in a range from -1 mV to -255 mV via VME through an 8-bit DAC.
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Electronics of the fission fragments spectrometer COMETA-F / Strekalovsky, O.V. [et al.] // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. - 2019. - 2507. - P. 376-380