Mutable Applicative Model to Prevent Entanglement of Information Processes

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Институт интеллектуальных кибернетических систем
Цель ИИКС и стратегия развития - это подготовка кадров, способных противостоять современным угрозам и вызовам, обладающих знаниями и компетенциями в области кибернетики, информационной и финансовой безопасности для решения задач разработки базового программного обеспечения, повышения защищенности критически важных информационных систем и противодействия отмыванию денег, полученных преступным путем, и финансированию терроризма.
Выпуск журнала
© 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.A system for detecting and possibly preventing undesirable changes in the properties of objects within information system (IS), leading to a violation of the semantic consistency of information, unstable functioning of the IS and, ultimately, loss of its operability, is proposed. The modeling tools is a means for detecting and preventing the destruction of the semantic integrity of data/metadata objects in IS. The basis is the original computational model, which increases the sustainability of semantic nets, while giving them more opportunities to reflect the dynamics of the problem domain. This gives rise to IS with increased expressive capabilities, supporting the evolving semantic nets, integrated with the Web. Mechanisms for modeling the dynamics of concepts and the computational model contribute to overcoming the contradictions that exist for today in the application of semantic information technologies.
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Mutable Applicative Model to Prevent Entanglement of Information Processes / Kosikov, S. [et al.] // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. - 2020. - 948. - P. 589-596. - 10.1007/978-3-030-25719-4_77